What Is The Frequency Of Radiation Whose Wavelength Is 0.77nm

What is the frequency of radiation whose wavelength is 4.8×10−^5 m ?

Do you mean 4.8×10^(−5) ?
aka 4.8e-5 ?

λf = c = 2.998e8 m/s (speed of light in vacuum)
2.997e8 m/s in air
λ = Wavelength in meters
f = frequency in Hz

assuming air
f = 2.997e8 / 4.8e-5 = 6.24e12 Hz or 6.24 THz

Would radiation with a wavelength 0.74 nm or a frequency of 7.2×1011 s−1 be detected by an X-ray detector?

(BTW, 7.2x1011 s-1 is not a frequency, because s represents seconds, and s-1 is not a possible operation between a unit and a pure number.
Also, 7.2x1011 = 7279.2
I will assume you simply mistyped 7.2 x 10^11 s^-1, and that you do have a ^ character on your keyboard, above the "6" key, but you missed it.)

If you meant "and" instead of "or," then no, because
λ = 0.74 nm = 7.4·10⁻¹⁰ m
ƒ = 7.2·10¹¹ s⁻¹ = 7.2·10¹¹ Hz

so its speed of travel is
v = λƒ = 533 m/s
and so it can't be detected by an x-ray detector, because it isn't electromagnetic.

If you really *did* mean "or," and you meant electromagnetic radiation, then you're asking the question about two different parts of the EM spectrum. Useful constants:
h = 6.626·10⁻³⁴ kg·m²/s
c = 2.998·10⁸ m/s
eV = 1.602·10⁻¹⁹ J

λ = 0.74 nm = 7.4·10⁻¹⁰ m
has a photon energy of
E = hƒ = hc/λ = 1.68 keV, which is in the x-ray part of the EM spectrum.

ƒ = 7.2·10¹¹ Hz
λ = c/ƒ = 4.16·10⁻⁴ m = 0.416 mm = 416 µm
This is in the sub-millimeter microwave/far-IR part of the EM spectrum.

So the answer is "yes," because one of those two radiations, namely the first one, is x-radiation.

What is the frequency of radiation whose wavelength is 644 nm? c = 2.998 x 108 m/s. h = 6.63 x 10-34 J-s.?

λ= c/f

λ=wavelength= 644 nm= 6.44 x 10^-7 m
c=speed of light (vacuum)=2.998 x10^8 m/s
f= frequency of the wave=?

f= [2.998 x10^8 m/s] / [6.44 x 10^-7 m]
f= 4.6552795 x 10^14 1/s
f= 4.655 x 10^14 hz

Hope this helped, if it did, please pick 'best answer.' Good luck.

Chemistry help!!?

Light travels at a speed of 2.998×108 m/s in a vacuum.

A) What is the frequency of radiation whose wavelength is 0.75 nm ?
Express the frequency in inverse seconds to three significant digits.

B) What is the wavelength of radiation that has a frequency of 6.2×1011 s−1 ?
Express the wavelength in meters to two significant digits.

C) What distance does electromagnetic radiation travel in 0.42 ps ?
Express your answer using two significant figures.

Thank you!