What Is The Setting Of The Poem

What is the setting of the poem "The Inchape Rock" ?

It's the Inchcape Rock.

Published in 1802, it tells the story of a 14th-century attempt by the Abbot of Arbroath ("Aberbrothock") to install a warning bell on Inchcape - - a notorious sandstone reef about 11 miles (18 km) off the east coast of Scotland.
- Wikipedia

What is the setting for the poem "We Wear The Mask"?

here's the poem itself.

"We wear the mask that grins and lies,
It hides our cheeks and shades our eyes,—
This debt we pay to human guile;
With torn and bleeding hearts we smile,
And mouth with myriad subtleties.

Why should the world be over-wise,
In counting all our tears and sighs?
Nay, let them only see us, while
We wear the mask.

We smile, but, O great Christ, our cries
To thee from tortured souls arise.
We sing, but oh the clay is vile
Beneath our feet, and long the mile;
But let the world dream otherwise,
We wear the mask!"
- Paul Laurence Dunbar

Need help~
Also, what do you think is the intended audience?

What is the setting of the poem 'The Raven'?

In Poe the physical setting reflects the personality of the central character. The poem begins at midnight December, the last moment of the final month of the year, a time of death and decay. The dying fireplace embers reflect the gloomy atmosphere. The setting is claustrophobic–a single room. The narrator himself is Weak and weary, trapped in his richly furnished prison. He hopes for the morning, the return of light and life,but tonight all he can do is brood on his dead love.

The narrator hears a mysterious tapping at his chamber door. He thinks at first it is a late night visitor, but opening the door, he finds only "Darkness there, and nothing more." This glimpse into black nothingness will prove prophetic.

The tapping resumes–now at his window. The raven flutters in and perches on the bust of Pallas Athena, the classical goddess of wisdom.

The imagery contains conflicting worlds of light and darkness. Every detail in the poem reflects one world or the other. Lenore is described as "radiant" epitomizing the world of light and angels. Other images of light include the white bust of Pallas and the lamplight in the chamber. The Raven brings large, powerful forces of darkness on this black December midnight. His shadow, the final image of the poem, demonstrates his power to darken the weak and dying light of the speaker's refuge. Very cool poem!

What does the setting of the poem mean?

Jazmin, the setting means when and where the poem address. Example, " I stood listening to the birds in the trees while the pregnant moon looked on." The setting is somewhere in a wooded area and it was during the night.

Hope this helps.

What is the setting and the tone of the poem "I wandered lonely as a cloud" by William Wordsworth?

I wandered lonely as a Cloud [Daffodils] by William Wordsworth
Final Version -1815

1. Nature' s beauty uplifts the human spirit. Lines 15, 23, and 24 specifically refer to this theme.
2. People sometimes fail to appreciate nature's wonders as they go about their daily routines. Lines 17 and 18 suggest this theme.
3. Nature thrives unattended. The daffodils proliferate in splendor along the shore of the lake without the need for human attention.
@ Read more

Happiness Quotes
Quote #1
I wandered lonely as a cloud (line 1)
Think of how this poem would sound if "lonely" were omitted. If you can describe a cloud as "lonely," then you could describe it as almost anything: happy, tired, bored, aimless, hopeful. Think about "I wandered hopeful as a cloud." Does that make any less sense? Well, in the context of the poem yes, but by itself, maybe not. "Lonely" seems to be necessary to make the contrast with the happiness of the daffodils.
@ Read more


What are the settings of the poem "The Hunting of the Snark" by Lewis Carroll?

There seems to be a consensus, that The Hunting of the Snark is about 10 individuals pursuing happiness. The tragicomedy takes place on a ship and on an island. Lewis Carroll had the kindness to provide a map map required to navigate the ship.I think that the set may consist just of 9 Snark hunters.

What are the style, tone, and setting of the poem "My Shadow"?

Style: what is the rhyme scheme, that is, what lines rhyme with what other lines? Is this consistent? Also, what is the rhythm. Read the poem aloud, emphasizing each syllable that is accented, in fact over-emphasizing. You should hear the rhythm.Tone: Is it serious, mocking, ironic, sad, happy, regretful? Think of who might be saying this, if they were just talking, and what would be that person’s emotion?Setting: Who is the narrator? Where is this person? How old is he or she? What do they do all day? Who is ‘nursie’? Why is that in the poem? Think about all the things that ‘shadow’ does? Why does that happen, in each case?

What is the setting of the poems “Annabel Lee” and “The Raven”?

Edgar Allen Poe's The Raven poem setting is a dreary midnight in December.Poe's other poem Annabel Lee's setting is a black and cold ocean,the sky filled with boiling gray clouds,Annabel's tomb would be black marble,huge and cold.

What are the settings of the poem "Let Evening Come" by Jane Kenyon?

It is a poem about surrendering to inevitable change using rural imagery as a backdrop.Could possibly be construed as surrendering to old age or even death.A good poem inspires you to think, to make of it as you will, the writer may have had one thing in mind, but they will be more than happy for you to take from it what you will, their only concern is to stir your emotions and your soul.