What Do You Think Of This Police Actions In Henderson Nevada News

Out of the two US presidential candidates which one do you think is worse, Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton?

Strange as it may sound, the question evokes in me a conflict between my gut and my heart. My gut reaction is the country is going into a period of anarchy where the better angels of our nature are betrayed and lost from sight. In that country, I suppose someone like Donald Trump is the better president, although I’m at a loss to say why.I don’t see Trump holding the country together, unifying or building. He seems intent on doing the exact opposite. I do see his movement as a reaction to the excesses of political correctness but for all the rhetoric, that seems trivial.Hillary I see as the president if I feel the country will last another hundred years. That there will be a United States to lead the world further in the directions of the Founders and the Age of Reason. That may sound opposite or obtuse to some who’ve internalized the rhetoric of Originalists, but I feel and think it’s accurate.The conflict between these two impressions sorrows me overall.

What are the chances of a first time felony offender going to jail?

It is going to depend on a number of things: the type of crime, the way in which the crime was committed, the circumstances of the crime, and the offender's past criminal history. Let's say you broke into someone's home and stole over $250 worth of their belongings (that makes it a felony).  If you did it because a bully said he would hurt your mother if you didn't get him the stuff is a more compelling reason than if you did it to get money to buy more video games for yourself and some good weed.  If this was your 3rd time getting caught doing this type of thing, that ups your chances at serving time.  If you broke into someone's home and found there were some kids in it with a babysitter and you terrorized everyone, that's not going to go well in court. So you see your intentions and your actions, along with your past criminal history, will be the deciding factor on whether the judge sees jail in your future.  You get points on a sentencing sheet for all these different things.  Rack up so many points and it's off to the slammer for you.   A sentence of under a year is served in the county jail.  A sentence of over a year is served in a state prison.  Generally.  Every state has their own rules, but that's the way it usually goes.  Some crimes have a jail sentence no matter what.  Gun laws in Massachusetts for example have an automatic, no getting out of it, jail sentence if the crime was committed with a gun. First time offenders that committed a non violent crime and have no past criminal history will most likely get a suspended sentence, probation and fines.  Suspended means you don't have to serve the jail time as long as you do your probation and pay the fines.  If you screw up, you will be put in jail to serve the original sentence.

Are death certificates public record?

Yes, death certificates are used for public records. A death certificate is equally Important as birth and marriage certificate. Death certificates are really helpful for public record as a country can analyze the population of that particular country. Total Population of a country can be determined through birth and death certificate.In order to keep the record of a death certificate in the USA, one can contact vital records online. They have a secure system software which can help us to keep our all vital documents safe. You just have to register with vital records and the rest of the process is done by their professionals. They serve in more than fifty states in the USA.

What happened to the parachutist that stopped the Holyfield vs Bowes title fight?

Spinrad ~
The James Miller aka "The Fan Man" committed suicide in Alaska by hanging himself September 22 2002. He was sick and burdened with medical bills.

He was fined $200 for the parachute incident and charged with "Dangerous Flying" he pleaded "No Contest" and put "Court Supervision" for 1 year.

Thanks for the question Spinrad.