What Do I Feed My Chinchilla How Do I Befriend Him

How do you bond with a chinchilla?

Ah, the ultimate question. Chinchillas, the cats of the animal kingdom. Wait what …In order to bond with a chinchilla, you need to realise one thing: it's not a pet.You know the stories of cats maiming smaller animals for fun or hunting for fun or just brutally destroying stuff or attacking people for fun. Yeah, THOSE are pets. Chinchillas are half wild aninals.What do wild animals base everything on? Instinct. What's the strongest instinct for a prey animal? Safety.Chinchillas strive to feel safe. Make them feel safe and all their needs met and your task is going to be much much easier.First of all, I'd recommend to never have only one chinchilla. They need a friend, someone who will get them on a chinchilla level, someone to clean their fur, to sleep on, someone fluffy and soft to play with or attack here and there. Sorry but you're a human, you can't meet those needs. Look up introducing two chinchillas on Google, it's a long process but your chinchilla will feel safer and thus will be more open for socialising with you.Once that's done, you need to realise that you look absolutely monstrous to a chinchilla. You're huge, dangerous, loud, make noise when they sleep, sleep when they want out, maybe you want to eat them etc. You're odd and scary to chinchillas, they don't get you so they're scared of you.Make them comfy, again. Talk to them from distance. Interact with them by letting them jump on you. Never try to catch them that's how predators hunt. But give them treats (at most 3 a day) and don't move much around them at first.I started with 2 brothers and befriending them was much easier that way. One is slower and more phlegmatic but scared. The only is extremely curious and fast but hates being touched. What happened was that the curious one always made steps towards me and when the slower one noticed he was unhurt he came closer and lingered there. Them the curious one saw his brother and got even closer.They were both pushing the other to be more social with me. But it's important not to make fast movements, to let your chinchillas dictate what you do and to never push them. Let them decide when you become friends.Don't forget, from their point if view, you're a potential predator who wants to eat them. Don't make them feel scared or threatened and show them you mean no harm.

What do I feed my Chinchilla? How do I befriend him?

I never had a chinchilla before, and I bought it off another owner last Saturday. I wasn't able to buy food for two days because I live in Germany and they are closed on weekends. Specially Sundays. Anyway, I got food on Monday and I got it from the closest Germany store I could go to. It's a mix with pallets, very few peanuts, some hay, green beans, and some other seeds. I know I can't change his diet from one day to another. I didn't know until now. Now he just eats the little beans and leaves the pallets and hay. I don't want him to starve. Is there anything else I can give him? Or what should I do? I been in Germany a month and I don't know my way around. Also, the previous owner told me my chinchilla is friendly. I'm trying to get him to trust me. I know I need patience. I go to the room twice a day and I start talking sweet to him so he can recognize voice. I let him out of the cage but I keep the room closed. Before he would take food from my hand and he nibbled on my finger twice. But sometimes he runs away. He's gone to my lap twice but runs right after. What can I do so he can trust me soon. I've only had him for 5 days. From what I've heard he's 3 years if it helps.Thank you (:

Can a Chinchilla be put with a Sugar Glider?

Absolutely not. Sugar Gliders are very small compared to Chinchillas, and they can NOT be housed together. I recommend you get a separate cage for the Sugar Glider.

Chinchillas are fairly social, but it's not an absolute must to keep them in pairs. I think Charlie will be fine on his own. I'm not sure if Sugar Gliders should be kept in pairs though.

Do chinchillas and guinea pigs get along?

From everything I've read, guinea pigs are usually befriended calmly by chinchillas. It would almost be possible for the two to even live in the same cage together (HOWEVER, I do not recommend doing so, even though there would be no competition between the two and chinchillas have accepted guinea pigs as housemates, the main concern is diet - chinchilla's would get an upset stomach from eating a guinea pig's food). Anyway, I do think it's possible for your chin and guinea pig to get along, you could probably even let them out to run together. Will they become "best buds" and actually play together? That I'm not sure about, but there shouldn't be any major problems having them out together. As always, keep an eye on them during the first introduction and any time they're out together. Usually those two animals get along, but every animal has their own unique personality and temperament, so be careful if you do decide to introduce the two. Good luck!

Is my husband a pedophile?

You have all right to be concerned at this point. From my point of view I don't understand why a 38 year old man would have tailored his myspace account to only speak to one girl.... and a fake myspace account in top of that. And if he lied about his age on there he has probably lied about his age to this girl since the begining. There is no other reason.

The next question is what would a 32 year old man want with a minor? A girl who was in high school at that time? It obviously wasn't for marriage reasons. And why now, is he getting back in touch with her? Did he ever mention her to you before? How did he react when you confronted him with the age calcualtion? Did he avoid eye contact? Did he figit, turn red, scratch his face, try to guilt you or make you feel stupid you would react to something like that? If yes he might have been lying or be trying to hide something.

I can't say if his stories about his friend are a cause for concern. Perhaps you should find out if he is still friends with this person. If he is, find out which one, you don't want your nieses, nephews or future potential children around him. And if it would put your mind to ease perhaps you should do a background check on your husband and make sure he has not been charged with rape. gives you a list of all charged sexual offenders.

Now about the comment your mum and brother made. I do find it particularly disturbing they said he was staring at the young girls. However, did you mum or brother say he was jsut out of it that day? Were the girls doing something crazy to attract attention? Are there any other reason that your mum and brother would comment on this? Like do your mum not like him?

Eitherway, I would be concerned too. I wish I could say that it is all okay but I can't. I would just keep my ears and eyes open. I would also get in touch with a councellor or someone at the women's shelter. They have much knowledge about these things and can help you figure out what to do. I dunno if you would want to, but if you told the girl that your husbands real age is 38? Just be aware that if you email this girl you might be in for a nasty suprise and your husband might become very angry at you. Please talk to your mum about this too if you two are close.
Good luck.

What small pet is best for a teenager and easy to take care of?

I really want a small pet right now. So i am going to get one for my birthday maybe. Im wondering if anyone has any suggestions on what to get. I am thinking about a hamster or mouse.

What is best?:
-guinea pig

Also, i have had like 5 hamsters when i was little [not at same time] so I know how to care for them.

I would pick a mouse but i dont know.

Can anyone tell me some pros and cons of having one of these devious creatures?

What should you not feed squirrels?

You will probably see someone answering this question with “DON’T FEED THEM ANYTHING!” or some variation thereof. And while this is usually sound advice with wild animals, squirrels are a bit of an exception. They are extremely acclimated to living around humans, and their behavioral health is not detrimentally impacted from regular human interaction the way it can be for, say, bears.That said, squirrels shouldn’t be fed just anything. They love peanuts, but peanuts actually aren’t that good for them. (Despite the name, peanuts aren’t actually nuts, they are legumes, and not a natural food for tree squirrels.) Tree nuts like walnuts, almonds, and cashews are better. And NEVER feed them salted or sugared snacks. Salt especially can be very harmful to them. And sugar… well, think of it like kids: they would eat candy all day if you let them. Squirrels would do the same. And do you really want a bunch of squirrels amped up on sugar? Heh. Stick with fresh fruit and vegetables, unsalted/unseasoned raw nuts, and seeds.With a little patience it usually doesn’t take long to get them to eat right out of your hand (or even hop up onto your lap). Pick a spot near where they usually feed and sit quietly with some treats (I have found that almonds are most favored by eastern grey squirrels). Try to avoid sudden movements and sounds. Toss the treats to the squirrels in small quantities, bringing them closer to you every time. Eventually they will trust you enough to come right up to you. This works with chipmunks too. But be warned! Once they have gotten to know you they will never leave you alone!


Ferrets rarely effect humans 'allergies' if at all. In fact many people who cannot own cats or dogs (because of allergies) gravitate toward ferret ownership because of their 'hypo-allergenicness'. :)

Ferrets usually shed or 'molt' twice a year in the fall and spring. You will also have some dropping of hair in-between but it is not nearly as noticeable.

Just as a side-note: keeping your ferrets living space and bedding fresh and clean during shedding is very important. (It is really important all of the time!) This will prevent the breathing in and ingestion of hair causing blockages in your ferrets digestive tract. You can even brush your ferret just as you would a cat or dog. Keep a jar of Vaseline OR ferret laxative around to administer daily during shedding. This will also help to keep things moving along and prevent any problems with blockages.