What Does It Mean If You Can Remember Every Detail In A Dream /could It Be That It Actually


It started about when I was 8 years old and now I'm 26. I can vividly remember every single dream that Ive ever had and i mean EVERY dream. I can think of them with such rich detail and so fast. It's like if you took a phone book and thumbed through it within 20 or 30 seconds. (pretending that each page is one dream). It's very strange but very cool. If I sit, close my eyes and start to think about all my dreams, its like a flip book of dreams. Sometimes it sends me into a state of ecstasy and it feels like a brain orgasm.Any ideas of why I can do this?

Why do I suddenly remember my dreams now?

Well, as far as the dream recall goes, for a lot of people it comes and goes in cycles, I know in my own experience, I have had active cycles and down cycles, I am currently coming into a more active cycle lately. You're 19, are you in college? A change from your usual schedule affects the dreaming process as well, if you have changed from a high school schedule to a college schedule or work schedule, that may have something to do with it. I have seen several posts on here along the way by young people your age who are keeping long hours at school or work (or both) and they are getting their sleep whenever they can manage to, and often napping to get enough sleep, and they seem to be recalling more dreams as they are waking up more often after the rem cycle to get wherever they need to go. Several of these posts have also mentioned confusion between waking and sleeping, so if this is the issue, then do whatever you can to try and maintain a regular waking / sleeping schedule, and that may help you alot. As for the women women women dreams? Well, you mention at the heart of it all, even though you're apparently popular with the ladies, you really only want to find the right one, maybe there is something you are trying to work out in this recurring dream theme, and maybe that is why you're remembering it, because there is something the dreams are trying to tell you... first you're running away, then later they're running away, then you're going for it, then they're going for it, there seems to be some indecision here... a mall represents "choices", maybe you are still working out what you want where women women women are concerned, after all, you *are* only 19 :) Good luck....

What does this dream mean?

My first reaction to this is that there might be stress and fighting and disagreements going on in your family. As another poster said, dream interpretation is iffy. I don't know you, your age, your background, your culture, your personal history, likes, dislikes, etc. So take what I say with a grain of salt and maybe some of this will be on the mark.

The two story house may represent the brain and the body, or a higher plane of life (thinking, dreaming, being our best) versus a lower plane of life (acting without thinking, not planning ahead, being impulsive, etc.). Eating dinner together is a communal activity that establishes you as a part of a family/community.

It's intriguing to me that you have a father and son arguing upstairs. This could symbolize your older/wiser self arguing with your younger/immature self over a decision, behavior or choice. Suddenly there is a little girl. I have to wonder if you represent the son/younger man in this, then maybe this little girl represents your feminine side?

I'm not sure what dropping through the roof and going somewhere else means, but when the boy commits arson (!) and murders his father (!!) there is some serious anger and aggression going on here. Suddenly another female figure appears as if out of nowhere, this time a mother. If she batters down a closed, locked door, maybe this is your intuition telling you to listen, don't close off your gut feelings, dig down and get to the truth of the matter.

Your dream ends with you inside eating breakfast. Is everyone there including the man, the woman and the little girl? This would indicate to me that you are aiming for integrating all these various parts of yourself, that you'd like them all to sit down together at table and behave for once and eat together like civilized people, dammit! ;)

I'd have to ask you what unresolved questions or problems you have in your life right now. Are these family problems or are they work-related or about other people, or various parts of yourself that you don't quite know how to fit together? Good luck with this; it's got a lot of rich Jungian and Freudian imagery to work with.

Cheers, K

Do you often remember your dreams?

I do but if I begin to forget details then it seems I have no memory except for a feeling. At times the visuals are fairly lucid and I can remember detail. What are you recollections of your dreams and are the nightmares?