What Does A Bat And Deer Represent In Asian Mythology

What are the formal names for mythical creatures: winged tiger and winged lion?

Winged cats are a common motif in several mythologies, but most simply do not assign names to them. Usually, winged cats also have some extra set of features, like a human face, horns, etc.Lammasu (Assyrian mythology). A protective deity, Lammasu were also called by the name of Shedu. They were depicted as a winged lion, most of the times with a human face. Sometimes they were also depicted as winged bulls. They were placed at the entrance of a building in order to protect it as sentinels.Sphinx (Egyptian, Greek and Asian mythologies). Sphinxes were creatures that had the body of a lion, the face of a human and sometimes, the wings of a bird. Some were benevolent protectors of tombs and palaces, others were malevolent riddlers, intent on toying with their human prey. There were many variant sphinxes in ancient culture. The androsphinx had the head of a man, the gynosphinx had the head and the upper body of a woman, the criosphinx had the head of a goat and the hieracosphinx had the head of a hawk.Manticore (Persian mythology). The manticore is a creature that’s depicted as a lion with a human-like face, the stinger of a scorpion for a tail and with bat-like wings. However, this is mostly a modern take on the creature, since in myth the beast was wingless. The manticore is almost always depicted as having a face of an old man, and sometimes having a spiked tail, like a scorpion and being able to throw its spike at its prey.The only winged tiger that I am aware of is the one depicted in the picture above. This nameless creature was associated with Dionysus, the god of wine of Greek mythology.

What are the myths or superstitions associated with a bird flying into a house?

It means that it was searching for a place to rest, however found out that your house was not the safest place hence headed out…