What Does A Torn Ligament In The Ankle Feel Like And Is There Discoloration

What does a torn ligament in ankle look/feel like?

A complete tear og one or more ligaments hurts like nothing else. I've broken several bones during my time, but the worst pain and injury is definately the torn ligaments. When I broke my ankle I was able to walk a bit. When I tore the ligaments, I couldn't move an inch. My head went all blank and I puked all over. I had to crawl on my knees like a baby, up the stairs (I twisted the ankle two floors down) to my own appartment. My friend carried me to her car and I got a wheelchair at the hospital. Afterwards I wasn't allowed to walk for a week - no problem. Couldn't walk at all. My ankle and foot was very swollen and purple and it stayed like that for weeks. I needed surgery and now 7 years later, I need another surgery. Have been in pain on/off during all 7 years and my ankle still swells. And I did everything the doctors told me. It just is a really bad injury. I hope you'll go free :-)

Skin discoloration after ankle sprain?

I sprained my ankle 2 days ago. I went to doctor and didn't need crutches or anything. Just had to do "R.I.C.E", which I did. It's a grade 1 sprain so I can walk on it. My ankle was really swollen but after 2 days, it probably reduced to half the swollen size but now a 3'' x 1'' dark purple spot.
Big Question: I'm wondering if it's normal to have skin discoloration after an ankle sprain or just after swelling and how long would it take to go away.

Sprained my ankle, heard a pop-- torn ligaments or fracture??

I was playing with my son at the park and hopped down off a low playscape structure after him. When I landed, my left ankle turned hard and I heard a pop. I immediately felt pain and semi-nausea. I sat down and put my foot up for a few minutes and did not notice any swelling. Ankle was only slightly tender to the touch, otherwise did not seem injured. Got up and walked around fine. Went home and rested, elevated foot, ice on it (didn't know about the 20 on, 20 off...I had ice on for probably 2 hours...oh well) Now ankle is swollen and puffy, feels as though fluid is under the skin around the area. No bruising or discoloration, but ankle hurts much more to stand/walk on. I am going to go get an x-ray tomorrow morning, but in the meantime, is there anything else I can do? Also, from anyone's experience, is this simply an overstretched or overextended ligament, a torn ligament, or a fracture?? How long will it take to heal? Any advice or shared experience would be appreciated! Thanks.

Yellow bruise on sprained ankle?

Last Thursday I sprained my ankle tumbling at gymnastics camp. At first, it was swollen in one area, then the swelling went all around my foot. Now, the swelling has reduced mostly, there is a purple and blue line across the lower side of my foot, and all around my ankle there is a huge yellow bruise. It was never darker than that, but it's yellow around the entire ankle and most of it doesn't hurt - only the ligament that was either pulled or torn. I haven't seen a doctor yet - so i'm just wondering
-Supposedly bruises turn dark, and gradually lighten - making them yellow, but the yellow area was never dark
Any suggestions? Thanks=]

Is it normal to have a sprained ankle with no swelling?

Depends on the “Grade” of the sprain. It’s certainly possible with grade 1. Grade 2/3 are less likely, due to the extent of the injury.It could also be a bad ‘bone bruise’ which will hurt quite a bit, for quite a while. (a bone bruise is when you hit a bone hard enough for fluid to build up within it. It’ll feel like a bad bruise without any skin discoloration)