What Is The Meaning Of The Saying None Is None Under The Sun

What is the meaning of none is none under the sun?

I've never heard of “none under the sun”.‘Nothing (new) under the sun" us a biblical reference :“Ecclesiastes 1:9 is the origin of what has become a common proverb, “There’s nothing new under the sun.” The verse reads like this: “What has been will be again, / what has been done will be done again; / there is nothing new under the sun.” As a modern idiom, “there’s nothing new under the sun” is often used as a world-weary complaint against life’s monotony. When Solomon wrote the statement, he was emphasizing the cyclic nature of human life on earth and the emptiness of living only for the “rat race.””.Bible Questions Answered“None under the sun” might possibly mean “nobody “, with a meaning similar to the above.

How did the saying ‘none of your business’ become ‘none of your beeswax’?

I think that kids changed business to beeswax years ago. Kids in my neighborhood said it. Children do things like that.See the Wikipedia article on “mind your own business.”

If nothing is new under the sun Ecclestias 1:9 then did the ancients have technology?

Yep, though not as advanced as today. There is some archaelogical evidence of various ancient technologies. They found batteries that still worked in the Egyptian tombs. They used various technology to build the pyramids, particularly to cut the stones (saw a special on it on the History channel.)

What does ‘none taken’ mean?

This phrase usually occurs in the following type of exchange.Person A says something to Person B and quickly realizes that it could be offensive to Person B, so Person A quickly adds: “No offense” (meaning “I do not intend to offend you by this comment.”)Person B might then respond “None taken” (meaning, “Don’t worry. I took no offense at your comment.”)

What does 2nd to none mean?

It’s a phrase that essentially signifies that whatever is being spoken about is considered “the best”. One early usage of the phrase comes from Shakespeare’s The Comedy of Errors, where a character describes another (highly regarded) character as “second to none that lives here”.

“Nothing is ever new under the sun” what do you think about the statement?

This is one of those statements that sounds like it makes sense. The truth of the matter is, life is change. Continual change, so there's always something new.The dilemma for us is we're very resistant to change. We habitually dwell in the past or project into the future…neither of which is true.“Past” and “future" are concepts we use to give meaning to our present, but it’s an illusion and our interpretations are lies.NOW is all there is.NOW is life, which is continual change.But we resist abiding in the present because NOW cannot be interpreted.The present can only be experienced.We're lost without the ability to associate our new experience with what we've already experienced or what we hope to experience.So we go through life oblivious to the new that is ever present.

Is there a song called sharing is caring?? and it is like sharing is caring it can be fun.?

Sharing is Caring

by Maureen Schiffman

Sharing is caring for someone else. (2X)
Giving something away gives you something back. (2X)
Sharing is Caring for Someone else. (2X)

When you share a chair, you take a friend off the floor,
When you share an umbrella, you can let it pour,
Sharing with friends, who could ask for more?

Sharing is caring for someone else.
Sharing is caring for someone else.

When you give a hug, you get one, tool
When you give a smile, it comes right back to you.
Giving from the heart is the thing to do.

Sharing is caring for someone else.
Sharing is caring for someone else.

---musical break--

When you share your feelings others understand.
Tell us when you feel happy, angry or sad,
And if a friend seems lonely won't you take his/her hand, and say,

Sharing is caring for someone else.(2X)
Giving something away gives you something back. (2X)
Sharing is caring for someone else. (2X)
Giving something away gives you something back. (2X)
Sharing is caring for someone else. (2X)

this is the only thing that i could find hope this is what u were looking for