What Does It Mean To Have A Random Feather Fall From Nowhere

What does it mean when you wake up with scratches you don't recall having?

Hello. There is two types spirits or demon, succubus and incubus that comes to make love to people at nights or rape. One takes the form of a male and the other takes the form of a female.A succubus is A demon that takes the form of a woman in order to have intercourse with a man in his dreams.Incubus is a demon is the opposite that takes the form of man in order to have sex with a woman in her dreams.And they normally leaves scratches all over your to let you know they were there with You, at that time you don't feel it until you to shower to bath and then you feel your skin begins to burn.

What does it mean to have a random feather fall from nowhere?

I was standing outside and a little feather came from nowhere, it just drifted down onto my foot.
My mom thinks it could be my little baby Charlie, my Pomeranian who passed away recently. I've been grieving over him, and my mom says sometimes loved ones will send down feathers as a message that they are there. Does it really have any specific reason? Was it just a bird flying over who dropped their feather? What do you think?

We found a baby bird, the mother is nowhere in sight and we can't find the nest. What do we do?

If you care, leave it alone. If you have pets, make sure they stay inside.

Baby birds fledge (leave the nest) before they can fly. As long as they have some feathers, it is perfectly normal that they are on the ground. The parents are nearby, whether you can see them or not. They are gathering food and will tend to the baby until it is weaned and flying.

The worst thing that you can do is interfere with this very normal process.

If you have to move a baby bird, because you're mowing the lawn, or it's in a dangerous spot - you can pick it up and move it a very short distance. Except for a few, most birds have little sense of smell. Touching a baby will not make the parents reject it. The birds will locate the baby by sight and sound.

If you find a nestling, with only down feathers, and no regular feathers it must be returned to the nest, if possible. If not it should be taken to a local wildlife rehabber for care until it can be released.

If it is a nestling, or is injured please use this link to locate a rehabber:

What do feathers represent?

I found this article and I would like to quote it, for being such a simple, clear and transparent explanation:Symbolic Meanings of FeathersSymbol meaning of feathers deal with ascension and spiritual evolution to a higher plane. Feathers were worn by Native American Chiefs to symbolize their communication with Spirit, and to express their celestial wisdom. Also in the Native American Indian culture, feathers represented the power of the thunder gods, along with the power of air and wind.Native American Pueblo Indians would pay homage to the Feathered Sun which is a symbol of the cosmos and the center of existence. Another symbol meaning of feathers also revolves around prayer, and the Pueblo use feather sticks as they dance in prayer for rain during solstice rituals.As a Celtic symbol meaning, the feather was worn by Druids in the form of ornate feathered robes. Celtic Druids donned these robes in ceremonies to invoke the sky gods and gain knowledge of the celestial realm. It was believed that the feathered cloak along with the presence of the sky gods would allow the Druid to transcend the earthly plane and enter the ethereal realm.The Egyptians believed that feathers were symbolic of sky gods too. Ma'at, the Egyptian goddess of justice, would weigh the hearts of the newly dead in the underworld against the weight of a feather to determine the worthiness of his or her soul.In Christianity feathers represented virtues. In fact, an image of three feathers were made into signet rings - each feather symbolizing Charity, hope, and faith. These rings were worn as a symbol of a virtuous soul - they were also used as wax seals. The ring would be dipped in warm wax then pressed against documents to seal the closure. The recipient would know the documents came from a virtuous man by the indication of the three-feather symbol in the wax.A quick summary on symbol meaning of feathers include...Symbolism of FeathersTruthSpeedLightnessFlightAscensionIn dreams feathers meanings point to travel or the ability to move more freely in life. White feathers in dreams indicate innocence or a fresh start in a spiritual sense. (…)[1] [2] [3]Footnotes[1] Symbol Meaning of Feathers[2] Meaningful Feather Tattoo Ideas[3] Angel Feathers. What Is The Meaning of Finding Feathers?

Random scratches on my body?

Hello, to me is sounds like this article I found:

I am really puzzled by this strange problem I am having.

Superficial scratches are randomly appearing on my body, usually on my abdomen or chest (front-side).

These scratches are almost always about two-three inches long and there are usually two or three of them separated by about an inch. They are always roughly parallel to one another. They are exactly as if a cat has scratched me (I have no pets). Since the scratches are quite superficial, they tend to heal quickly within two or three days.

I don't have fingernails to speak of, and I don't sleep with feather pillows or comforters/duvets, so there's no way they can show up in my sleep.

My number-one worry is that these scratches could be related to an internal affliction - even though they're rather superficial, is there any chance they could be indicative of a more serious illness?

I've tried searching around on the Internet, but everything I find suggests supernatural causes, which I DEFINITELY don't buy into.

Any help/advice is much appreciated.

ANSWER: You are suffering from a condition called Dermographism.

'Patients with simple dermographism are asymptomatic and require no therapy. Recognition of the problem, avoidance of precipitating physical stimuli, reduction of stress and anxiety are important factors in medical care. Also, scratching because of dry skin can be reduced with good skin care and emollients. H1 antihistamines are the drugs of choice.'

You could read about the condition at the following links -


Apply calamine lotion at the site of the lesions and see if it helps. You could take some oral antihistamine medications like cetrizine or loratadine. You need to maintain a good personal hygiene .

Anti-itch drugs, often antihistamine, may reduce the itch during a flare up of eczema, and the reduced scratching in turn reduces damage and irritation to the skin.

You should read this and let us know if you need any further information.


What is the meaning of paranormal knock on walls?

There are three reasons why something might be knocking on walls (or anything, really):To get your attentionTo startle youTo get a reactionEither way, they are trying to interact with you, which I would suggest you do NOT do. Once you start interacting or trying to open a communication with them they gain interest and can focus on you in the worse possible ways.When my little brother was fifteen he had knocking above his bed a few nights a week at the same time for about two months. The knocks were always in sets of threes. One night he knocked back, thinking it was rats…no response. He had horrible nightmares that night. The next night at the same time, while on his laptop, he blacked out and woke up the next afternoon in a tent in the backyard he didn’t remember putting up, tucked into a neatly made bed on the floor he didn’t remember making, with his laptop sitting directly under where the knocking had been and room oddly rearranged.We hung a big gold crucifix on the spot where the knocking had been. It’s been two years and he hasn’t heard another knock since.

Feathers Keep Appearing?


Last year when I turned sixteen I found a big white feather (very soft and fluffy) on my dresser. I didn't think too much of it, though I did wonder how it got there. I put it in a ziplock bag, not sure whether to keep it or throw it out, and left it at that.

About a week later I was cleaning my room and underneath my bed among some magazines I found another feather, same as the first one. This seemed a little weird to me, but I just put it in the bag with the other one and finished cleaning.

About a month passed probably before I went and stayed the night at my grandmother's. I got very upset while I was over there because she said some ugly things to me. I went outside to cool off (it was dark) and sat on the back steps. I wanted to cry, and I started to a little bit. After a few seconds, though, I felt something on the back of my head. I started hitting it, thinking it was a bug, and it turned out to be ANOTHER white feather, just like the other two.

Since then I often randomly find these feathers placed somewhere in my room. Desk, bed ect. Sometimes I'm just out walking and one will fall down in front of me. The weirdest time I found a feather was when I was taking a bath. It was on top of the water. At first I thought maybe someone was pranking me (like my older brother) or that somehow a bird had gotten in my room. There's no way to explain all of these feathers, though. I'll be turning seventeen in six days, and since New Year's I've been finding a feather every day in a new spot. I found one on my iPad about thirty minutes ago, which has prompted me to ask this question:

Have you ever heard old something like this before? What do you think is going on? I'd love some opinions. I told my mom about it but she thinks it's just a bird. Yeah, a psycho-pigeon has been stalking me, mom. Of course. Maybe I'll ask him if he'd like to follow me on Twitter instead of just dropping feathers in strange places.