What Is The Possible Lowest Uric Acid And Cholestrol Level In Living Male And Female

My Uric Acid levels and blood pressure was really high?

Check this natural method to get rid of acid reflux
Usually, heartburnThe most common symptom of acid reflux disease (also known as gastroespohageal reflux disease, or GERD). Heartburn feels like a burning pain in the center of the chest. It is caused by acid from the stomach backing up into the esophagus. is a symptom of acid reflux disease (GERD) Also known as Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). Describes the condition of backflow of stomach acid into the esophagus which frequently happens when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) relaxes more often than it should and/or at inappropriate times. The symptoms of acid reflux disease typically occur on 2 or more days a week.. And if you suffer from persistent heartburn on two or more days a week—and you’ve treated it and changed your diet—it could be due to acid refluxBackflow of stomach acid into the esophagus. Acid reflux frequently happens when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) relaxes more often than it should and/or at inappropriate times. This allows harsh stomach juices to back up into the esophagus. disease. But only your doctor can tell you if these are signs of acid reflux disease.

What is the diet for high cholesterol and uric acid?

Knowing which type of fat is entering your body is very much essential for keeping cholesterol in control because it is the fats and fatty acids that are responsible for producing cholesterol.Production of good and bad cholesterol again depends on the type of fat present in the foods!You must strictly avoid those foods containing saturated fats and trans fats. Instead, make a habit of consuming more foods that contain healthy fats – which are nothing but unsaturated fats!Let us get to know what are the worst foods for high cholesterol!1. Cheese: If you are already diagnosed with high cholesterol, cheese is the first food to avoid because it contains more saturated fats.2. Avoid Whole Milk: Whole milk is full of fat so you should avoid it in the replacement you can add skimmed milk in your diet to nutrients those required for your body.3. Processed Meat: Processed meat is also the worst food to avoid with high cholesterol why because to get better taste that meat is processed by makers that will build up your bad cholesterol.4. Ice Creams: Excessive consumption of anything will result bad only so frequent consumption of ice cream also improves ba cholesterol. Sat way from ice creams is the better way.5. Egg Yolks: To Much consumption of egg yolk result you bad cholesterol so keep in check your egg consumption.6. Microwave Popcorn: Not all types of popcorn are bad but the popcorn is added with hazardous ingredients like butter, oils, and salts which contain more unsaturated fats so stay away from that type of popcorn.7. Baked Foods: We are very much aware of this alert but we still cannot stay away from consuming baked foods like crackers, doughnuts, cookies, muffins, pizzas, bagels, brownies, tarts and pies.8. Deep Fried Fast Foods: the amount of trans fat is too high in the foods that are deep fried. These also include pizzas, burgers, mac and cheese, doughnuts, burritos, hot dogs and French fries. An occasional consumption of fried foods is also considered harmful because of its high trans-fat content.To Know More:

What does Low HDL (cholestrol) of 29 signify?

A low HDL (high density lipoprotein) can indicate an increased risk for cardia disease. However, to really determine the risk, you also need to know your total cholesterol, triglycerides, low density lipoproteins and your very low density lipoproteins. Actual cardiac risk is determined by the ratios between these factors not by any one in particular. In general a high HDL is better than a low one but if your total cholesterol is low also than it is not that much to worry about.

High Uric Acid, Cholestrol, Thyroid and blood pressure is my problem give me diet schedule to me to control th?

You may follow DASH diet to reduce hypertension. Hypertension is related to high cholesterol and hyperthyroidism.

Purines are found in high amounts in animal internal organ food products, such as liver. A moderate amount of purine is also contained in beef, pork, poultry, fish and seafood, asparagus, cauliflower, spinach, mushrooms, green peas, lentils, dried peas, beans, oatmeal, wheat bran and wheat germ. Avoid such foods to reduce uric acid in your blood.
Non-medication treatments for hyperuricemia include a low purine diet and a variety of dietary supplements. These other treatments are regarded by many physicians as having little or no efficacy.

Sodium occurs naturally in most foods. The most common form of sodium is sodium chloride, which is table salt. Milk, beets, and celery also naturally contain sodium, as does drinking water, although the amount varies depending on the source.
Sodium is also added to various food products. Some of these added forms are monosodium glutamate, sodium nitrite, sodium saccharin, baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), and sodium benzoate. These are ingredients in condiments and seasonings such as Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce, onion salt, garlic salt, and bouillon cubes.
Processed meats, such as bacon, sausage, and ham, and canned soups and vegetables are all examples of foods that contain added sodium. Fast foods are generally very high in sodium.
Avoid such foods to reduce sodium in your diet.

What is the problem with high uric acid in human body?

Here you go, the many issues associated with high uric acid in human body:


Excess serum accumulation of uric acid can lead to a type of arthritis known as gout.

Elevated serum uric acid (hyperuricemia) can result from high intake of purine-rich foods, high fructose intake (regardless of fructose's low Glycemic Index (GI) value) and/or impaired excretion by the kidneys. Saturation levels of uric acid in blood may result in one form of kidney stones when the urate crystallizes in the kidney. These uric acid stones are radiolucent and so do not appear on an abdominal x-ray. Their presence must be diagnosed by ultrasound for this reason. Some patients with gout eventually get uric kidney stones.

Lesch-Nyhan syndrome

Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, an extremely rare inherited disorder, is also associated with very high serum uric acid levels.

Spasticity, involuntary movement and cognitive retardation as well as manifestations of gout are seen in cases of this syndrome.

Cardiovascular disease

Although uric acid can act as an antioxidant, excess serum accumulation is often associated with cardiovascular disease. It is not known whether this is causative (e.g., by acting as a prooxidant ) or a protective reaction taking advantage of urate's antioxidant properties.


The association of high serum uric acid with insulin resistance has been known since the early part of the 20th century, nevertheless, recognition of high serum uric acid as a risk factor for diabetes has been a matter of debate. In fact, hyperuricemia has always been presumed to be a consequence of insulin resistance rather than its precursor . However, it was shown in a prospective follow-up study that high serum uric acid is associated with higher risk of type 2 diabetes independent of obesity, dyslipidemia, and hypertension .

Metabolic syndrome

Hyperuricemia is associated with components of metabolic syndrome and it has been debated for a while to be a component of it. It has been shown in a recent study that fructose-induced hyperuricemia may play a pathogenic role in the metabolic syndrome. This agrees with the increased consumption of fructose-base drinks in recent decades and the epidemic of diabetes and obesity

What is the normal range of uric acid in the male human body?

In human blood plasma,the referece range of uric acid is typically 3.4-7.2 mg/dl for men and 2.4-6.1 mg/dl for women.However,blood test results should always be interpreted using the range provided by the laboratory that performed the test.Uric Acid Wikipedia,the free encyclopedia

Which homeo medicin can reduce uric acid level in blood?

You should read "The Blood Pressure Solution" (also available in electronic format, watch the video presentation here: ) It's a very comprehensive step-by-step book that walks you through the natural remedies of high blood pressure. It provides you with a lot of information on what foods to eat, how you can acquire and prepare these foods, how you can change your lifestyle for the better, how to eliminate the toxins from your body, how to reduce stress, how you can check your blood pressure level the correct way etc.

The book is amazing in that it not only lowers your blood pressure without the help of medications; it also aids you in having a life that is healthy, happier, and less stressful. This book chanced my life.

What role does uric acid play in the human body besides being the end product of purine bases?

Urate is an end product of purine catabolism and a very common antioxidant in human serum, so to the extent that one believes that antioxidants may have beneficial effects by scavenging radical oxygen species, one might believe that uric acid could have some beneficial effects. The proposed mechanisms would be that urate protects against lipid peroxidation in serum, and protects against DNA and RNA damage intracellularly.So there is a quandary, because hyperuricemia in humans is definitely positively associated with worse overall mortality, hyperlipidemia, type II diabetes, as well as increased cerebrovascular, and cardiovascular mortality.In humans as opposed to other vertebrates, the enzyme urate oxidase, which converts urate to allantoin, which is then excreted in urine, appears to have been lost rather recently in evolutionary terms, so that the end product of purine catabolism is uric acid, as a result of which levels of urate in human serum can approach saturation levels, especially in males - so it may well be that uric acid has negative effects in some compartments of the body and positive effects in others, and that protective effects dominate only within certain ranges of urate concentration.A classic paper on the subject was:

What are the foods that increase uric acid levels in the body ?

Sources of uric acid (The following foods should be avoided as it contains high amount of purines)
* In many instances, people have elevated uric acid levels for hereditary reasons. Diet may also be a factor.
* Purines are found in high amounts in animal internal organ food products, such as liver. A moderate amount of purine is also contained in beef, pork, poultry, fish and seafood, asparagus, cauliflower, spinach, mushrooms, green peas, lentils, dried peas, beans, oatmeal, wheat bran and wheat germ.
* Examples of high purine sources include: sweetbreads, anchovies, sardines, liver, beef kidneys, brains, meat extracts (e.g Oxo, Bovril), herring, mackerel, scallops, game meats, and gravy.
* Moderate intake of purine-containing food is not associated with an increased risk of gout.
* Serum uric acid can be elevated due to high fructose intake , reduced excretion by the kidneys, and or high intake of dietary purine.
* Added fructose can be found in processed foods and soda beverages as sucrose, or in some countries, as high fructose corn syrup.
Sometimes, a diet low in purines is prescribed. Organ meats, alcohol, and certain types of fish contain high levels of purines.
Drinking more fluids helps prevents the formation of kidney stones (including uric acid stones).

What are reasons for excessive URIC acid in human body.?

Eating too many foods containing purines can cause an excess level of uric acid in the blood stream. This causes deposits of uric acid crystals to form in joints, notable the great toe joint. This used to be called a disease of kings because they ate rich foods containing this substance and often contracted gout.