What Does An Elephant Eat And Drink

What does elephant meat taste like?

Kinda like Wooly Mammoth but less gamey

What do elephants eat?

Elephants are herbivores, and they feed entirely on plant matter. Their diet is at least 50% grasses, supplemented with leaves, bamboo, twigs, bark, roots, and small amounts of fruits, seeds and flowers. Because elephants only digest 40% of what they eat, they have to make up for their digestive system's lack of efficiency in volume. An adult elephant can consume 300–600 lb of food a day. Sixty percent of that food leaves the elephant's body undigested

How much does an elephant eat in a day?

To answer this question, I will let a more highly qualified source (an online elephant encyclopedia) speak in my place:Elephants in the wild consumes grass, leaves and such, with a high  percentage of water, and may eat up to 300 kgs/day. In captivity they  eat about 30 kg hay, 10 kg carrots or similar, and 5-10 kg of bread.  Some zoos give a "breakfast" of different grains, about 3-10 kg. Also  vitamin's, (especially A and D) minerals, (salt, calcium) and trace  elements (such as Selenium) are often added. Depending on the  temperature, they drink from 100 to 300 liters/day. Above 250 liters a  day indicates something is wrong. Elephants suffering from TBC may drink  upto 600 liters. Source: How much do elephants eat and drink?

Why Do Elephants Not Eat Potatoes?

Because they're not Irish.......-:)

Do elephants eat cheese?

only bega tasty chedder cheese

Do Elephants Eat Cheese? If so, what kind?

I have no idea but it's EVIL,when they cut the cheese that's for damn sure!

How do elephants eat peanuts ?

Me and my friends are eating shelled peanuts atm, we were wondering how do elephants open and eat peanuts ( the shelled ones) we are finding it difficult and time consuming( as we are trying to study for the HSC next week) how do they do it with their trunks also is that their nose thankyou

What plants do elephants eat in the wild?

Elephant are grazers as well as browsers - they eat from the ground - grasses, hay, twigs and the like, and browsers - leaves off trees, fruit, branches, vegetables. They eat according to their size so African elephant eat more than Indian, but still have to consume an awful lot to support their weight. And drink a lot too!!In Africa, they are known to have got tipsy eating marula tree fruit. The fruit can be fermented after laying on the ground for a couple of days!! Marula fruit is used to make Amarula liqueur, very popular here.