What Does Cgp Grey Use To Edit His Vdeos

Advice on how to make my YouTube Videos better?

You've put a lot of effort and time into your vids! I reckon you'll be really successful if you keep at it.
Things to keep up:
- the theme of your vids. They're great!
- the 'trailer' vid. It really helps new people understand your channel with a short vid.
- you put definitely a LOT of vids up all the time!

Things to improve (I'm assuming you want this to be longer than the 'things to keep up' list?)
- Make your videos shorter and snappier. Like really really snappy. If you see how fast the vlogbrothers talk and vsauce'll get an idea of that. Nigahiga always cuts out just half a second of silence between each clip. Cut out redundant sentences. In your channel trailer. Just start off with:
Hi I'm Steven! I rap, sing, give you info on trending stuff etc.
- improve your lighting in your videos. They all seem to be quite dark. A proper lighting will add an overall impression.
- Most YouTube videos are watched by preteens and teens who are bored. The first 5 seconds of your video will determine whether they'll click another video or watch it. There are other promising youtubers too.
- watch internet icon. If you haven't, you'll see that they'll pick up on things they want the contestant youtubers want to improve. internet icon season 1 episode 1
- "make videos people want to watch" -CGPGrey wait for a good idea, then make it. Don't make a video because of your strict video timetable.
- also as Robert said, make tags that people will actually search for. Make them one word and extremely general. More people will stumble accross your channel

Good luck with your channel! (I'm the new subscriber if you're wondering)