What Iphone App Can Make My Picture Black And White But Leave My Lips Red

Why do some people have red eyes in pictures and some do not?

Eyes look red in flash photography due to the rich blood supply of the choroid, a layer of connective tissue at the back of the eye that nourishes the retina and gives it its normal red color.The appearance of red eyes in pictures, known as the "red-eye effect," occurs when a camera captures light reflecting from the retina at the back of your subject's eye when a flash is used at night and in dim lighting.What Happen is that in low ambient light, pupils enlarge to allow more light to enter the eye. When light from the flash enters your eyes, the pupils do not have enough time to constrict. Therefore, the amount of light entering your eyes reflects off the red blood vessels of the choroid, a layer of connective tissue at the back of the eye. When the flash of a camera lights up the blood-rich retina, it results in the red-eye effect.The more distance between the lens and the flash, the less likely you will have red eyes in pictures.Make sure your subjects aren't drunk!Red eye happens more often when you're intoxicated, because your pupils don't close fast enough and let in too much light.Reflection intensity varies from one person to another, depending on the size of the pupils and the age and eye color of an individual. People with light skin and blue or green eyes tend to have less melanin and may get red eyes in photos more often.The glowing-eye effect appears in the eyes of nocturnal animals that have a tissue layer called Tapetum Lucidum. This tissue layer helps animals see better in the dark by acting as a retroreflector, taking reflected light and reflecting it directly back along the original path. Awww…

Are there any photo editors that creates freckles on your photo?

So I don't know any site, I'm sorry but I just wanted to say that I love freckles too! It would make my life if I had them! I think they are so dang cute and pretty. But I don't want like a whole face and body with them....
So anyways I'm going to follow this question cuz I want to know :)
sorry for wasting your time lol

How can I become a handsome and attractive man?

I used to look like this back in 2014.Fat and ugly.I look like this now! Handsome and attractive!Here's what I did to achieve not only good looks but also attention from the girls.Water :Drink LOTS of water .I personally drink 5– 6 entire bottles of water in a day ,2 while working out alone.Water keeps you hydrated and ensures that toxins are thrown out of your body.Skin Care : I started taking care of my skin.I use a scrub every 3 days and moisturise daily.I also use a skin cleansing brush once a week. Glowing skin is a plus ,always.Lips and teeth: I use VLCC lip balm everyday.I brush twice a day.Bright pink luscious lips are always a turn on for a girl.Workout: I lost 30 kilos and became muscular.You read that right.This is the main thing that transformed me,rest were just add ons. Muscles indicate masculinity and trust me the girls cant resist staring at a sculpted pair of pecs.Haircare: I started following trendy hairstyles —the undercut,pompadour ,quiff etc.I also started using serums and argan oil to keep them shining.They work wonders.Eat Healthy: You are what you eat.Eat clean stay lean steal the queen \U0001f4aa.Confidence And Personality: All of the above is rubbish if you dont have a personality.Girls like dominant rebellious guys who are confident about thenselves.A little humour will take you places.In the end I realised a true woman will go beyond the riums of physical appearance and love you.Treat her right,respect her for who she is and be a true gentleman .Thats all you truly need.All the best,Chickmags!Edit 1: Sorry i forgot to mention electrolytes and multivatimins.They work wonders.Edit 2: Thank you for the views and upvotes! I'll keep writing!