What Hnis Your Favourite Comic Book

Who is your favourite animated or comic-book feline?


Who are your favorite comic book artists? Why?

Here are my personal top pics. These are artists I admire and follow to improve my own talents. These artists are picked on the basis of my own personal preference for realism in comic book art....Here we go....ALEX ROSSWhat can you say about this guy? He is the master of verisimilitude in comic books. If there's one guy who can draw anything, it is Alex Ross. Apart from being exceptional at drawing life-like characters on pages, he gives them life by painting his work himself with traditional water colors. When you look at his work, you will think he just photographed people dressed as superheroes and put them together as comic book panels.Notable works: Kingdom Come (1996), The World's Greatest Superheroes (2005), Marvels miniseries (1994)​​2. Neal AdamsIf not for Neal Adams, we might never have had realism in comic books in the first place. Neal Adams simply changed the entire landscape of comic book art in the late 60s, which was a time of simplistic artwork where editors encouraged imitation of an accepted art style in order to avoid making the same character look different in the hands of different artists. Neal Adams was the pioneer of the now common 'Dynamic Realism' style of comic book art. His style had a unique blend of beautiful traditionalism and superheroic dynamism.Notable works: Green Lantern/Green Arrow: Hard Traveling Heroes (1970-73); Joker's Five Way Revenge (1973); Batman: Odyssey (2010)​​​​3. JIM LEEJim Lee is the probably the biggest superstar when it comes to comic book art. He is almost as popular as the characters he draws. In the same way that people who don't read comic books still recognize and know a good deal about Superman, Jim Lee seems to be that one artist who is well recognized outside of comic books. His achievements are of colossal proportions. His art style is just breathtaking. The attention to detail he puts into each panel is mesmerizing. A legend by all means.Notable works: Superman: For Tomorrow (2004-05); Batman: Hush (2002-03); Uncanny X-Men (1991-92); WildC.A.T.s (1992-93); Justice League (2011-12)​​​​​

Who is your favorite comic book villain?

Thanks for A2A.My favourite villain, in Western Comics Multiverse(DC+Marvel) is Thanos the Mad Titan.Thanos is the example for any creature's capability to achieve anything he/she/it wants with determination and skill.He was the ugly duckling from birth, his mother wanted to kill him when he was born. Still he survived.He was follower of Nihilism and gave everything to this cause.He is also an example of highest level of dedication for love and what one can achieve if fueled by passion of power ( contrary to common believe that love makes one weak).He dared to fall in love of a cosmic entity whom every mortal feared. With the power of infinty gauntlet he could rule entire cosmos. Instead he obliterated life in half of the cosmos just to impress her.Instead of being a mortal he never feared to challenge cosmic beings.Adam Warlock, in Infinity Gauntlet, revealed that Thanos has always allowed himself to be defeated because the Titan secretly knows he is not worthy of ultimate power.Thanos is not a villain, he is epitome of ambition, pursuit of dream, dedication, passion for love and courage to deny the border between possible and impossible!In manga, I just love Donquixote Donflamingo. The sheer awesomeness, and evil charisma; I have not observed similar to him in any other comics or Manga! Just can't stop loving him even after knowing how ruthless and evil he is.

Describe your favourite book - Can it be a comic book?

Probably not the best idea... :D
Try a novel...

Who is your favourite comic-book character and why?

Mine has always been Batman.
Because he's completly Human. No superpowers, just the force of will of one man bent on vengeance.

What is your favourite comic book and graphic novel art style?

I don’t really have a favorite style. I like whatever style that looks good to me. I like the work of artists as disparate as Jack Kirby and Alan Davis.(a2a)