What Could This Mean For Me I Have This Swooshing Sound In My Right Ear It Almost Sound Like My

Why do I hear an ocean sound in my ear?

"Sounds" like (lol) water in the ear - that some got caught behind the ear drum... if it persists, see a physician - he may be able to treat it in the office, or he may prefer to refer you to an ear-nose-and-throat doc to treat you.Swelling / inflammation of surrounding tissues in the smooth muscles or glands near the neck may also influence your having this sound. For me, I get that when there's water in my ears and it usually goes away within a couple days.

Heard my heart pounding in my ear, is that serious?

Putting all the nonsense asside its time for you to stop drinking alcho your on BP meds for crying out loud and get flora proactive EXTRA LIGHT. Google it, its a margarine it really helps to lower cholesterol.

Id also like you to see a cardiologist. He will perform a ultrasound of your heart, I've had one done its cheap, quick and perfectly safe. That will show if there is any blockage.

Please stop eating unhealthy foods. Eat whole meal breads about 4-6 slices a day max, go out and buy some vegies, tomato, cucumber, celery, lettuce, get a juicer get apples and carrot, maybe a blender and get strawberry's and blue berries... keep your sodium low, no more then about 1500 mg a day, and have a blood test for your cholesterol once a month for the next 4 months then once every two months. Until your next blood test make sure you eat well, and see a cardiologist. No take away foods, no subway (extremely high in salt) no kfc or maccas, kebabs anything.

If you like your meat buy LEAN meat only, frozen chicken, or get fish. Pre prepared foods like supermarket chicken are also loaded with salt.

Your playing with your life here, your only 30 years old. Lucky for you that you are 30, you may actually be able to reverse allot of these things if you start now. The other prospect is serious damage or even if kept like this for a longer time... death!

Come on man...

Why do I have the sound of a tuning fork in my ear?

I have had constant problems with my ears, fluid on them since I was a child. I have had tubes put in my ears 3 times with the last surgery being in Dec 2009 along with sinus surgery on the same day. Since my surgery my left ear feels clogged and the sounds are muffled. I have alot of ringing in that ear and today I keeping the sound of a tuning fork in it. What could this mean? I have had some slight pain in this ear as well which has been present since the surgery.

Does that ringing in your ear mean your ear cells are dying?

"Ringing" in the ears is called tinnitus. It happens when delicate cells inside your ear that send sound messages to your brain are injured or over-stimulated. These cells have projections on them that look like hairs, and they are called "hair cells". The perception of sound starts when pressure waves moving through the air reach your ears. This causes your eardrums to vibrate, and these movements are transferred to the fluid in the inner ear, where the hair cells are located.
Movement of the inner ear's fluid leads to bending of the tiny hairs on the hair cells. This bending excites the hair cells, and causes them to send electrical signals to your brain through a nerve called the "auditory nerve". Your brain interprets the electrical signals from the auditory nerve as sound. The ringing sound of tinnitus is often a high squeal, like the sound of a computer monitor, but it can also be a low roar, and it can affect one or both ears. Usually your ears ring for a brief time after youve been exposed to loud noise, but for about 44 million Americans, ringing in the ears is a constant and annoying problem. It most often happens because people expose themselves to damaging levels of sound over long periods of time and dont protect their ears. You can tell a sound is too loud for safety if you have to shout to make yourself heard over it. Other causes of tinnitus can be an ear canal plugged with ear wax, abnormal blood pressure, allergies, ear infections, medications, and even specific kinds of food! If you have persistent tinnitus, you should tell your doctor about it.