What Did The Native Americans Use For Shelter

How did the Native Americans survive harsh weather storms such as hurricanes, winds, tornados, thunderstorms?

Native Americans didn't tear up North America and South America like we've done over the last 520 years. They were doing very fine over hear before Columbus discovered this Hemisphere. Native Americans knew how to live off the land and rebuild whatever Mother Nature Destroyed.

What did the Native Americans do during a tornado?

I think this an interesting question. Some of the Indians living in plains would dig big pits to store root vegetables and other food stuffs, in order to keep them from scavenging animals. Since they tended to be very in tune with the weather I think they may head for these dug out structures when they saw the very serious storm approaching.

Others lived near caves and could use those for shelter during horrific storms.

I don't know this for a fact but if those who had no other shelter saw a storm like that coming they would probably find a low place and lay down in it as we are encouraged to do in these days when weather appproaches that we cannot find other shelter from.

And then some might be caught unawares and be killed by the storm. That is life on earth.

Does peta hate Native Americans for their role in using amimals for food, clothing, shelter, dress and rituals?

Yes, they're even against people keeping animals as pets! They're absolute lunatics!!!! They have NO problem euthanizing though. They're hypocrites to the millionth degree.