What Do You Think Is The Best Surname For The Name Summer

What does the name Summer Rae mean?

It means her mother wanted to be tryndy, kre8tiv, and yoo-neek without stopping to consider how poorly the name will age.

What was cute for a child will be quite the embarrassment when she's 30 as my friend, Summer, has informed me.
She goes by S. (middle name) (surname) since so many people told her that her name made them feel they were dealing with a child.
She's in the medical/legal field and image is, quite often, more important that ability.

Summer is the name of a season, probably chosen because it's a warm, friendly time of the year and mom might be an unrepentent sunbather.
Rae is a pseudo-feminine spelling of the masculine name Ray (Raymond) which means it comes from the Germanic name Raginmund, composed of the elements ragin "advice" and mund
Rae is also a childish nn for Rachel which means "ewe".

Summer for a girl? cant think of any boys names?

How about Owen Hunter or Logan Blake?

A good last name for Summer?

Summer Wynter
Summer Wynters
Summer Woods
Summer Jaymes
Summer Jones
Summer Fields
Summer Cyrus
Summer Green
Summer Kaulitz (kaw-leets)
Summer Soleil (so-lay)
Summer Lakely
Summer Lee
Summer Patridge
Summer Pattinson

I hope I helped!


Last name for Sydney, Sasha, or Summer?

I'm writing a short story and I can't decide on a last name. I really like the names Sydney and Summer...and Sasha sounds really pretty with Lewis. Sasha Lewis.

Any thoughts?

A first name for a girl, last name Summers?

I really was thinking of Gracelyn (or Gracie for short) or Autumn but it just doesn't seem right to me.I want something that flows well. :3 any suggestions? middle names are welcome as well.