What Is A Taurus Girl With Libra Rising Like

Taurus girls or Libra girls?

Libra girls
I think that Taurus girls have quite a lot of temper tantrums. Stubborn as a bull. Librans are more go with the flow. I personally don't like people without backbones, but in this situation I'm gonna have to go with whoever's less intimidating

Libra Rising girls............................

hmm.. sometimes yes. They really do stare, or maybe I just think they stare.. Im not sure..

Taurus with Libra rising sign/ Leo moon sign?

A full chart reading gives the most accurate depiction, but i can give you a little bit with that.

Libra rising are attractive and charming. Libra is about harmony and balance, so they handle new situations with care. You gravitate to change well and relationships are a big part of your identity.

A taurus sun works cohesively with libra rising because they are both ruled by venus (knowing your venus sign would tell you a lot about your personality.) Taurus sun's like romance, and like to please themselves. Senses are important. You are a sensual person and you like things that touch, taste, look good to you.

Your sun is in your 8th house which means that you spend a lot of your energy dealing with the occult. the 8th house also represents sex and other peoples finances so those things might become and important part of your life.

Moon in leo makes you have even more exquisite taste than the libra asc or taurus moon. You like to have nice things. You have strong emotions and are open about them. You crave attention and are probably an excellent story teller. Your moon is in the 11th house which means that you find comfort in groups and with friends.

Taurus with Gemini moon and Libra rising?

I bet you're attractive! You have an amenable personality so that people think you are very agreeable and likely to fit in with their plans. That's the Lib Ascendant, and they do not realise the Taurus bit of you is deciding to do only what you want to! Taurus is very obstinate and determined.

The Gemini sociability adds to what people think you are.

So, you can give the world what it wants and chat along happily, mixing and socialising, but underneath all that the real you is quite serious and able to make decisions that are in your best interests, not decisions your friends would like you to make.

Beauty is a large part of your life. You like a lovely home,clothes, etc

Do Libra and Taurus go together?

I once fell in love with a libra man as a taurus woman. I also had a few libra friends, women and men, and I think I can tell a few things.First of all, Libra is an absolute snob. Very very very snob that they act like the world is spinning around them, they admire themselves, and expect everyone else to admire them as well. They are also very relaxed compared to taurus. They are large. They are sauceboxes. They make the most cruel bullies. They negatively criticise everybody and everything in their minds all the time and they like to make fun of people. They like to party and be in crowds, be surrounded by lots of friends (so that they can be admired by them and find people to bully. that’s how they have fun) Those things are sometimes too much for a taurus to bear. Taurus people are more humane, more private, they like to be home, have a nice quiet time with few people that they love, they don’t like too much action and nonsense shit going on around them. In that sense, there can be some conflicts between a taurus and a libra. Libra people are usually very charming and friendly when you first meet them. They are open. They show off. On the other hand taurus are more shy, they look almost cold and grumpy from a distance untill you come closer to get to know them, untill they are comfortable with you. Only then they release the fun, friendly, good hearted beast that they are hiding inside. As libra people tend to only see the surface, an average libra probably won’t even be interested in an average taurus to start with. Taurus also has this some sort of narcisistic, snobbish features that libra has, but their way of carrying it is different. Taurus is a great observer and has great empathy skills which libra lacks. That’s why, taurus can see and understand libra. Yet libra can’t understand taurus. That’s why, if you look around you’ll find very few to none taurus-libra couples around. But if they somehow jump those barriers and somehow build the connection, they actually CAN be great together as they both love similar things and have so many common points in fact. It’s just very very hard for them to get a relationship started.

Why are Taurus girls and Pisces girls so fat?

Hey that's not true! I have dated Taurus and Pisces girls they are not fat, only a bit on the chubby side but I will hardly call them fat. What have you got against girls with curves like that.

I don't know if Capricorns and Libras are jealous of Scorpio though, but do know Scorpio girls are lots of fun to be with! ;)

In what way are libras and taurus' attractive?

Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac where one becomes two and it is about harmonizing with the surroundings and embracing them to create new possibilities.

Libra is the seventh sign and is about gaining insight from others and from reflection (which as with Taurus will probably involve harmonising). It is to do with evolution and development and is opposite to Aries who is about gaining insight from exploring self centred interests.

Therefore Taurus is more Venusian than Aries, eventhough both are officially ruled by Venus. Libras are quite insecure about themselves due to being opposite to the more egotistical Aries. They therefore seek apprecition and compliments from others. They do not have a confident go-get-em approach so may be somewhat aloof and hope that people go towards them instead.

Taurus is very choosy about who they are with. They are not like Libra who wants to attract attention and appreciation from people in general. Taurus only look for physical attention from potential mates and will try very hard to appeal to people who they are really interested in. Taurus will go for a very direct ' I want you' approach. Libra will go for a charming approach, but will be more keen if people chase after them because secretly they love attention.

Taurus would attract you by making you feel like it was you who they wanted. Libra would attract you by playing somewhat charming and hard to get. Actually Taurus can be very direct, but when they are its normally a good sign. They are not normally fickle. Libras are not fickle either but often get mistaken for being so because they say yes when they mean no, because they are easily pressured into things because some people go mad over their charm. They are overly concerned sometimes with the feelings of others without giving what they want sufficient thought.

What traits would a female Taurus with Libra rising, moon in Aquarius, Mercury in Aries and Venus in Pisces have?

You need concrete degrees of planets and houses in order to have the right analysis. But, this female will probably have artistic traits expressed in unique and unusual ways. Both sun sign and ascendant ruler is sensual artistic Venus, that probably falls in the 6th house of serving in the sign of Pisces that symbolizes an art as well but also sacrificing through helping others. I would say this person would have a strong desire to express her inner need for nurturing through different forms of helping others, or maybe through some form of art. Combined with Moon in idealistic Aquarius in the 5th house probably, she would feel strong desire to find deeper meaning in everything she does, and through activating herself in forms that are of greater social impact and benefit.

How would you describe a woman with libra sun, taurus moon and rising in scorpio?

Ascendant of ScorpioThe Ascendants of Scorpio tend to look beneath the surface as they have powerful emotional natures and tend to form deep emotional involvements in their career and personal relationships. They can be determined, forceful, emotional, intuitive, powerful, passionate, exciting and magnetic people but also can be prone to jealousy and be resentful, compulsive, obsessive, secretive and obstinate. They are capable of deep, incisive and analytical thought but also want to get the most out of life by filling up their life with school, work and other demanding interests.SUN IN LIBRAWhen your astrological Sun resides in Libra it tends to emulate the sympathetic, sociable and refined nature of Libra. A strong sense of justice, an optimistic approach to life and a love of beauty and truth are the gifts which the Sun in Libra bestows.MOON IN TAURUSWhen your natal Moon resides in Taurus it brings an earthy and practical emotional response to life. This Moon is a sensual Moon and gives the individual strong sense impressions and the love of sex, good food, comfort and material possessions. There is a strong need for emotional and financial security and worldly success is attained by a conservative and conventional approach to business, employment and career. With this lunar position you must guard against laziness, greed, overeating and excessive attachment to material comforts.I hope this small excerpt from your Natal Chart aides you on your journey to self understanding. If you would like a free complete copy of your Natal chart and a free interpretation, please write me at: