What Could Be Wrong With My Eyes

Whats wrong with my eye?

It could be you need to go see the eye doctor I have the same problem but mine isn`t as bad as yours.

Whats wrong with my birds eye?

Could be an infection or a foreign body in the eye.Your birds eye will continue to get worse without a vets attention.You cannot treat your bird until you know what is wrong! For the sake of your birds eye/health,please take him to a vet or his eye may be permanently damaged...

My Bird won't open his eyes, what's wrong with him?

He could have an infection as the poster above said. It could also be a condition called "Aspergillus Sinusitis" which affects cockatiels. In short, its called A Sinus infection which is fungal.

The use of bedding on the cage floor is often adopted for esthetic reasons but can be poorly maintained and often moist due to water spillage and droppings. The most common bedding available is ground corncob. Aspergillus grows readily in this litter, and the litter itself is often seeded with aspergillus spores. 6 Poor ventilation and dusty environments can contribute to this process by contributing to conditions of airway inflammation. Other respiratory irritants such as second hand cigarette smoke, smoke from fireplaces or wood stoves, or aerosolized chemicals can contribute.

But.. im not gonna get all technical on ya about the bird. My best bet would be to take it to an Avian Vet for a checkup. I cannot see the bird, so its hard for me to diagnose anything.

Hope this helps you and good luck! =]

Help! What's wrong with my daughter's eye?

It's really bloodshot and watery. And it hurts when she blinks. And sometimes puss comes out. It wasn't like this last night, she just woke up with it like that. And a few weeks ago, both eyes were red and they both hurt but they weren't pussing. She went to bed, and when she woke up the looked normal again. What's going on?

I am seeing tints of green in my vision. What is wrong with my eyes?

You should see a qualified eye care professional for your complaint. In the US, optometrists and ophthalmologists see these kinds of issues on a daily basis.Generally, any new complaint should be viewed as a new medical problem. In your situation it is almost impossible to determine the etiology (cause) of your complaint without an examination. You might have associated complaints that if taken together, will expose the answer.Generally, changes in sight relate to some kind of change in one of the ocular tissues of the eye It could be the ocular surface tears or the cornea itself. I'm not sure of your age, but it could be the human crystalline lens. Or it could be a change in the thickness or integrity of the retina or optic nerve. There are too many improbable here.A re-ask usually means that most of the qualified professionals who see your question see that it is impossible to answer just by an online venue like this.Please remember that what I write here is not medical, legal or financial advice. Please see a qualified professional for your particular concern. This is not a solicitation.

Whats wrong with my leopard geckos eye?

my leopard gecko has to be hand fed, because i believe its depth perception is messed up. it only usually opens one eye, and the other one stays close. the bad eye looks normal itself, but there is a small dip in the actual eyelid that looks as though it could be the culprit. tell me what you know..

Eyelashes keep falling into my eye - what could be wrong?

I had this problem temporarily. I guess certain times eyelash hair falls out more often just like head hair sometimes fall out, by accident falling into your soup.
you can carry small mirror to remove eyelashes.

Can wearing the wrong axis contact lenses harm your eyes? The axis is off by 30 degrees.

The eyeglass prescription following an eye examination from your optometrist or ophthalmologist will contain a boxes abbreviated with: sph, cyl, and axis. The sph and cyl generally has a minus preceding the number (there is a plus notation that is being use less and less). The sph (spherical correction) signifies the amount of myopia (nearsightedness) or hyperopia (farsightedness). It can be thought of as the shape of a ball. The sph notation is in a decimal system similar to the US currency. The higher the value the stronger the prescription. A +/- 1.00 is weak while a +/- 8.00 is a stronger prescription.The cyl is the amount of astigmatism (astigmatic correction of the cornea - front surface of the eye) in the prescription. The analogy of the astigmatism is a lens that corrects for the long curvature in a spoon or football. The letter E on the eye chart may appear to have the horizontal bars appearing dark while the vertical bar is light when the astigmatism is not corrected. A Y or X requires that the astigmatic correction be aligned so that a letter uniformly appears the same.The alignment of the cyl axis is positioned using the principle of a protractor. That is, the axis of the cyl alignment is determined from the objective and subjective eye examination (is it better one or two?). The cyl will be aligned from zero to 180 degrees. The greater the astigmatism the more precise as well as the great the importance of the position of the axis becomes.Significant degrees of astigmatism required a precise prescription. A “sloppy” inaccurate prescription may result in blurred vision, eye fatigue, as well as a headache. There are pathological conditions, as well, including keratoconus in which the changes in the astigmatic correction are monitored closely.In summary, a good eye examination as well as an explanation from your eye doctor goes along way in helping your understand your particular eye correction.

Sometimes I can hear colors with my eyes closed, what's wrong with me?

I'm not sure what you mean by “hear colors”.There is a condition called “synesthesia “, in which people describe experiencing mixed sensory responses to sensory inputs, like “hearing” something when they see a particular color or shape, or a particular sound frequency will cause patients to see a color or colors. So, I suppose you could feel you are “hearing a sound” when you see a particular color, or “see a color” with your eyes closed when you hear a particular sound or frequency of sound. This seems to be due to much stronger connects in these patients between certain sensory areas in the brain, although physical evidence for such connections has not been proven.If you “see” the image of the light or light bulb even after its turned off, and you have closed your eyes, that is called “physiological afterimage”, which probably has to with both ‘bleaching’ and subsequent recovery time of the retinal receptor cells, and if it lasts longer (by concentrating on the image with your eyes closed for example), with parts of the visual memory system getting involved. It is quite normal, like the afterimage of a flashbulb, or stareing at fan blades for a minute, then closing your eyes and trying to still see them.Perseveration of the visual visual image, which is also called “palinopsia”, however, is usually apllied to abnormal neurological conditions, where an image which was seen earlier continues to recurr in the patient’s vision. In these cases the image seen is the distorted or displaced perception of a real, and previously seen image. There are many different types and causes of this, and the explanations are complex and not entirely understood.

Does wearing the wrong prescription make your eyes worse?

Wearing the wrong prescription of glasses does not do any damage to the eyes. Glasses are just refractive aids which will not affect the eyes in adults. In children, wearing the wrong prescription can cause Refractive Amblyopia. What is amblyopia or "lazy eye" and what are treatment options available? You can wear any prescription but you may not necessarily be comfortable in it though. The question details asks for a similar but another question altogether:After a bad Lasik experience, my eyes are at 20/80 and 20/100. Over a slow healing period throughout  the last two years, they've gone from not being able to be refracted at all to nowadays where glasses are finally effective in getting me to 20/20 20/25.A few months ago, I started wearing a pair of my friend's old glasses and my vision was great. After losing those, I went to the opthamologist and got a new prescription.I had a pair made with that new prescription, and my vision isn't nearly as good as it was using the glasses that weren't mine. I've been considering getting a new pair made with his prescription now, since I know it works. Is there any danger in wearing the wrong prescription if I see better?From the description I see that you are comfortable with your friend's glasses and that's quite possible. The new pair of glasses has a power that is probably more nearer to your refractive error than your friend's glasses.The new pair of glasses may not necessarily be wrong, it is just that your eyes need to adjust to the new power. There is usually a "breaking in" period for new glasses whenever the prescription changes ( just like shoes). The breaking in period is faster if the glsses are worn continueously. If you wear it occasionally, your eyes will need more time to adjust.I would advise you not to throw away the new glasses just yet. Give your eyes some time to adjust by wearing it most of the time you are awake. Your eyes should adjust in about a week if not earlier.Given that the refractive error is correctable up to 20/20 and  20/25 please consult with your Ophthalmologist if you are a good candidate for Top-up LASIK so that the residual refractive error can be corrected.Thanks for the A2A Sarvani Arepally