What Does The Kaomoji

Japanese "kaomoji" where can i find?

There are many of them like the below.

But there are few of them in English.

Where can i find Kao moji?

[edit] 2channel style
The Japanese language is usually encoded using double-byte character codes. As a result there is a bigger variety of characters that can be used in emoticons, many of which cannot be reproduced in ASCII.

Most kaomoji contain Cyrillic and other foreign letters to create even more complicated expressions analogous to ASCII art's level of complexity.

To type such emoticons, the input editor that is used to type Japanese on a user's system is equipped with a dictionary of emoticons, after which the user simply types the Japanese word (or something close to it) that represents the desired emoticon to convert the input into such complicated emoticons. Such expressions are known as Shift JIS art.

Users of 2channel in particular have developed a wide variety of unique emoticons using obscure characters. Some have taken on a life of their own and become characters in their own right, like Mona.

What does >_< mean?


What does ありがとうございます(●´ェ`●) mean?

It says "Arigatou gozaimasu (●´ェ`●)," which means "Thank you (very much)."

(●´ェ`●) is one of the Japanese emoticons. This one may show appreciation. Even though I'm a native Japanese speaker, I'm not completely sure about this because I rarely use Japanese emoticons. I often use (Western (?)) smileys because they are easier to make than Japanese emoticons.
Cf. Japanese emoticons are called "kaomoji (顔文字 (kao mo ji))" in Japanese.

Hope this helps! :)

What does Q~Q Mean?

It's a kaomoji, or for those who aren't good with internet-speak, it's an emoticon read horizontally (as in ;-; or >u<) rather than vertically ( :) or :P). Look at it as a face. The circular parts of the Q's are eyes, and the tails are tears. The tilde is meant to be a sort of mouth, and as it's not a firm mouth, symbolized by a dash, it's meant to be more unstable or shaky, particularly emotionally speaking, than a dash.The most probable meaning behind this, then, is looking emotionally unstable and beginning to tear up. A vertical emoticon equivalent for this would be :'(

What does ¯\_(ツ) _/¯ mean?

U know most japanese people idolise the kawaii concept (kawai = cute) and so they developed their own emojis called kamoji.¯\_(ツ)_/¯ this is just one of the kamoji which depicts “shrugging”.Kaomoji: Japanese Emoticons U can basically check this site out for a bunch of these or for any kind of info u want on these.

What does >_< mean?

You have a kaomoji (literally “face-symbol”) there, meaning it belongs to a specific subgroup of smilies/emoji that originated in Japan.This particular facial expression usually gets associated with the Japanese soundword unyuu. It is quite common in the anime and manga subculture of Japan and has, over time, spread into “normal” communication from there. By now, you can even find some western people using it - usually those who have some sort of link to Japanese popculture.Sakura Miku plushie, in her so-called “unyuu version”.As for what it means, it’s… complicated.On a basic level, it is meant to convey an emotion of unspecified but “cute” distress. The details of which are rather open though, meaning it can be interpreted in a wide range of ways, both positive and negative.Interestingly, one could say that it is a direct sibling to the way more common ^_^; kaomoji. That one is intended to convey mild distress and shame, and basically means something like “so sorry, but I have a different opinion than you here” or “sorry, I couldn’t do it”. In other words, that one usually contains a mild undercurrent of refusal.The >_< on the other hand signals that I am aware that I (or you!) are doing something inappropriate. But I just don’t care, regardless. As such, it most commonly contains an undercurrent of grudging but present understanding/approval. As in the sentence “oh, screw it all: yes!”.Both ^_^; and >_< intend to emphasize the connection between the writer and the reader, aiming to soften the overall message and incite a feeling of understanding or familarity in the other.Over the years, I have seen the >_< expression used for things like:Woooow, this tastes waaay too good! I’m gonna get fat!Ooo, this occasion is soooo tempting…Sorryyyyyyy!I can’t help iiiit, please don’t hate me!Damn, you saw right through me! (I dont mind because we’re friends, though)Gosh that must have been bad. Yea, you screwed up - but I’m with you!Guilty as charged.etc.As you can see, there is no exact meaning. You can basically read a lot of things into it. Which, unsurprisingly, is exactly why these two (^_^;/>_<) have become so popular.Simply put, you can use it as a near-universal softener - or as a reply that shows you have read and understood the last message/chatline, and you “feel with him (or know that he feels with you)”. Either way, the reader of the kaomoji can still largely interpret it the way he wants to.

What does this face mean? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ?

Here s an example. EXAMPLE : I m coming for that booty ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). That s how you use that face ;-;

What does the emoticon "^_^" mean?

﷽What does the emoticon "^_^" mean?According to a Wikipedia article it means joyful.I use it even in the place of a side-way simple smiley/happy face → :-) ← because it’s an upright emoticon and can easily be understood at first sight without tilting the head to the left.& is it an Asian thing?Well, it’s an upright style of emoticons called kaomoji (kao=face, moji=character/s) which arose on ASCII NET of Japan in 1986but it’s not necessarily an “asian thing” since Asia isn’t all about Japan nor it’s supposed to be only Japan.Emoticon - Wikipedia^_^