What Is One Example Of Evolutionary Convergence Among Tropical Rain Forest Trees

****Rainforest Question****?

Hey guys!!

So I have a few questions I need to answer for a review so if you could help me out, i would love it!!

1. In the tropical rainforest, what percentage of the rainwater comes from transpiration from tress in the rainforest?

2. What do slime molds and fungi feed on?

3. How do fungi transfer nutrients to trees?

4. What happens to the nutrients created by decay on the tropical rain forest floor?

5. About how many species of fungi live in the Earth's tropical rain forests?

6. What percentage of the Earth;s insect species lives in the tropical rain forest?

7. How does the pitcher plant supplement its supply of nutrients from the soil?

8. Describe the symbiotic relationship between spiders and the pitcher plant. How do they help one another?

9. How do a rival groups of chimps complete for food?

Thanks!! If you want to answer some, that would be great, and thanks so much!

Read following examples and determine speciation?

Convergent evolution - different completely unrelated species have developed the same trait to survive in a particular environment. Webbed feet are one way of improving swimming efficiency in water - ducks and beavers are unrelated (one is a bird the other a mammal obviously), both have the same trait - this is convergent evolution. There are two other examples.

Geographic isolation - species become isolated from others because of geographic barriers - oceans, mountains etc. Kangaroos and other marsupials are isolated in Australia and are therefore geographically isolated from other mammal groups. (Actually there are marsupials in S. America too, also fairly isolated. One other example.

Coevolution is 'shared' evolution between two species - can be 'negative' e.g. parasites and hosts which are locked in an arms race trying to outdo each other or positive where specialisation of two species allows both to benefit while eliminating other species. Cuckoos example of the first and two other examples (need at least two species)

Adaptive radiation - similar species with shared ancestry whose requirements are broadly the same occupy slightly different niches - eat different plants, hunt different prey etc. Two examples.

I could just tell you all the answers rather than just some, but hopefully you will now understand and find it easy.