What Is The Name Of My Phobia

What is the name of this phobia?

I am terrified of sharp objects such as scissors and needles coming near my wrists. I get really scared and sometimes cry when i think of "cutting". I am like shivering just typing this. Does any one know the name of this phobia.

Whats the name of my phobia?

i have a fear of asphyxiation (aka suffocation). i am afraid that im going to catch on fire and die (bc when u catch on fire u dont die from the fire first, u die from lack of oxygen bc the fire takes it) or being strangled, or drowning. basically im afraid of dying from not being able to get oxygen. whats the name for my phobia?

What is the name for a phobia of gorillas?

Wow, I looked this up, and the best I could come up with is a fear of wild animals (Agrizoophobia), but that isn't at all specific to gorillas (or even to primates).

Someone with this fear could just tell people they have gorillaphobia, and I bet people would understand what they meant.

Is there a proper name for my phobia of balls?

ive had this ball phobia since i was like 5 and im failing in PE because of it. i also avoid area's where SPORT balls are mostly use like parks and stuff. but i just wanted to know is there a proper name for my phobia of sport balls

Does anyone know the name of my phobia?

i have an extreme phobia of wrists(veiny side),im having a hard time typing this because they are exposed. i walk around with that side on my stomach,like sheilding them (with long or short sleeved shirts)
nobody is allowed to touch them and i REFUSE!!! to get blood taken.
i also can stand to see anyone elses or when they lean on their arm with it sticking out.
does anyone know the name for this?
does anyone know if there is a name for this?

Is there a specific name for my phobia?

Yes there is a name for this phobia:

masklophobia- Fear of masks or mascot

Here is a list of phobias for you to review:

agoraphobia - crowded public places like markets (or being in open space, or leaving a safe place)
automatonophobia - statue, puppet, anything representing a sentient being
cherophobia - gaiety
coulrophobia - stilts and/or clowns (poor phobia name in my opinion)
erythrophobia, erytophobia or ereuthophobia - color red (or of red lights or of blushing)
masklophobia- Fear of masks or mascot
mythophobia - myths and untrue statements/falsehoods
paraphobia - sexual perversion
pediophobia - dolls
peladophobia - bald people
prosoponophobia - masks
pupaphobia - puppets
Samhainophobia: Halloween
teratophobia - monsters (or bearing a deformed child)
topophobia - certain places or situations (such as stage fright)
vestiaphobia - fear of clothing
xenophobia - strangers