What Is The Molecular Geometry Of Becl2 Bf3 Sncl2 Ch4 Nh3 H2o Pcl5 Sf4 Brf3 Xef2 Sf6 If5

What is the molecular geometry of BeCl2, BF3, SnCl2, CH4, NH3, H2O, PCl5, SF4, BrF3, XeF2, SF6, IF5, XeF4?

The best way to find these things is by drawing the lewis would be very hard to draw them online, so I suggest you draw them for yourself...You need to use the valence electrons

For example, from the lewis structure of CH4, it is a tetrahedral, the dipole moment is from the C to the H, there are no lone pairs, so on ...

What is the molecular geometry of SF4 BrF3 IF5?

use the VSEPR analysis system. How many shared pairs, etc.

What is the molecular geometry of PCl5?

Trigonal bipyramidal, i.e. like two pyramids stuck together at their bases

What is the molecular Geometry of BeCl2 , BF3 , SnCl2 , CH4 , NH3, H2O, PCl5, XeF2 , SF6 , & XeF4?

BeCl2: linear triatomic; two bonding pairs and no nonbonding pairs on the central Be atom; the bond angle is 180 degrees; the molecule is nonpolar.

BF3: triangular; three bonding pairs and no nonbonding pairs on the central B atom; the bond angles are 120 degrees; the molecule is nonpolar.

SnCl2: doesn't normally form molecules; two bonding pairs and one nonbonding pair on the central Sn; the bond angles are roughly 109 degrees (p2 hybridized); the molecule is polar due to the angular shape.

CH4: tetrahedral; four bonding pairs and no nonbonding pairs on the central C; bond angles are about 109 degrees; the molecule is nonpolar due to the tetrahedral symmetry.

NH3: pyramidal; three bonding pairs and one nonbonding pair on the central N atom; bond angles are less than 109 degrees; the molecule is polar due to the pyramidal shape.

H2O: bent or angular; two bonding pairs and two nonbonding pairs on the central O atom; the bond angle is about 103.5 degrees; the molecule is polar due to the bent shape.

PCl5: trigonal bipyramidal; five bonding pairs and no nonbonding pairs on the central P atom; the bond angles are 120 degrees equatorially and 90 degrees between axial and equatorial atoms; the molecule is nonpolar due to the symmetry about the central atom.

XeF2: linear triatomic; two bonding pairs and three nonbonding pairs on the central Xe atom; the bond angles are 180 degrees; the molecule is nonpolar due to the symmetry about the Xe.

SF6: octahedral; six bonding pairs and no nonbonding pairs about the central S atom; the bond angles are 90 degees for adjacent F atoms and 180 degrees for opposite F atoms; the molecule is nonpolar due to the symmetry about the central S atom.

XeF4: square planar; 4 bonding pairs and 2 nonbonding pairs about the central Xe; the bond angles are 90 degrees between adjacent F atoms; the molecule is nonpolar due to the symmetry about the central Xe atom.

What's the molecular geometry of the following molecules: XeOF4, SF4, FOF, BrF3, XeF2?

These are hard problems!

BrF3 has the bromine and fluorines in a plane, but has 2 extra pairs of electrons which make it hard to catagorize what the exact structure of the moloecule difficult - but it is planar with respect to the atoms,

XeOF4 - I could even find that one! - have no idea - but I'd expect it's a coordination compound ( no ideal what is coordinated where though? - sorry)

SF4- here's a reference for you:
It exist as a dimer not as a single molecule, and it isn't tetrahedral - like carbon - but I'd guess you'd call it kind of square (but twisted) - no data to back that up - .....

XeF2 - is linear - WIKI ref

Sorry, that's the best I could come up with - you stump me with that one!

What is the molecular geometry of CH4?

B. tetrahedral. Doing the Lewis Structure for CH4 would show that around the central atom, there are 4 bonds and no lone pairs.

What is the molecular geometry for BF3?

This is a chemistry question.

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Which molecules are polarSO32-, H2O, BF3, BeCl2, CH4, SO3, NO3-, I3-?

SO32- H2O NO3-