What Is The Solution To Square Root 3x - 2 Equals 5

If α, β are roots of equation 2x^2-3x-5=0, how would you form a quadratic equation whose roots are α ^2, β^2?

quadratic equation solution is x=(-(-3) pm sqrt((-3)^2–4*2*(-5)))/(2*2)=(3 pm sqrt(9+40))/4=(3 pm 7)/4= {10/4=5/2,-1} so roots getting squared meansthe new poly has roots alp^2=25/4, beta^2=1 so (x-alp^2)*(x-beta^2)=(x-25/4)*(x-1) is the new equation. This can be rationalized to get the numerator as 4*x^2–29*x+25=0. You can also use algebra to realize that the sum of the roots is the negative of the coeff of x, and the product of the roots is the constant term, when the eqn is written as (x-a)*(x-b)=x^2-(a+b)*x+a*b, so x^2–3*x/2–5/2 after dividing by 2 gives a+b=3/2, a*b=-5/2. Thus (a+b)^2–2*a*b=a^2+b^2=(3/2)^2–2*(-5/2)=9/4+5=29/4 and a^2*b^2=(a*b)^2=(-5/2)^2=25/4, so the eqn with roots alp^2 and beta^2 as roots isx^2-(alp^2+beta^2)*x+alp^2*beta^2=x^2–29*x/4+25/4 which again rationalizes to 4*x^2–29*x+25=0

HOW do you solve this equation?

The trouble is that when you square two things that are added, you can't just square each of them. It has to be done by FOIL and my trouble was I missed an x EDIT:

(sqrt x+1 + sqrt 3x)(sqrt x+1 + sqrt 3x)

(x+1) + 2 sqrt(3x(x+1)) + 3x

2 sqrt (3x(x+1)) + 4x + 1= 9x - 2

get the added stuff over to the right and square both sides again

I hope that is all you needed to get you going

Same if subtracted

Look at it with simple numbers
[sqrt (9) - sqrt 4] squared is 3-2 squared or 1

but if you just squared each square root youd get 9 - 4 = 5

(sqrt 9 - sqrt 4)(sqrt 9 - sqrt4) = 9 - 2 sqrt 36 + 4

= 9 - 2(6) + 4

= 13 - 12
= 1

What is the solution to (x^3 -3x^2 + 2x - 1/ x^2 - 4x + 4)dx?

What is the solution to (x^3–3x^2 + 2x - 1 / x^2 - 4x + 4)dx?Right, so you want the (indefinite) integral of an expression with respect to x.Problem: What is your expression? In particular, what is being divided by what?As written, your expression is actually: [math]x^3 - 3x^2 + 2x - \frac {1}{x^2} - 4x + 4[/math]Given that there are two terms in [math]x[/math], I suspect this is not what you meant. So, did you mean:x^3–3x^2 + 2x - 1 / (x^2 - 4x + 4) or(x^3–3x^2 + 2x - 1) / (x^2 - 4x + 4)?I will assume the latter.[math]I = \int \frac {x^3 - 3x^2 + 2x - 1}{x^2 - 4x + 4} dx[/math]Factorising the numerator, we have:[math]I = \int \frac {(x^2 - 4x + 4)(x + 1) + 2x - 5}{x^2 - 4x + 4} dx[/math][math]= \int \left( x + 1 + \frac {2x - 4 - 1}{x^2 - 4x + 4} \right) dx[/math]Factorising the denominator and splitting the fraction into two parts, we have:[math]I = \int \left( x + 1 + \frac {2x - 4}{(x - 2)^2} - \frac {1}{(x - 2)^2} \right) dx[/math]Note that the numerator of the first fraction is the derivative of the denominator;[math]\int \frac {f'(x)}{f(x)} = ln[f(x)][/math], thus[math]I = \frac {1}{2}x^2 + x + ln[(x - 2)^2] + \frac {1}{x - 2} + c[/math]where c is the constant of integration[math]= \frac {x(x + 2) + 4ln|x - 2|}{2} + \frac {1}{x - 2} + c[/math]

Square root 3x+11?

square root 3x+11 is (3x+11)^1/2
Thats a start for you

Solve 3x^2-15=0 by using the square root property?


Since you are using the square root property, take the 15 to the right side by adding it to both sides:

3x2 - 15 + 15 = 0 + 15

3x^2 = 15

Now, divide by 3 to take the 3 over to the right and get the x^2 alone on the left side:

x^2 = 5

Now, take the square root of both sides:

x = ±√5

Answer: x = ±√5

I hope this was helpful to you.

Can anyone tell the solution of this question [math](7 + 5 \sqrt{2})^{1/3} + (7- 5\sqrt{2})^ {1/3}=?[/math]

Take 7+5(2)^(1/2)=a^3 and 7-5(2)^(1/2)=b^3. a^3 b^3=49-50=-1=>a b=-1 and a^3+b^3=14.We want the value of a+b. Denote a+b =x.x^3=a^3+b^3+3 a b(a+b)=14-3x=>x^3+3 x-14=0=>(x-2)(x^2+2 x+7)=0=>x=2 (as x^2+2 x+7 >0) Hence (7+5(2)^(1/2))^(1/3)+(7-5(2)^(1/2))^(1/3)=2

Express as a single logarithm:8 log2 (square root (3x-2)) -log2 (4/x) + log2 4?

To combine logs: if the logs are being added, combine and multiply the things in the brackets. If they're being subtracted, divide.

log2((√(3x-2)^8 * 4)/(4/x))

You can simplify the stuff in the brackets quite a bit

log2(√(3x-2)^8 *4x)/4)

log2((3x-2)^4 *4x)/4)



If the roots of the equation 3x^2+9x+2 are in ratio m:n then find (m/n) ^1/2+(n/m) ^1/2?

The answer is not [math]-\sqrt{\frac{3}{2}}[/math], as a quick glance might indicate. The expression to be evaluated is the sum of two square roots—it cannot be negative. It has to be positive (or zero).If the zeros of the quadratic polynomial[math]3x^2+9x+2[/math]are in the ratio [math]m:n[/math], assume that the roots are [math]km[/math] and [math]kn[/math]. Assume that [math]m[/math] and [math]n[/math] are positive.[math]m,n>0\implies k<0[/math]The fact that [math]k[/math] is negative follows from the observation that both zeros of the quadratic polynomial are negative. Now, manipulate the expression to be evaluated.[math]\sqrt{\cfrac{m}{n}}+\sqrt{\cfrac{n}{m}}=\cfrac{m+n}{\sqrt{mn}}[/math][math]\implies\sqrt{\cfrac{m}{n}}+\sqrt{\cfrac{n}{m}}=\cfrac{m+n}{\sqrt{mn}}\times\cfrac{k}{k}[/math][math]\implies\sqrt{\cfrac{m}{n}}+\sqrt{\cfrac{n}{m}}=\cfrac{k(m+n)}{k\sqrt{mn}}[/math]Here comes the tricky part. Square roots are, by definition, positive. Hence, to send [math]k[/math] inside the radical, we must introduce negation somehow.[math]k<0[/math][math]\implies k=-\sqrt{k^2}[/math][math]\implies\sqrt{\cfrac{m}{n}}+\sqrt{\cfrac{n}{m}}=\cfrac{k(m+n)}{-\sqrt{k^2}\sqrt{mn}}[/math][math]\implies\sqrt{\cfrac{m}{n}}+\sqrt{\cfrac{n}{m}}=-\cfrac{k(m+n)}{\sqrt{k^2mn}}[/math][math]\implies\sqrt{\cfrac{m}{n}}+\sqrt{\cfrac{n}{m}}=-\cfrac{km+kn}{\sqrt{km\times kn}}[/math]The sum and product of [math]km[/math] and [math]kn[/math] can be found easily, because they are the zeros of[math]3x^2+9x+2[/math]the given quadratic expression.[math]km+kn=-\cfrac{9}{3}=-3[/math][math]km\times kn=\cfrac{2}{3}[/math][math]\implies\sqrt{\cfrac{m}{n}}+\sqrt{\cfrac{n}{m}}=-\cfrac{-3}{\sqrt{\frac{2}{3}}}[/math][math]\implies\sqrt{\cfrac{m}{n}}+\sqrt{\cfrac{n}{m}}=3\sqrt{\cfrac{3}{2}}[/math]You’d have got the same answer if you had assumed that [math]m,n<0[/math] and [math]k>0[/math].

Factor: 1) 6 root 3 x^2 - 47x + 5 root 3; 2) x^2 - 3 root 3 x - 30; 3) If AC = BC Prove AC = 1/2 AB?

1. 6√3 x² - 47x + 5√3

Multiply (6√3)(5√3) = 90.
Are there factors of 90 that add to -47?
Yes, -45 and -2.

6√3 x² - 45x - 2x + 5√3
= 3x(2√3 x - 15) + (-√3/3)(2√3 x - 15)
= (3x - √3/3)(2√3 x - 15)
= (1/3)(9x-√3)(2√3x-15)
You can verify by multiplying it out.

2. x² - 3√3x - 30
I'll come back to this one.

3. I'll assume A, B, and C lie in a straight line, and C is between A and B.

The length of AB = length of AC + length of BC (this is true no matter where C is located between A and B).

Since AC = BC, then we can replace BC with AC.
length AB = length AC + length AC
length AB = 2 length AC
(1/2) length AB = length AC