What Is The Percent Of People Who Like To Draw

What is the percentage of this?

I have to draw a pie graph based on the percentage of India's population that died of starvation in the 1800s. 30 million people died of starvation out of 300 million. What's the percentage of this out of 100?

Is drawing a talent or a skill?

I believe that to draw at a high level you first need the talent. Without it, you can only progress so far. That's not to say that a person that does not have the innate talent can't produce very good drawings. I've taught people to do just that. Most have learned how to draw in school but their development stopped when they left. You will find that if you take up drawing again you can develop some pretty satisfactorily pieces. All it takes is practice and knowledge and time.Talent is a different animal. I will use myself as an example, though most artists have very similar stories.I was drawing as far back as my memories go, years before I even made it to school. Born of immigrant parents who thought that drawing was a wasted endeavor and discouraged it whenever possible. Didn't matter, I was an introverted kid that hid away in my imagination using a pencil and paper for access. Everybody knows that one "kid" that can draw anything. In the first year of grade school, I was producing advanced drawings that accurately represented three dimensional objects. I became painfully aware that my drawing was better than anyone else and that made me stand out of the crowd. Life got harder after that There was no opportunity to learn any drawing techniques or theories just what I taught myself. It wasn't till I entered the fifth grade that I received my first real inspiration, a book on Rembrants drawings and etchings. The point I'm trying to get across is that I was producing artwork at a very young age. Without any formal training on just talent alone. Thankfully, I received that book and my drawings improved by an order of at least ten. Some artists jokingly say my drawings still resemble Rembrants. High praise.This is not just an isolated incident of one young artist. I've met a lot of artists that do fantastic drawings in all mediums that have very similar experiences. None can explain the high level of drawing skill with little or no training, but all agree that we can only go so far before needing the necessary training to fully realize our potential.To conclude, I believe that drawing is a talent and that it needs to be properly developed.

What percentage of people are artists?

This may be impossible to answer. I'm sure there are hundreds of thousands of people who are artistic but never know it themselves or no one else acknowledges. Knowing the percent would require all people in the world take some sort of assessment to see if they can draw or not. And, even then, it'd be a matter of opinion.
I suppose everyone in the world is artistic to a certain degree. So, your question can only be answered with '100%' or 'impossible to answer'.

In a group of 50 people 30 like drinking tea and 20 like drinking coffee. How many people like to drink only coffee, if all 50 people liked at least one of the beverages and 6 people like neither tea nor coffee?

Let’s solve this using a venn diagram.T = TeaC = Coffeen means numbern(T) = 30n(C) = 20Universal = 50n(T U C)' = 6 , T union C complement (people who like to drink neither)Let n(T Π C) i.e. T intersection C (People who like to drink both) = xn(T) + n(C) - n(T Π C) + n(T U C)' = 5030 + 20 - x + 6 = 5056 - x = 50- x = 50 - 56-x = -6x = 6Therefore people who like to drink BOTH Tea and Coffee are 6.People who drink coffee = 20Thus, People who ONLY drink coffee = 20 - 6 = 14 peopleI've attached an image with diagram below for better understanding.​

Explain the significance of drawing the ninety percent contour of orbitals?

Orbital drawing show the "shape" of an orbital by describing the probability of an electron being in a particular region at any given time. But orbitals don't have sharp, or well defined edges. Even at a distance very far away from the center of the orbital, there is a non-zero (althoug perhaps extremely small) probablility of an electron's presence. So if we tried to draw the full size of the orbital, it would be infinitely large.

So, instead, we draw the 90 percent contour, or the surface that encloses the area where there is a 90% probability that the electron exists. Thaese are usually the spherical or dumbell shaped orbitals that are shown in books. We use the 90 percent contour to more easily describe the shap of the orbital.

What is your Solitaire win percentage?

Solitaire is also known as Klondike. A list of winning percentages for 200 Klondike players is given by the first link listed below. Generally about 67% of the games are winnable. If you play a small number of games, you could exceed 67% because of the random fluctuation in the number of winnable games. Similarly, if the number of winnable games goes down due to random fluctuation, your win rate could go way down. Perhaps you are presently experiencing just such a run of bad luck. When the computer software deals you a game it uses a random number generator to shuffle the cards randomly. The random number generator would not of itself cause games to increase in difficulty over the long term. Theoretically someone could tamper with the card shuffling to make the game more difficult, but what would be the point of doing that? Software which tampers with the shuffling to make every game winnable can be found at links two through four below. For tips on how to improve your winning percentage, you could click on the last link below.