What Does Comment Mean In This Sentence

What does sans mean in this sentence?

They are referring to how tired they are from accounting in the real world, outside of a class, and they are saying it doesn't get better out of the class.

What Does Commentary Sentence Mean?

• Concrete detail (CD) means evidence, support, facts, and examples.
• Commentary (CM) means analysis and interpretation.

In its most basic sense, a commentary simply makes comments on a text. In the best commentaries, these comments are not random or impressionistic statements that
may or may not have a legitimate connection with the meaning of the text at hand.
Rather,they focus on the text, and on making the text’s meaning more clear

Basically it's an insight, analysis or opinion of yours (that is, something that you thought of) that relates the concrete detail back to the topic sentence. It connects your facts and/or shows insight.

What does but mean in the sentence ?

But is a conjunction. A conjunction is a word used to link or connect other words.basically, your friend is saying they are the same, but there is something differrnt.

Example sentences: I like oranges, but my mom thinks they are too sweet.

The bus was late, but we still got to work on time.

And i dont know what you mean by fix your question. Which one?

What does "on me" mean in this sentence?

The phrase "on me" is intended to indicate that the speaker is the (possible) recipient of the consequences of the "screw-up.""To screw up on somebody" means "to make that person the one who suffers from the screw-up." So it would be possible to say: "I screwed up on my teammates" [= My teammates suffered because of my screw-up] or "She screwed up badly on her children" [= Her children suffered badly because of her screw-up]—and things along those lines.The phrase is used with a number of verbs. Here are some examples:My car/computer/hair dryer conked out on me.The campfire fizzled out on us after a couple of hours.I hope the battery doesn't die on me in the middle of my presentation.

What does SUAVE mean in this sentence?

What does SUAVE mean in this sentence? Does it carry a sarcastic tone?-"Contrary to what your SUAVE TOEFL iBT instructor would have you believe, a test-taker's writing score is rarely propotional to the number of pompous, awe-inspiring words he/she can flaunt. More often than not, a deliberate overdose of such words simpl ruins the vibe of reading a TOEFL essay." I know SUAVE basically mean: graceful, but it doesn't seem to carry this meaning here. Thanks for your explanation.

What does topic sentence mean?

The topic sentence is the main sentence of a paragraph, which describes its content and direction. It details the main controlling idea of the paragraph. It also sets the tone for the organization of the supporting sentences that further explain the concept established by the topic sentence.

Example:"I had a beautiful organic garden last summer. First, I composted all of the leaves, plants and food wastes over the previous winter. By springtime, I mixed the compost into the soil, and then planted my favorite vegetables. My family enjoyed picking the crop of our efforts."

The Topic sentence is :"I had a beautiful organic garden last summer." Or You could say " I had a great Summer Vacation" this would be your topic sentence followed by what you did and what made it so great!

What does this sentence really mean?

As worded, the sentence is ambiguous. It could mean that that prolactin levels in the blood get higher the closer you get to the end of pregnancy. Or it could mean that sometime near the end of pregnancy, the levels rise. In either meaning, it means that you will have higher prolactin levels late in pregnancy than at the beginning.

What does this sentence mean: "He has been unfair to me"?

“He has been unfair to me” indicate that he was unfair to you across some unspecified period of time in the (recent or distant) past, and leaves unanswered the question of whether he is still being unfair to you.“He is unfair to me” means that in the extended continuing present he is continually or habitually being unfair to you. It is an oddity in the way English grammar is spoken about that this is called the “present tense,” even though it is not used to describe what is happening in the immediate present.For the immediate present we use the “present progressive” (“present continuous”) (See Present continuous - Wikipedia):To describe something which is happening at the exact moment of speech:The boy is crying.To describe an action that is taking place now but not at the exact moment of speech:He is working in Dubai.To describe an event planned in the future:I'm resitting my French exam on Tuesday.With always but meaning often (used to emphasize the frequency of an action in a humorous or hyperbolic way):My mother is always making me go to school!She is always playing with that doll!To describe an action that is taking place now and is subject to interruption:Ellen cannot come to the phone since she is sleeping.So to say that he is being unfair to you at the very moment you are speaking, you would not say, “He is unfair to me,” but “He is being unfair to me.”

What does dictate mean in this sentence?

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You are given three choices to respond to the book review. You can draw a picture, write a synopsis, or verbalize. In other words, dictate means to talk, and it could mean an oral speech, if this is a classroom assignment, where you can tell the class about the book as opposed to writing a review with or without illustrations.

What do dots after a sentence mean?

Although ellipses are often used by people to indicate a trailing off of thoughts in informal writing, the correct use of ellipses is to indicate that something is missing.Use of ellipses is the correct way to indicate omitted words if you want to include only part of a long quotation.For example, the original quotation might read:“Learning Curve, a recording of which airs tonight on ABC TV in Queensland and on ABC News 24 nationally, featured some of the best education minds in the state, facing question from an audience of concerned parents, teachers and experts.”You may wish to leave out some of the material that is irrelevant to your readers, and you show the omitted words with ellipses:“Learning Curve … featured some of the best education minds in the state, facing question from an audience of concerned parents, teachers and experts.”For more information:Ellipses | Punctuation Rules