What Did The Bush Administration Ever Do For America

Why did the Bush Administration lie to us about Jessica Lynch?

When hasn't it lied?

If you had to give the Bush Administration Report Card Grades, what grades would you give them?

1) Economy D- (paid for the bail out, created huge federal deficit)

2) Education C- (did not fund no child left behind, spends millions on abstinence only education after reports found it to be useless)

3) Environment B+

4) Military or Defense B- (no new terrorist attacks on american soil, huge mistake of the Iraq war)

5) Helping America's Poor and Minorities A (why should the government give money to only minorities?)

6) Tax Cuts B

7) Foreign Policy D-

8) Healthcare - unknown

9) Overall Grade C

Did the Bush administration purposefully brainwash the American public?

There is a big difference between lying and brainwashing. He lied. Repeatedly and with malice. But he didn't brainwash anyone.

What did the Bush Administration do prior to 9/11?

He was busy getting his attorney general confirmed, a man who had just lost his Senatorial reelection against a dead man.

Should the Bush Administration be prosecuted? If so, for what reasons?

One of America's strengths is its long tradition of peaceful successions.  No matter how bitter the election, the loser gives up his or her claim to office.How long would this last if incumbents voted out of office faced prosecution and, very possibly, prison?The day our country prosecutes the administration being voted out is the day that our republic is on borrowed time.  Maybe you think the Bushies deserve prosecution, but I can assure you that the current president's opponents feel just as strongly.  And whether the next president is Trump, Cruz, or Hillary Clinton, I will lay odds that the opposing party will be claiming they are acting illegally within a year or two.Such disputes are far better resolved at the polls than in criminal court.  Otherwise, it will not be long before an incumbent president responds to an electoral rejection with troops.

The Bush Administration wanted to overthrow Manuel Noriega because.....?

a. noriega was an ally of saddam hussein
b. bush said he was hitler revisited
c. panama was an easier country to invade than iraq
d. noriega's forces were attacking american troops in panama

Has America always been an evil country or is it only after the Bush administration?

It seems after the Bush era America became a worse place

Has America always been an evil country, or after the Bush era have Conservatives just been on fire and have sucked any life out of America