What Do You Think About My Placement Of Venus In My Birth And Navamsha Chart

What happens if Navamsa Chart is stronger than Rashi Chart?

I will explain this with an example-Rasi chart is a 2 hour chart but it’s the minor details in a rasi chart which needs to get proper attention such as Amrit ghati, Mrityu bhag and planetary position in different nakshtras.D-9 chart is moreover a confirmation chart for D-1 -whatever is promised in D-1, It can be confirmed or denied of D-9 only, So your navansh chart is actually a magnified version of promise in D-1 chart.See the example below.Rasi ChartNavmansh Chart-D-9In D-1 Chart7th lord responsible for marriage Saturn is in 12th house with enemy Sun.7th lord is in watery sign which is not a stable sign and Saturn in house of Moon is very unstable.7th Lord is aspected by Ketu.7th house is rising in Dhanista nakshtra-Which shows marriage life will have problems.7th house has strength of less than 350 which clearly shows problem area of life.Ideally it should go around 480.Nakshtra of 7th lord is Ashlesha nakshtra which is ugra nakshtra and represents lot of planning and hidden conspiracies and shows ungrateful people.Navmasa Chart-Let us see what D-9 has to say in this6th lord of dispute is in 7th house of marriage-Mool trikon of Venus is in 6th house.Presence of Sun in 7th shows not respected by women.Saturn is aspecting 7th house.Mars although 7th lord aspecting own house but placed with Mandi.Presence of Venus in navansh of Mars is not welcome for good married life.Clearly whatever Rasi Chart has given us it is confirmed by Navansh chart so you can say Married life is spoilt.This guy was married for 1 day only in life and girl had some medical condition which was kept hidden before marriage.Girl went to court with dowry harassment case and whole objective of girl’s life is to get half property of in laws.

What planetary combination in a birth chart and Navamsa gives a marriage with a foreigner?

Before going into the planetary combination for marriage with a foreigner, let me give some background to analyze this particular scenario. In ancient days, people born, lived and died in the same place. They rarely migrate to a different place. Most people marry in close relationship and hence spouse would also be from the same location. There are very rare scenarios when someone would meet and marry a spouse from a distant place. If that happens then it would be called an unconventional marriage.Due to the industrial revolution, many started migrating to different places. For one who born in one place and studied in other city marrying a girl from different town would no more an unconventional marriage. So the astrological combination for unconventional marriage should be applied to this scenario but taking into consideration of native social background.That said, Rahu will be the main indicator for marrying a foreigner, not only because of Rahu represents foreigner but also its influence on the 7th house or the Kalatra karaka Venus would indicate unconventional marriage. Marrying foreigner would normally mean that native will settle in the foreign country after marriage, so the 12th lord and 9th lord should be connected to the 7th house or 7th lord. If in case, 4th lord is well placed but 7th lord is well connected with 3rd & 12th lord then native may not marry a foreigner but marriage may happen in a foreign country.So in summary, the influence of Rahu with 7th lord and Venus would be a primary indicator in addition affliction to the 7th house would indicate an unconventional marriage of any form including marrying a foreigner.Note: Please don’t blindly apply these rules without accessing the strength of 7th house, Venus and 2nd house.

Venus in virgo in my birth chart?

Venus Virgo don't always love marriage and preffer celibay. They can be with a partner for 15 years but never marry. Platonic attachment or clandestine unions fall under Venus / Virgo people. Usually, you are atracted to people younger than yourself. Business-wise, this is a fortunate influence especially if associated with another. On another level, it brings delay or hindrance in matters of love and marriage, or some kind of incompatibility after marriage, but this may be overcome under good influence.
The problem here is that you tend to analyze your feelings too much or analyze the partner. "Does he or she still love me? " among other questions. On the plus side, Venus virgo make very good parents.

Having said this, your Venus is retrograde in your natal chart. That would give a sense of being complete within yourself, of being autonomous and independent from the worldly design of sense, values and relationships. Often, you may have difficulty in separating your own needs from what is expected of you, so you frequently retreat, either into denial f bodily needs and viscereal demans, or into the sensual aspects of life. Either way, this position leads to a wide range of relationship or living like a monk.

Finally, a retrograde Venus is not as inclined to be out-going and gregarious. As it is more emotinoally self-contained, you are less driven to actively seek out others for friendly, intimate companionship. You are likely to withdraw from close involvement in favor of establishing relationship betweenm the various parts of yourself. While you may doubt your capacity to enjoy personal contacts with others, you tend to turn within for emotional fulfillment.

What is the meaning of Saturn in 9th house in birth chart?

I have Saturn in 9th house in my birth chart and I have read somewhere that this placement means higher education would be difficult or delayed because college or university is about the 9th house, while Saturn is about delay or difficulty. I think this is somewhat true. I have Saturn in 9th house, I dropped out of university at 19 years old, and since that I have not been studying at university even after I reached 21 years old because I still don't know what kind of institution or university I want to go to and what I want to major in until now. Is there a possibility for a person with Saturn in 9th house to enter university before the age of 25 and graduate successfully from it? Does having Saturn in 9th house cause a hindrance to higher education usually?

What happens if a Navamsa chart is weaker (3 debilitated planets) than a Rashi chart?

[1] Hello,Navamsa or D9 chart is used to find out how strong the planets are placed in the rasi chart. So, debilitation or exaltation needs to be a analysed in a constructive manner in the navamsa chart. The reason is bhava strength is determined from the rasi chart and while the strength of a planet in the rasi chart can be checked in the navamsa chart. But it is indicative of aspects which are applicable only to specific areas of life and the 9th house matters.However, a debilitated planet in navamsa does not necessarily mean that the planet is actually powerless. There are far more aspects to be considered.For eg, Mars will be in a debilitated state when it is placed in Punarvashu 4 pada. But it will have two major points by which it becomes strong even in debilitation. One is Vargottam status because Mars will be posited in Cancer sign in both rasi and navamsa. Another point is the fact that Mars is placed in Punarvashu 4 pada which is Pushkara navamsa. Mars, eventhough is debilitated can bring some positives with respect to the lordship and natural significations.Likewise, take an example of a taurus ascendant. When Venus is placed in Anuradha 2 pada. In D1, the Venus will be in 7th house. Lagna lord in Saptama Kendra is a powerful position. However, in navamsa, Venus takes residence in Virgo which is a debilitation state. However, can we really say that Venus is weak ? Certainly not. Again, Anuradha 2 is a Pushkara navamsa zone. Moreover Saturn is also the yoga Karan for taurus ascendant. Any planet placed in Saturn's nakshtra will be beneficial to the natives born in taurus rising. However either of the significations of Venus tends to suffer due to the debilitation factor but other things might flourish.Moreover, one more point is that, the position of the dispositor of a particular planet in the Navamsa is also very significant which will trigger events in a person's life in Dasa or Bhukti.Note: This answer is edited (September 17, 2018) as I realised I didn't articulate it properly and it kind of misled the readers. I thank the person who criticised despite it was very condescending (eventhough it was clear that the criticism was made without considering the entire answer). I found some sentences which could be misinterpreted. So, I took this chance to partially rewrite this answer to make it more clearer and also make my view more clearer.ThanksABFootnotes[1] THE AB VERDICT

What are the consequences of debilitated Venus in both Navamsa and Lagna chart?

We really need the whole chart to answer this accurately. When a placement in the birth chart is the same in the Navamsha, this is called vergottama. Vergottama generally strengthens the planet, and in the case of debilitation, any support is welcome. But there are many other factors that would improve this placement. If any benefic planet aspects Venus or is conjunct with Venus in Virgo, this placement now becomes Neecha Bhanga. If the native’s ascendant is in Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces, this becomes Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga, which is an auspicious placement. The aspecting of any planet, even a malefic one, will also help a debilitated Venus somewhat. So we need the entire chart so we can look at the Ascendant, where Mercury is placed (lord of Virgo where Venus is debilitated) and all of the aspects and/or conjunctions that are impacting Venus.

Is a Venus sign in Virgo in your birth chart really unlucky in love?

I have Venus in Virgo as well. I'm way to picky and I always look for reasons to reject someone. I'm always looking for logical explanation of why someone would be interested in me....

Anyway, I have turned away/reject some people I shouldn't have in the past and I regret it.

Maybe someone whose Venus is in Pisces, will be a good balance.

EDIT: I read in a book yesterday, that Venus in Virgo is DIGNIFIED by TRIPILICITY in Virgo depending on whether your Venus falls in the diurnal or nocturnal part of your chart. So if your Venus falls in houses 7-12, your venusin Virgo is considered lucky, not a fall. Houses 1-6 (still a fall).

Also, consider your planetary aspects to Venus. This makes a difference on how your Virgo Venus is expressed.

I have my navamsa chart. I need details about my spouse?

Look for the characteristics of the lord of the Navamsa where the lord of seventh at your horoscope was residing at the time of your birth. see whether it is powerful or weak (arising or descending) That shows only the inner characteristics of your spouse.

To check physical appearance see the characteristics of the lord of the house where lord of the seventh house resided at the your birth chart.

Ex: if your 7th house of your birth-chart is Pisces the lord of 7th house is Jupiter. check your navamasa and see where Jupiter is.if it is in taurus you will get an spouse with characteristics of Venus ( If you a hindu you may compare to Luxmi) But you have to check astrological position of Jupiter that day and see the status of Jupiter and Venus on that day (Ascendant or descendant) .

That is only basic information to see what you will get. Only an astrologer with good experience and knowledge will be able to see the whole picture.