What Does It Mean When You Hear Voices Inside Your Head

What does it mean if I hear voices, but only when it's quiet?

Hi there. :) I’m glad you reached out. I hear voices too. I’ve studied a lot about this, but please understand I’m not a professional. I can only answer this based upon my own experiences and studies.From what I’ve read there are two types of voices. One is sort of like a subtle chatter in the background. That’s the type I hear most often. Sometimes it sounds as though they’re speaking in different languages, like Russian or Japanese. Sometimes I hear old men, like they’re talking over a chessboard or something. Or sometimes I’ll hear ladies shopping. It doesn’t really bother me, and they certainly don’t seem to be aware of me. When I went on meds that stopped the voices, I discovered I felt lonely without them.The other type of voice is called a “Command Voice”, I believe. That’s a much clearer voice, and seems specifically directed at you. I am very empathic. I used to hear my mother calling me so often that I’d go downstairs when I was a kid to tell her to quit thinking of me - I needed to sleep! She’d always be startled by that, then confess that yes, she had been thinking of me. That happened until I was in my 30’s. The other type of command voice is that of a stranger. Out of the blue you just hear a random phrase or someone telling you to do something. I heard that once - it said “Children are a nuisance and you should be rid of them.” Which was really weird because I don’t have kids, no one I knew had kids, and no one who lived near us had kids either! I still don’t have a clue what it meant. Maybe it was a wrong number?ANYWAY…Hearing voices can be a symptom of a few different conditions. I think it would be a good idea to have a conversation about it. If you can, pick someone you trust who won’t freak out. Someone who’s a good listener and won’t judge you. It doesn’t have to be a family member unless you think they’re the best choice. You could also talk to a favorite teacher, a guidance counselor, a religious figure like a priest, someone at a hospital or someone like a cop. The important thing is that you find someone who will remember this is about YOU, and what you need, not someone who will flip out and make it all about them - make sense?I think reaching out here is a great first step! I wish you the best.

What dose it mean when you hear voices in your head?

well those voices you're hearing in your head, they're called "thinking"
this might be new to you, but when you "think" you hear voices of what you're "thinking"

i'm just kidding, this is probablly just influenced by what people have said to you, what you have seen, music, or anything of that sort.

What does this mean when i hear a voices in my head?

I agree, I think it's a demon and you may be possessed or on the verge of it. I don't think it's an effect of your depression, though it may be the cause of it.

I hear voices.... what does this mean?

Actually most people don't hear their own voice inside their head! Do you mean that you really "hear" it or more thought it? Usually hearing voices is considered a hallucination as a sign of mental illness but now we've discovered that 4% of the population hear voices but only 1% of the population are mentally ill.

If they are inside your head I'd wonder about DID dissociative identity disorder. Did you have any childhood abuse? Do you have gaps in your memory?

If you hear them externally through your ears these audible hallucinations are more a schizophrenic, bipolar or depressive psychosis symptom.

The rest of your question sounds a bit paranoid, watching you etc and that fits with paranoid schizophrenia. However you sound quite logical and clear and not desperate or terrified.

How do they manage to persuade you to do things? Talk you into it, threaten you, or make your body do what they want? Do you hear 2 or more of them discussing you? Do they comment on everything you do? Can you have a conversation with them? Do they make you feel guilty or that you are a bad person? These answers would be good to make a more definite appraisal of the situation. If they feel able to take things out of your head do they also insert things into it?

Who or what do you think they are? Have they told you or can you ask them? If this is ongoing please see a doctor to get a referral to a psychiatrist for assessment there is no desperate rush if this is not upsetting or terrifiying you.

Good luck

What does it mean if you hear your crush's voice in your head?

hearing them - clearly you like them and they are constantly in your thoughts

I hear voices in my head....?

You should arrange an appointment with your gp, just explain everything that you have says on here. There is nothing for you to be frightened of, you just need to share this with someone who has had success in treating people with your issues, and believe me, there are lots of people with your issues out there, Im one of them!

Your doctor will ask you a few questions like - when did it start? how do you feel when you cut? Is there anyone you have confided in? Just answer him honestly. He might suggest some counselling sessions, these are really great. It lets you talk things out with someone who doesn't know you and wont judge you. He/she might even suggest involving your parents, you can decide to a certain extent how much you want them involved. Some people like to involve them in everything, others in everything except for the counselling sessions. Again there is no right or wrong answer.

Good luck xx

What does it mean to hear voices? Schizophrenia?

If you can hear voices inside your brain, you are possible harassing by new "voice to skull"technologies.
Mind Reading, mind control technologies had been well developed
More information about Mind Reading technologies
More information about Mind Control technologies

any other unacknowledged or as yet undeveloped means inflicting death or injury on, or damaging or destroying, a person (or the biological life, bodily health, mental health, or physical and economic well-being of a person) through the use of land-based, sea-based, or space-based systems using radiation, electromagnetic, psychotronic, sonic, laser, or other energies directed at individual persons or targeted populations or the purpose of information war, mood management, or mind control of such persons or populations.

How common is hearing voices in your head?

At my job 3 of the 4 people who I work with claim that they hear voices in their heads. I only have Self / Inner dialogue but they claim the voices the hear are not them and are often tell them to do things or make comments that they would not normally do. How common is this, are they almost schizophrenia or something. Man, im crazy enough with hearing "others" in my head.