What Is The Formula For The Compound Formed Between Sodium And Francium

Does Francium form any compounds?

It would, but the half life of the element is so short and the amount of francium ever made is so small, studies of the compounds is not possible. THere is one listing for franciuam chlorate, but no reference or info is given.

What is the formula of the compound formed between tritium and sodium?

Tritium is an Isotope of hydrogen. Therefore it will not show any differences in chemical properties with hydrogen. Hence the formula should be NaT. -as NaH is sodium hydride.
NaH is the correct symbol for NaT as T is not an IUPAC official symbol and H represent protium,deuterium D and tritium T

What is the formula for the binary ionic compound formed when the following pairs react?

On the basis of their electron configurations, predict the formula of the simple binary ionic compound likely to form when the following pairs of elements react with each other.

(a) sodium, Na, and sulfur, S

(b) barium, Ba, and selenium, Se

(c) magnesium, Mg, and bromine, Br

(d) francium, Fr, and oxygen, O

(e) potassium, K, and hydrogen, H

What is the chemical formula for the compound formed between sodium and iodine?

Na I [ sodium iodide ]
Na2 O [ sodium oxide ]

Which element forms an ionic chloride of type XCl? and explain?

Since chlorine favors a -1 oxidation state, it would need to bond with a metal that prefers a +1 oxidation state if it is to form a 1:1 relationship with it.

Thus, this would include any of the alkali metals (column I on the Period Table of Elements).

Of the following elements, which tend to form negatively charged ions?

You may hear something like, "The ones which are nonmetals." But that answer is a bit broad, and actually not very correct, since the formation of an ion either requires the element to be in the gas phase and subjected to a high voltage or the element is in an aqueous solution and comes from an ionizable compound. If the gaseous element is subjected to a high voltage, then one or more electrons may be stripped away, leaving a positively charged ion.

The reference to ions below will be confined to those found in aqueous solution.
helium == none
phosphorous == none. There is no P^3- ion. P reacts with water to make PH3
sulfur == -2 only in very basic solution, otherwise it exists as HS-
boron == only found in polyatomic ions in solution
chlorine == -1. The chloride ion is very common.
francium == LOL. Not enough Fr in the Earth to even tell.
sodium == +1. Sodium forms a +1 ion in solution
potassium == +1. Potassium forms a +1 ion in solution
oxygen == never occurs as -2 in solution, only as OH-
fluorine == -1 in very basic solutions, F- combines with water to make undissociated HF(aq)

It is important that you not confuse the charges of actual ions with the oxidation numbers of elements in compounds. Oxidation numbers are not the charges on actual ions. There are only a very few, if any compounds which may consist of actual ions. Oxidation numbers are numbers which are assigned to the elements in a compound to facilitate formula writing, naming and identifying oxidation and reduction in redox reactions. Oxidation numbers are not actual ionic charges.

Oxidation numbers in compounds
helium == none
phosphorous == -3. Phosphorous has common positive oxidation numbers of +3, +5
sulfur == -2. Sulfur has common positive oxidation numbers of +4 and +6
boron == +3
chlorine == -1. Chlorine has common positive oxidation numbers of +1, +3, +5, +7
francium == LOL. Not enough Fr in the Earth to even tell, but probably +1
sodium == +1.
potassium == +1.
oxygen == -2. Oxygen only exhibits a positive oxidation number when bonded to F
fluorine == -1. Fluorine does not exhibit positive oxidation numbers

CHEMISTRY: What is the chemical equation for Francium Chlorate being heated?

Francium chlorate will have the formula FrClO3 and will decompose [ ie decomposition] like any other group I metal chlorate. Commonly potassium chlorate is used in labs to make oxygen.
2KClO3 ----> 2KCl + 3O2
so it we can predict
2FrClO3 ----> 2FrCl + 3O2

Have said that, to the best of my knowledge, no one has ever made the chlorate of francium, much less decomposed it! It is a rare and highly radioactive element. This is a theoretical idea based on the periodic table and group I chemistry. It seems to me a rather pointless question to set someone at your level if you don't mind my saying so!

Francium and Bromine (11th grade chem)?

The reason something is an ion is because it's charge is either positive or negative. Meaning that the number of electrons does not equal the number of protons. So if Br has 35 protons and 35 electrons it has 0 charge, but because of it's want to have a filled outer electron orbital it wants to gain an electron. So it looks for something to bond with to fill that orbital. This is the basis for a covalent bond. A nice example might be methane with carbon who wants 4 electrons and 4 hydrogen who each want one. that carbon shares one of its electrons with each hydrogen. They form pairs and well are basically "happy".

Now when an atom loses an electron or gains an electron it gets a charge. When atoms are attracted to each other because of difference in charge. Take sodium and chloride for example. you have Na and Cl. In it's outer shell sodium has only one electron, and chlorine has 7. Sodium GIVES the electron to chlorine, they don't share it. This action of losing an electron gives sodium a +1 charge, and the action of gaining an electron makes Chlorine have a -1 charge. Now they have opposite charges and are magnetically attracted to form NaCl.

there some other more complicated things like bond energy and the fact that all ionic bonds have an amount of covalent bonding, but i don't think that's what your question is about. if you want more information, you should be able to basically Google it off of what I've already given you.

Which element has the highest atomic radius?

Looking to the periodic table it is clearly seen that while going down the group (top to bottom) the radius of elements tends to increse .While going through the period (left to right) the radius decreases .So by this we can say that Cs (caesium) being at the bottom in the first group has the highest radius.