What Gender Are Blue And Magenta

Is blue a girl and is magenta a boy?

ok, so the other day I heard that blue from blue's clues was a girl. I didn't believe it at first because i thought "him" and magenta were dating. Then today, I Magenta was a boy. But i thought magenta was a girl! so can someone help me figure this out!!

What gender is blue from blues clues?

It's a girl. The voice is Traci Johnson, and on the official website, they refer to Blue as a "she". I looked this up and Magenta is a girl also. I have also looked that up. I hope this helps.

What gender is Blue from Blues clues?

I believe Blue is a girl.

"Blue is a puppy who puts her pawprints on three clues. Steve has to deduce the clues (with the help of off-screen children) to figure out what Blue wants to do." - imdb

Wat gender is blue from blues clues?

I think you placed this question in the wrong section! This is for 'Blues' under music. You should probably ahve used tv or something.

Is Blue(blue dog) from Blue's Clues a boy or a girl? Is Magenta (pink dog) from Blue's Clues a boy or a girl?

Blue is a girl and Magenta is a boy. The reason for that is because Nick Jr. wanted to fight stereotypes with colors and genders. They wanted to convince kids that girls can like blue and that boys can like pink, and show that the statement ''girls aren't allowed to like blue and boys aren't allowed to like pink'' isn't true.

Wat gender is blue from blues clues?

Blue and Magenta are both female.

Whats the gender of Blue from blues clues?

Blue is female. And oddly enough, Magenta is her male friend.