What Is The Movie In Which The Earth Takes A Copy Of Itself

What do movie critics mean when they say a movie "take itself too seriously"?

I'm going to use the example of G:I Joe Rise of the Cobra. The story for this film is really crap and in order for the film to be good the director would have to take the story and embrace the ridiculousness. But instead it 'takes itself too seriously' and makes the film terrible. It could've been a fun film, but instead they took it seriously and it was terrible. It's like when a film becomes too serious for it's own good.

Knight and Day with Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz had a terrible story but it didn't take itself seriously and so people had fun watching it.

Could the Earth reset itself?

Let's say that the environment got totally jacked up. We massive greenhouse gasses and the ice caps have melted. The Earth's temperature has risen by 10 degrees and no amount of green living or recycling or reducing greenhouse gasses will help, could the Earth do a "Day After Tomorrow" and cleanse itself?

Why do aliens in movies always want to destroy Earth?

Let us take a hypothetical situation. The aliens in our case do not want to destroy Earth. They are just curious and decide that they'll observe us for a while and eventually, when they are ready, come to our planet and greet us. What do you think they'll see? They'll see humans killing other humans, wars going on, bombs being dropped, deforestation, hunting, poaching, pollution. They'll see a race that is bent on destroying the whole planet, including itself. Would you like to contact people who are violent and self destructive? Of course not. Heck, you would probably decide they are dangerous to you. Aliens would probably decide the same. They'll realise that there is a possibility that some day humans may find their planet and attack them. What would you do now? Use the element of surprise to your advantage and kill the race that is a potential threat? Or wait for doom?

Can solar flares destroy earth like the ones in the movie Knowing?

What's even worse is a gamma burst. If the earth took a direct from a massive gamma burst, it would be catastrophic. The electrical grid could take months to repair and the world would be completely helpless. It would be like living in the 18th century except people are no longer set up for life without electricity. It would chaotic.

How many degrees does the earth rotate in one solar day ie the typical 24 hours?

correct answer is 360.9856 degrees. earth rotates  once in 23 hours 56 minutes. aproximately.. But since earth is moving one degree per day around Sun for solar day we need 4 minutes more. for sun to come overhead  at noon.  If you study earths rotation taking a distance star, it completes one round in 23 hours 4 minutes.That is why the stars rise 4 minutes earlier every day.sidereal means based on stars.