What Is The Command In Windows That Shows The Results Of All Of The Following

UNIX Command effects?

(1) who | grep 'mary'
Show the logins for mary but also for maryjane, emmary, and bramaryokovich.

(2) who | grep '^mary '
Just show mary and maryjane.

(3) grep '[Uu]nix' ch?/*
In all the files that do not begin with a dot, in all the three-letter directories that begin with ch, show the lines with unix or Unix somewhere in them.

(4) ls -l | sort +4n
List all the file names in the current directory, one per line, with a bunch of info about each one, and sort that list numerically by the 4th field, which by the way is the group owner, so a numeric sort is a bit silly. I think this one should be sort -k 5n anyway.

(5) sed '/^$/d' text > text.out
Take the standard input and delete all empty lines but put the results in the file text.out.

(6) sed 's/\([Uu]nix\)/\1(TM)/g' text > text.out
Take the standard input and tack "(TM)" to each occurrence of "Unix" or of "unix" and put the results in the file text.out. I would have gone with "™" because it looks cooler.

(7) date | cut -c12-16
Display the current date in the current locale, but show only the hour:minute (columns 12 through 16). This works only if your locale is "C" or one of the ones whose time starts in column 12.

(8) date | cut -c5-11,25- | sed 's/\([0-9]\{1,2\}\)/\1,/'
Display the current date in the current locale, but show only the

date | cut -c5-11,25-
Sep 28 2012

columns 5 through 11 ("Sep 28 "), and then show columns 25 through the rest of it, which happens to be the year. But then replace each 1-2 digit substrings with its 2-digit version. This works only if your locale is "C" or one of the ones whose columns line up this way.

A better way is to use the date [+FORMAT] style, so you can pick and choose which fields to show.

date '+%d-%b-%Y'

Are there any commands in Linux to log out from the terminal?

If you meant an actual terminal while display X is running, then its not possible to logout just from terminal without affecting the GUI. You shall get the below error:bash: logout: not login shell: use `exit'If you meant a virtual terminal (which you can access using Ctrl + Alt + F1 till Ctrl + Alt + F7), then you can type logout to logout from that virtual terminal without affecting any of the other virtual terminals.

Which Windows PE command would pipe the output of one program to anther program?

Well, think about it this way, The pipe symbol on a computer is |.

How do I fix the "No internet, secured" WiFi problem in Windows 10?

I've seen that with my own Surface Book and Surface Pro 1. The fix for me was a bit simpler…Make sure the device is completely updated and all updates were successful.Click on the offending WiFi connection (in the System Tray) and click “Forget”. Also, if you have an Ethernet cable plugged in unplug that as well.Wait until it completely disconnects from that Access Point. You should have no connection to the Internet at this point.Put the device in Airplane Mode.Reboot the device. If the device is still in Airplane Mode after rebooting take it out of Airplane Mode.Go back to the WiFi connection (in the System Tray) and connect again. DO NOT enable “Connect Automatically”.If it still says “No Internet, Secured” just wait a few minutes — it should clear up. It actually shouldn't take that long. If you prefer you can now enable “Connect Automatically” for that connection.If this fixes it for you then what has happened is simple: The “backed up” connection information has gotten garbled or corrupted and needed to be reset for that device. This used to happen to me all the time with email accounts when I was heavily involved with the Insider Program.I hope this helps!

SQL- I just need queries for the following questions?

Hands-On Assignments
To determine the exact name of fields used in the tables for these exercises, refer to the tables in the Just Lee Books database, or use the DESCRIBE table name command to view the table’s structure.
1. Display a list of all data contained in the BOOKS table.
2. List the title only of all books available in inventory, using the BOOKS table.
3. List the title and publication date for each book in the BOOKS table. Use the column heading “Publication Date” for the Pub date field.
4. List the customer number for each customer in the CUSTOMERS table, along with the city and state in which the customer lives
5. Create a list containing the publisher’s name, the person usually contacted, and the publish-er ’s telephone number. Rename the contact column “Contact Person “in the displayed results. (Hint : Use the PUBLISHER table.)
6. Determine which categories are represented in the current book inventory. List each category only once.
7. List the customer number from the ORDERS table for each customer who has placed an order with the bookstore. List each customer number only once.
8. Create a list of each book title stored in the BOOKS table and the category in which each book belongs. Reverse the sequence of the columns so that the category of each book is listed first.
9. Create a list of authors that displays the last name followed by the first name for each author .The last names and first names should be separated by a comma and a blank space.
10. List all information for each order item. Include an item total, which can be calculated by multiplying the Quantity and Paid each columns. Use a column alias for the calculated value to show the heading “Item Total” in the output

What is the "total" value in "ls -al" command output?

In ls -al, ls shows all the folders in your present directory.-a shows all your hidden files starting with .-l lists all the files with complete detailsthe total in the beginning shows the total number of blocks (each of size of 1 Kb) used by the files in the directory. To see the total size of all such blocks, use ls -alh. Here -h shows all the corresponding details in human readable form.

What does "local address" and "foreign address" mean in the netstat command result?

Netstat - Print network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, masquerade connections, and multicast memberships. The netstat command when given without any arguments will give you the following (Ubuntu):-Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State      tcp        0      0 192.168.1.x:34460       10x.xx.xx4.18:https     ESTABLISHEDProto -       The protocol (tcp, udp, raw) used by the socket.Recv-Q -  The count of bytes not copied by the user program connected to this socket.Send-Q -       The count of bytes not acknowledged by the remote host.Local Address -       Address and port number of the local end of the socket.  Unless the --numeric (-n) option is specified, the socket address is  resolved  to its canonical host name (FQDN), and the port number is translated into the corresponding service name.Foreign Address -    Address and port number of the remote end of the socket.  Analogous to "Local Address." If -n argument is not used it will resolve the DNS and give the name (example -  sin01-xxxxxx.insn:https), if used then it will give the foreign address.State -    The  state  of the socket. Since there are no states in raw mode and usually no states used in UDP, this column may be left blank.

From where will I download drivers of my HP printer in Ubuntu OS? I want to switch to Linux from Windows. What about the necessary drivers (wireless, USB 3.0, LAN, audio and video, printing, etc.)?

Welcome to the Linux Community!!If your computer is made after 2011 then it will definitely support and run Linux.All the drivers of the systems in linux is provided out of the box, you don’t need to install any (this is not Windows ;)), except if you have any Nivdia graphics card, or some AMD graphics card it might not support them out of the box.A simple way to identify whether your hardware supports Linux or not is to run Linux in your computer through Live environment. Just burn the Linux ISO in either in your flash drive, or DVD --> boot with it-->select Live mode and see if your all the devices are working in the linux or not. Test your bluetooth, wifi, webcam, etc. And if you found everything alright then you can do a fresh install, and before doing that make sure you take backup of your all important data on an External HDD, or flash drive.The HP and Brother printers have excellent Linux support.Love to help :)Thanks for asking!