What Is The Reason For Nuchal Headache

Why do I have an indentation on the back of my head?

If it's in the midline, it sounds very much like your external occipital protuberance. Some people have large, noticeable ones (like me) and some have almost non-palpable ones.It's part of the superior nuchal ridge (or line), which is where some neck and shoulder muscles insert. Here's a very obvious one from a stock photography site:

Why does my head hurt when I blow my nose and is it dangerous?

My son was scheduled for sinus surgery with an ear nose and throat doctor. He told us that after the surgery he was not to blow his nose at all. That sounds logical and reasonable but then he told me something that really surprised me. He said people should not blow their nose they should sniff and spit. I know a lot of people do this in these days and I find it totally gross because they spit on the ground but that's what he said. Now that was 20 years ago and I don't know if anything's changed in that regard but you want to be sure you're not blowing too hard. And if you do have a sinus infection as someone else suggested you should do a couple of more things. You can get sinus medicine which is pseudoephedrine and you have to get that from behind the pharmacist counter. And even more importantly you need to put a hot compress on your face so that it covers the sinuses above your nose and eyebrows and also the sinuses that are on either side of your nose just under your eyes. And I would suggest you do this hot pack several times a day. And of course you need to see your doctor if it doesn't improve.

Can a 19-year-old male have meningitis? I have nasal polyp?

I'm 19 years old male. I experience pressure pain in my forehead almost every day for about 2 months now (worse in the afternoon/evening). I have a polyp and that might be the reason for my frequent sinusitis. I have read on the internet that chronic sinusitis can cause meningitis and I am becoming worried because I do smoke (don't lecture me on this, please, I'm cutting it off!) and that might trigger the infection. Sometimes I feel as if the back of my head hurts. I'm not sure if it's only of stress or something serious like meningitis. I don't have fever, rashes, etc. Help?

I want an intelligent answer here. Okay? Please don't answer if you'll just lecture me on going to the doctor, etc. I've been to the doctor a couple of times and all he keeps on saying is polyp polyp polyp. But hey, I had an endoscopy about a week ago and he found out that my polyp is relatively small and I only have it on my right nose. Could a polyp that small cause a pressure pain like this? What should I do?

I have Nuchal rigidity without a fever but some other symptoms. What do I have?

I have a slight sore throat (like a 1 or 2 out of 10). My body is slightly achy with the exception of my neck and back of my head area (much more than slightly achy). My neck has been getting progressively stiff over 3 days now. It is more the right side of my neck. I can no longer touch my chin to my chest. I go through the day hunched and with my head tilted to my right shoulder. That is the most comfortable. It is not a sore muscle; I know what that feels like and I haven't been active before this started. My headaches are not all that painful. My neck pain is worse. Could it be that I have meningitis without the fever, nausea, sensitivity to light, excruciating headaches, etc? I don't think I have it, but the only problems that I have found to cause nuchal rigidity are meningitis and a subarachnoid hemorrhage. So can someone please help me.