What Episode Of Buffy The Vampire Slayer Does Willow Turn Evil

What episode of Buffy The Vampire Slayer does Willow turn evil?

That was an intense episode! Villains, season 6, episode 20. She turns to the dark magics to get revenge on Warren.

At the end of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer series, does Willow become a goddess or a deity of some sort?

No, she doesn't become a god. What happened was that usually when she dug deep into her powers they turned her semi-evil, her eyes would turn dark, her hair would darken...and then there was that whole veiny thing that happened at then end of season 6. But in the finale when she needed to use all of her power everything turned white, which just signigied that all her power came from a good place, when in the past, it hadcome from the dark side of her.

In buffy the vampire slayer when does willow turn gay?

Willow starts turning gay immediately in the first episode Tara is in, "Hush", tenth episode, fourth season. From Tara's Wikipedia page:

"Tara is introduced in the fourth season episode "Hush" as a college student who attends a Wicca meeting where Willow Rosenberg (Alyson Hannigan) goes to find some like-minded people. Tara is hesitant to speak out during the meeting and has a pronounced stammer that returns throughout the series when she is upset. She notices Willow suggest discussing spellcasting, but both are drowned out by the rest of the group. Tara was created to be a friend with whom Willow could learn magic and develop her skills intended to appear for only a couple episodes. However, the actors had such chemistry that the relationship was written to be more intimate. In "Hush", Tara and Willow join hands to move a heavy object telekinetically. After it was completed and edited, Whedon and the producers found it a very sensual scene. Network executives also noticed the chemistry. After some discussion Whedon informed Benson and Hannigan that the characters would become lovers"

"Who Are You", sixteenth episode, same season, is the first one where it is referenced:

"Faith (in Buffy's body) becomes the first person to recognize Willow and Tara's romantic relationship when she comments that Willow "isn't driving stick anymore." She is the only character to recognize it without being told. Tara herself references it when she states that she is Willow's.

This episode also contains the first explicit references stating that Tara and Willow are having a romantic relationship (previously all that had been given were "hints").


Tara and Willow's spell to find Buffy in the nether realm is used as a metaphor for their first sexual experience."

On buffy what all episodes do willows eyes turn black?

Its not just the last 3 eps of season 6 theres a couple of times in season 7 she goes black eyed like get it done and show time and bring on the night when the first invaded her. And also in after life her eyes a black when she does a spell to make a demon solid and i think the very first time was in tough love when she battled glory. Thats all i can think without watching all the episodes again starting from season 4.
So in order
Season 5 tough love
Season 6 after life, villains, two to go and grave
season 7 Bring on the night, show time, get it done
But if you mean the black eyed baddie willow its villains, two to go, and Grave
end of days they are normal but her hair is white
and her eyes go black with fire red in them at the end of seeing red hense the name
She also goes black eyed sometimes in the comics but not gona say to much big spoiler
Also i forgot Wrecked Season 6 when Willow goes to Rack to get high off magic

Who does Buffy the Vampire Slayer end up with?


. ' ' <<< tried to make a'lil Vampire

.O.K......THIS IS What REALLY Happened !!.....

In Th e End.. Willow turns ALL the "Potential Slayers" into "Actual Slayers", using a Scythe. (sorta axe) It was forged by a sort of spirits of the passed Slayers.

All of them, including Faith & Buffy & Spike, go down into the Hell Mouth, to fight an Army of Uber Vamps. Many of the "NEW Slayers, die. Buffy gets Very Hurt (sliced across the tummy) & Spike, who's wearing an Amulet given to Buffy by Angel, ends up wiping all of the Uber Vamps out w/ the Magic of the Amulet & he burns all up. BUT Buffy tells him she loves him 1st!

Up above, in the school (cu'z the Hell Mouth is under the school) Xander & Dawn --Anya & Andrew--Giles & Principal Wood are fighting the Vamps that make it upstairs. Anya is Killed, cu'z she saves Andrew. All the rest make it to the Bus where Willow is waiting (I guess cu'z after she does the magic, you don't see her till then.)

They have to speed away in the Bus cu'z Sunnydale is falling into a Giant like pit or crater. Then the Welcome to Sunnydale sign falls in at the very edge of town. Oh, but Buffy has to run for her life to catch the bus & she makes it!

You are left with the thought that Willow ends up w/Kennedy--Faith w/ Pricipal Wood maybe give it a go!--AND The rest with no one but each other. Buffy wants to bu shoes, and Xander is worried about the Starbucks that got all sucked up in the pit.

Later as the Angel series goes on..Spike re-appears there as a ghost, but is made whole again later & he and Harmony hook-up once, and they make refferance to Buffy being in France and/or Italy (Europe)

------------------------THE END-------------------------


Just like the 1st Buffy movie, I don't count the comics, & I'm guessing you were only talking about the T.V. show.

Hope you like my answer.!!!

Take Care Fellow Buffy Lover !!!

__________ ~_~.


Willow Rosenberg from Buffy the Vampire Slayer...?

OMG I thought Willow and Oz were so perfect, and I was devastated when he left BUT she was also so perfect with Tara. (I guess it just shows how great the writing was on that show!)

Xander was a childhood crush, but really they had both grown out of each other before they ended highschool! I kind of think of Oz as her teenage true love, but Tara as her adult true love. When Oz comes back she has a real nostalgia for him, but she has moved on in her life to another point. I actually really respect the writers for not turning the lesbian thing into a 'phase' and diminishing its importance. I think ultimately Willow is gay and having her "turn" back to guys would be a bit of a cop-out!

Three way would have been a bad idea - cheapened the whole true love thing!

Which is the episode in which Buffy says to Riley "not all vampires are evil"?

New Moon Rising.RILEY: Look, I only said what I said because I'm concerned. I don't want her to get hurt.BUFFY: I know. But you sounded like Mr. Initiative. "Demons bad. People good."RILEY: Something wrong with that theorem?BUFFY: Well, yeah. There's degrees of ...RILEY: Evil.BUFFY: It's different with different demons.