What Is Difference Between Childish And Child Like

What is the difference between being childlike and childish?


having qualities that are typical of a child, especially positive qualities such as innocence and eagerness

childlike innocence/simplicity/directness
'You know I love you,' she said with childlike simplicity.
childlike delight/wonder/excitement
The sight filled her with childlike excitement.
Standing, she looked less childlike.


typical of a child - especially disapproving : having or showing the unpleasant qualities (such as silliness or lack of maturity) that children often have

We're tired of their childish games.
I find his humor very childish.
She was annoyed by the childishness of his behavior.

childish (adj.) - behaving badly like a child would
childlike (adj.) - having good qualities of a child (e.g.: innocence, easily excited, trusts easily etc.)

Childlike makes a great scientist.

Childish produces tantrums.

Childlike brings fresh eyes to academic opportunities.

Childish rarely shows up as promised.

Childlike is fearless and powerful and willing to fail.

Childish is annoying.

Childlike inquires with a pure heart.

Childish is merely ignored.

What is the difference between child like and childish?

child like simply means having qualities of a child such as innocence ,honesty and things like that WHEREAS
childish refers to a adult who behaves in such a way that it does not potary its maturity but immaturity and ends up loosing his/her identity

What is the difference between childlike and childish?

excellent question.

i consider "childlike" to connote innocence, youthfulness, maybe even playfulness - the good qualities we often attribute to children. "childish," on the other hand, seems somewhat perjorative to me: petulant, impatient, or silly.

here are some notes from the dictionary:

(adj) Like or befitting a child, as in innocence, trustfulness, or candor.

(adj) 1. Of, relating to, or suitable for a child or childhood: a high, childish voice; childish nightmares. 2a. Marked by or indicating a lack of maturity; puerile: tired of your childish pranks. b. Not complicated; simple. c. Affected mentally by old age; senile.

hope this helps!

What is the difference between childish and childlike?

Childish is a negative word. It means immature, silly, puerile behaviour.Example-He called the journalists'accusations “childish”.Childlike is a positive word. It means having the good qualities, such as innocence, associated with a child.Example-A grown woman with a childlike face (It means she looks innocent like a child).

What is the difference between childish and childlike?

Childish is something very immature
Childlike is like "AS CUTE AS A CHILD"

What's the difference between immature and childish?

For me, the two words have different implications.Immature simply implies “not yet mature.” A child or teen might behave immaturely solely because their prefrontal cortices have not fully developed. It’s not an insult, but merely a statement of fact.Childish implies that a mature adult is behaving as if s/he is not yet mature.

What is the difference between childish and immature?

I suppose childish would suggest that you are acting like a child, even though you are mature. In other words you are making the choice to act immaturely for fun, or whatever. Immature would suggest that you haven't matured as much as you should, so you will generally act childishly/immaturely....

How do you explain the difference between childish and childlike?

Childish is used more to describe behavior such as men often considered childish in many ways, they play childish jokes on eachother and laugh at childish behavior, though it can be used to describe appearance, childlike is usually used for appearance as well as overall behavior such as his movements or mannerism in almost childlike. He has a childlike innocence to him, or his thoughts are childlike in nature.

What's the difference between being immature, childish or playful?

Immature is acting young or foolish because you dont have the understanding of someone older. Acting childish or playful would be in spite of having adult understanding choosing to set aside adultlike behavior for that more childlike.

Whats the difference between childish and immature?

Childish -
1.of, like, or befitting a child: childish games.
2.puerile; weak; silly: childish fears.

1. not fully grown or developed
2. deficient in maturity; lacking wisdom, insight, emotional stability, etc
3. geography a less common term for youthful

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