What Is The Term For Someone Who Feels No Empathy For A Certain Group Of People

Why do I feel sorry for people for no reason?

I actually searched for something like "I feel sorry for people too much" to find this... Good to know someone else feels like this sometimes haha

Here is my theory.. though I can't say for certain that it's the truth

Consider the idea that you just have a higher level of empathy than most people, so you find yourself feeling bad for people, even in a hypothetical sense... Like, perhaps you understand that there's much more to people on an individual level than what they display to the world, on the surface, and you ponder the secret 'trials and tribulations' that these people go through, if that makes any sense? I often find myself feeling mildly sorry for people, even people I barely know, for no exact reason, and I think it's subconsciously to do with the basic understanding of humanity, and that we all go through many of the same problems, and when you think about what each individual actually experiences in their lifetime, it's really quite mind blowing...

I think because I have experienced inner turmoil etc. at certain times in my life, but the people around me would have no idea about it, it makes me wonder about others going through the same stuff, which causes me to empathize with them, for things that may not even require any concern in the first place.

Whatever the reason, there is nothing wrong with you! It basically just means you're sensitive to others, and you can never have enough empathy! Virtually all people (besides narcissists/sociopaths/psychopaths) feel empathy for others, it's one of the most fundamental and vital elements of humanity, without it there would be no love or hope...

Feel free to disregard this whole 'answer', I know it's not factual or anything, but answers to these sorts of questions never are.

What is the psychological term for when someone feels no emotion?

I saw it on a CSI show once, and they used a term to describe how this boy felt no emotion what-so-ever (not anger, sadness, happiness, etc.). It came up in conversation earlier today and I cant remember the name of it.
Could someone help me remember what its called?
10 points best answer :]