What Is Proto History And Its Nature And Scope

What is the relation between history and archaeology?

Archaeology is one of the pillars on which History stands.Archaeology is about unearthing information by digging up the artifacts and analyzing them.Archaeology comes from the Greek word archaiologia – "ancient", "study."When this ancient study tells a story it becomes History(His Story).We come to know about Indus Valley Civilization because of Archaeological evidences.Ramayana which is considered as an Epic would become history when supported by archeological evidence.

What is the meaning, nature, and purpose of history?

History is just the record of what happened in the past. It can also include why events took place and how they affected or will affect events that followed. It can focus on continents, countries, cites, people, religion, ideology, war or anything else from the past.Another way to put it is, History is a way of understanding how we got here.This would sound like a relatively straightforward pursuit, but it is not. Much history has left little or no record, or conflicting records. Much has been written from a single perspective, when only multiple perspectives can reveal the truth. Much of history is subject to multiple interpretations, depending on who’s doing the interpreting.History is studied because it provides clues about what might happen in the present and the future. It’s studied because it provides examples of human and national behavior. It’s studied because it is overflowing with fascinating stories of human endeavor. It’s studied for legal precedents—who owns which lands, for instance. It’s studied because it provides a context and perspective for the present.

Which is the best book for Indian history?

There is no single book that could cover the entire “Indian history” in the best way possible. However, you can divide the entire history into different time periods. And for each period, here are some of the best books, in my opinion.For Ancient India (till 1200 CE)India’s Ancient Past by R.S. SharmaFor specifically Ancient Indian culture during the pre and post Vedic period,The Wonder that was India by A.L. BashamFor Early Medieval India, (From Sultanate until the advent of the Mughals)History of Medieval India (Part 1) by Satish ChandraAnd for the Mughal Era,Emperors of the Peacock Throne, by Abraham EralyIt covers only the greatest reign of the important Mughal emperors, from Babur to AuranzebAnd for the later Mughal emperors, you can read the Part 2 of Satish Chandra’s Medieval India.For Modern Indian History (from the 1857 Rebellion till the colonial Independence in 1947)India’s Struggle for IndependenceAnd for the events after the independence until the early 21st century,India After Gandhi, by Ramchandra GuhaI have not considered about the empires and events in the Deccan and the South during the late Medieval and early Modern periods of Indian History as I have not yet read about that era much. You might want to read about it, though, especially the Maratha empire.Images source - Google Images

I need some articles about the short history of money...?

I need texts about why humankind used money in the first time, and what was the validity of dollars in america in the past centuries. what was the application of money in ancient civilizations &...
please write the exact address.

Is there a genetic difference amongst Bosnians, Croats, and Serbs?

Similar, but not exactly the same. Specific studies of Slavic genetics have been done. In 2007 Rębała and colleagues studied several Slavic populations with the aim of localizing the Proto-Slavic homeland. The significant findings of this study are that:

1) Two genetically distant groups of Slavic populations were revealed: One encompassing all Western-Slavic, Eastern-Slavic, and few Southern-Slavic populations (north-western Croats and Slovenes), and one encompassing all remaining Southern Slavs. According to the authors most Slavic populations have similar Y chromosome pools — R1a. They speculate that this similarity can be traced to an origin in the middle Dnieper basin of Ukraine during the Late Glacial Maximum 15 kya.

2) However, some southern Slavic populations such as Bulgarians, Serbs, southern Croats and Macedonians are clearly separated from the tight DNA cluster of the rest of the Slavic populations. According to the authors this phenomenon is explained by "...contribution to the Y chromosomes of peoples who settled in the Balkan region before the Slavic expansion to the genetic heritage of Southern Slavs.