What Does It Mean When Bobby Shmurda Says A-a

Do other minorities and immigrants look down on black Americans and why?

Absolutely! I have seen in my life that the most openly unabashed anti-black racists here in Texas are often not whom one would expect.  They are generally Hispanic, specifically of Mexican descent.  Next would be Indian immigrants, followed by some Middle Eastern folks.  It actually makes sense.  What you have to understand is that Southern racism is a part of the old southern patriarchy. It all comes down to whom the old white men accepted into society.  If you were black, you ain't getting in. Other groups, due to much less interaction and history in the south, could sometimes make it on their merits, and the fact that phenotypically they were closer in appearance helped A LOT! So, fast forward to subsequent times after Jim Crow.  Blacks were still at the bottom of the barrel.  So, if you were a non-black person of color who wanted the best life possible are you going to band together with downtrodden blacks or get as close to the whites as possible? You know the answer.  That is why many "brown" people look down upon "black" people simply because they feel it places them distinctly above the "bottom"; it places them closer to whites.  They can crack black jokes with the white folks, if you will.  The same people that only want to marry their own group will have no problem with thei daughters marrying white men. You know why.  That is an automatic socioeconomic benefit.  Marrying us is a detriment.   If you want to find "brown" folks that feel a kinship to blacks, find Browns from the rural Midwest.  There, they were the bottom and were treated as such.  Those that lived through that aren't so quick to love white people, they often prefer black friends and partners.  You can find it in some southern towns where all minorities experienced the same discrimination. But generally, in the US, if the person is brown, has assimilated, and has mostly white friends, they really dislikeblack people, at least in public.