What Did He Mean When He Said

What did jesus mean when he said "do this in memory of me"?

Basically, when you come to fellowship in drinking the wine it represents his blood, therefore he says do this in memory of me. So Jesus wants us to remember him and the sacrifice we take when we do things in 'memory of him'

What did Tony mean when he said that line to Ziva...?

In NCIS, the most recent one i think, where tony and ziva sneak into this place because they were on a mission or a test. And then they were in the elevator and they were like "I'm tired of pretending", and tony said something like,"It's an audience of one, and the curtain is coming down" what does that mean? Its been bugging me because i want tony and ziva together and when he said that, i knew there had to be something behind it. Well thank you so much!

When Jay-Z said he was "retiring", what did he mean?

Yeah, I know what you mean. I think it was a gimmick and a ploy just to gain attention and sell even MORE records and concert tickets then he already does! Either that, or he really did intend on retiring, but realized he just couldn't stay away from what he does best- performing and creating music. If I were him I'd be a little embaressed because his retirement was soooo hyped, and it hasn't even been that long and he's ALREADY making a new album! I think maybe the demand and love from his fans made him want to get back to the studio.

What did Thanos mean when he said to Tony, “You’re not the only one cursed with knowledge”?

“Stark”“You know me?”“I do. You’re not the only one cursed with knowledge”“My only curse is you”Though brief, this is one of the most interesting exchanges of Avengers: Infinity War.Stark’s genius level of intelligence generally is not a curse. He’s narcissistic and proud of being a genius, so I don’t think it’s a simple case of acknowledging the troubles of a high IQ. I think it’s more specific than that.As Tony said himself - Thanos is his curse.In Avengers: Age of Ultron, Tony says this:Anybody remember when I carried a nuke through a wormhole? Saved New York? Recall that?A hostile alien army came charging through a hole in space, we’re standing 300 feet below it. We’re the Avengers. We can bust arms dealers all of the live-long day but that up there - that’s the endgame. How were you guys planning on beating that?He’s cursed with knowledge because unlike others, he truly understands something is out there. He knows Earth still needs protecting, and it’s going to take everything to succeed. The fear of what looms ahead is why he can’t step away from being Iron Man, and why he suffers psychologically.Thanos is also cursed - with the knowledge of how much his crusade to balance the universe will take. And he also feels he is the only one who truly understands the necessity of his goal. He knows how much this will test him, and how much he stands to lose by pursuing it.It’s similar to Tony’s predicament - knowledge of a huge impending challenge that may cost him everything that matters.In my opinion, that is what was meant by the line.Tony’s will and determination to do what’s necessary at all costs earns him the respect of Thanos, who shares that value.“You have my respect, Stark. When I’m done half of humanity will still be alive. I hope they remember you”

What did Louis XIV mean when he said "i am the state"?

He meant that he was the absolute ruler and wanted to control the whole France without anyone's help. this meant that he needed to keep the middle and the upper class busy so the wouldn't budge into the political stuff. For the upper class he created the palace of versialles. where they stayed and basically hung out. for the middle calss aka bourgeoisie he appointed them as advisors because they would basically losten to him. they were called the estates general and he never called a meeting.

What did Obama mean when he said you can keep your current plan?

He meant you wouldnt be able to keep your plan.

Lying is a technique by which politicians further their goals

What did Thanos mean when he said that "I have ignored my destiny once. I will not do it again, even for you" when speaking to Gamora at Vormir in Avengers: Infinity War?

Thanos is a man broken by his tragic past.Long ago, there was a planet called Titan. With an advanced and prosperous civilization that had apparently achieved a measure of peace in a harsh galaxy.However this idyllic era did not last, for Titan grew overpopulated and its people soon consumed all the resources of their home world.Thanos saw the inevitable end of his people and proposed an extreme solution. Half of all of Titan’s people must die. The unfortunates marked for death would be chosen at random to keep the process fair.However his people rejected his ruthless logic and labeled him a monster for even suggesting such a thing.But what he predicted did come to pass and all of his people perished.Today Titan is nothing more than a graveyard.This is the event that broke Thanos. The last surviving Titan became the Mad Titan, convinced that the only way to save the rest of the universe from suffering a similar fate was to implement his plan… on an unimaginable scale.That is why he does what he does. He believes that it is his destiny to bring “balance” to the universe.And this time nothing will stop him. Not even the daughter he loved more than life itself.For sacrifices must be made for the greater good, lest all worlds suffer Titan’s fate.

What did John Quincy Adams mean when he said that the United States owed its existence to Madison's mind?

I'm not doing your homework for you, but I'll give you a start. Between James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams, they came up with the proper wordings for the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Madison kept detailed notes for reference of best, good, usable, and bad ideas for consideration of or not to be put in the Constitution.