What Is The Venus Project And Do You Have Any First Hand Experience With Them And If So What Was It

What is your view about The Venus Project?

As a post monetary era is inevitable(if we want to survive with less human suffering). So why not make it beautiful, more productive.The Venus Project proposes a better system for our civilization which solves our most of problem in a way different than others. It hits the root of cause to extinguish the fire hurting millions (or it is in billions) innocent lives with time by poverty, war, corruption etc.As per our current technological advances most of the labour work today done by humans is not needed and can be eliminated using automation. But in monetary system, people needs jobs and money. So it might just contribute to more fuzz. And monetary system survives on scarcity whose cons we are already aware of!Currently world have powers in hands of people who aren't able to or makes better decisions either due to lack of knowledge and capabilities or because of being driven by monetary incentives instead of welfare etc.The Venus Project addresses these problems by a solution stating new social system made by studies of existing ones and those too which people are generally unaware of(primarily tribes not connected to mainstream world).As per my personal opinion that's an great idea as Einstein saidProblems can't be solved with the same mindset we used to create them.And once you read enough and understand it you can't deny that it's feasible unless "you" is closed minded. :DFind more at And read FAQs of TVP on Quora listed at: http://stvpprogressreport.blogsp...(This ain't complete though, stay tuned for more.) :DEDIT:This might give a better view:

How does a Virgo man act if he's interested in someone?

In actuality, it all depends on their Venus sign, so it is going to vary on how Virgo men pursue women and love. It all depends because there are about 5 different Venus signs a Virgo can have......... the ones with their Venus in Cancer, Venus in Leo, Venus in Libra, Venus in Scorpio and the ones with their Venus in Virgo.

I can speak for the Venus in Virgos, due to the fact that I'm one(although I'm female )and my best guy friend is a double Virgo (Virgo sun & Virgo Venus) in his early 30's.

Yes, as you said, many Virgo men can be stand-offish AND aloof. Many DO know how to make that eye contact with someone when they are interested in someone. That is how they first show an initial interest in you....then, the next step can take forever. I know that these people are analytical and picky with who they are interested in and when they are interested in someone, they work their way towards you....slowly. They are not aggressive in their pursuits, and they also must sense interest from the other person as well before they would ever make a move on you. Many of them wait for the other person to make the move first. They love it when you show the interest in them AND make the first move. They are afraid of rejection, however, depending on their moon sign, the degree of being afraid of rejection can vary. If they have a moon in an earth sign, the fear of rejection is greater.

Edited to add: Those with their Venus in Virgo can be single for a loooong time. They are okay with being single.

EDIT: He was born 08/26. What year was he born in?

With enough cash and patience, could we terraform any planet?

No. I don't think you understand what cash or money really is. We could have zillion trillion dollars, and it would not do any good if there wasn't anything to buy. Better to ask, if every single person on Earth worked as hard as they could one this one single project -- if everybody was a slave to the "terraform Neptune" project -- and if we spent a million years on the project, could we terraform Neptune.

The answer is yes, of course. If everybody on Earth was a slave to that one project, and did nothing else except things that helped the project, and if they spent a million years on that project, then I am sure we could do it. On the other hand, if it takes that much effort, why bother?

2. In what manner did the slaves fight back against slavery?

They didn't fight back because they felt they couldn't. It's all apart of roles and statuses. Think about the Zimbardo prison experiment. Some guys were split into prisoners and guard and were told to behave like they were in prison for 2 weeks. It had to be cut short after six days because the guards were so sadistic! When people are placed in a role or status, and accept it and internalize it (beatings, the language barrier, and being in a foreign land would make one accept the role and the subsequent generations would follow suit), one doesn't challenge it. This being the case with the slaves. Yes, some slaves tried, but for the most part (especially if they were born into slavery and weren't captured), they accepted it.
Some did try. Take the example of La Amistad. The slaves took over the ship and tried to go back to Africa. Then in Haiti, there was Toussaint L'Ouverture who lead a slave revolt in Haiti and was successful! So yes, there were instances of revolt.