What Is The Volume In Cm^3 Of 1 Cubic Yard 1inch = 2.54cm

How do I calculate cubic meters of water into cubic meters of yards?

Since 1 meter = 1.093 yards

If you take a cube, 1 meter on each side. Each side will be 1.093
That means 1 cubic meter = ( 1.093)^3 cubic yards

1.029 cubic yards = 1.029 /(1.093^3) cubic meters = 0.7881 cubic meters

NOTE--The conversion rate given (1 meter = 1.093 yards) is not accurate
There are EXACTLY 2.54 cm in 1 inch.
Which means there are exactly 0.9144 meters in 1 yard.
1.029 cubic yards would be 1.029*(0.9144^3) =0.7867 cubic meters(rounded to nearest ten-thousandth

How to determine which is bigger: meter, yard, inch?

I'm not understanding the concept of meter, yard, inch.

Which is bigger, yard or meter? Please refer me to a website that will explain. I want to be able to explain the concept to a child. Thanks

How do you convert cubic inches into liters?

1 inch= 2.5cm(approx)
1 cubic inch =2.5 X 2.5 X2.5 cm^3
=15.625 cm^3
=15.625 ml
=0.015625 litres

How many liters are there in 392 cubic inches?

You can see equivalent volume units using vCalc ’s unit conversion calculators. Got to:Unit Conversions CollectionThere, among many different unit conversion calculators you will find a vVolume calculator that will convert between thousands of combinations of volume units

How many cubic feet is 1 ton of lead????

Divide the total weight by the weight per cubic foot!

Volume of well is 40.0ft squared. Density of concrete is 2.85g/cm squared. How many kg of concrete will it ta?

First problem is volume needs to be measured in cubic feet.

First thing is to convert the cubic feet to cubic centimeters.

D=M/V 1728 cubic inches in a cubic foot

There are 1.133x10e6 cubic centimeters in 40 cubic feet.

Density x volume = mass

2.85 g/cm^3 x 1.133x10e6 cm^3 = 3.229x10e6 grams

convert grams to squared kilograms by dividing by 10e6 (1000x1000) [1 kg = 1000 grams; 1 sq kg = 1000000 grams]

3.23 x 10 squared kgs

Why is it that a cube with the measurements 1/2 inch by 1/2 inch by 1/2 inch has a volume of only 1/8 cubic inch?

First off, it does not have the volume of 1/8 inches, it has the volume of 1/8 CUBIC inches, which is a metric unit for volume, while an inch is a unit for length.Now let’s look at why it has 1/8, specifically. The formula of Volume for a cube is just like Hyperrectangle’s V = width x length x height and since a Cube is just a Hyperrectangle with all sides equal, this specific case can be written as V = side^3 so simply, here, V = (1/2 inches)^3 = 1^3/2^3 inches^3 = 1/8 Cubic inches.The reason why the Volume’s numerical value is lower than the side’s is because fractions in multiplication lower the value, since they are basically division. But we have 2 different units of measurement, inches and cubic inches, so it’s perfectly reasonable.

What is 1 cubic meter in feet?

When you cube a number you need several more significant decimal places than normally because the errors mount up so rapidly(1) 1 meter = 3.2808399 feet(2) You are absolutely correct, cubing the number of feet in a meter will get the answer to: How many cubic feet are there in one cubic meter.(3.2808399)^3 = 35.3146667One cubic meter is equivalent (with a little bit of roundoff error) to:35.3146667 cubic feet.....<<<..Answer to question ******************************* By contrast, (3.28)^3 = 35.287552 *******************************Hint use the google search bar and type in cubic meter to cubic feet. This works for just about any conversion that you can dream of.Again in the Google search bar -1) It-s also a calculator: enter sqrt(7) + 19^2 and you will get the answer.2) It's also a dictionary define misanthropist gets you to a choice of dictionaries with the answer in front of there URLs, misanthrope: someone who dislikes people in generalAlso, time weather distance latitude longitudeThere's much more but I don't have it memorized. I also have many suggestion about the conversion through this Unit Converter

How was it calculated that one inch would equal 2.54 centimeters?

In fact the inch has had many different meanings over the years: In 1066, an inch was defined as 3 barleycorn (presumably laid end to end)This was actually codified  into law in 1324. The Scottish inch was about 2.5441 cm The French inch, about 2.70 cmThe US, UK, South Africa, and others finally signed a treaty in 1959. The inch was defined in terms of a metric unit. In summary, it was never calculated. It was never derived. It was decreed. It was agreed. The two systems were developed independently, then unified by treaty, and a nice round number of 2.54 . Of course, we have all these maps in the US that ignore (or predate?) this agreement. The inch on these maps is defined as 1/39.37 of a meter. Not the same.  This is a surveyors inch.  2.54000508 cm. Ugh!

How do I calculate 1 unit sand with cubic feet?

If I understand you correctly, you want to know how many cubic feet is equal to a unit of sand.The major problem here is that you haven’t told us what a unit of sand is.Hopefully, your unit of sand is a measure of volume, such as a litre, a cubic metre, or a gallon. In which case, we just need to find the appropriate conversion factor.For example: 1 cubic foot = 1 728 cubic inches (=12 inches x 12 inches x 12 inches), and 1 cubic inch = 16.387064 cubic centimetres (=2.54 cm x 2.54 cm x 2.54cm). Thus 1 cubic foot = 28 316.846 592 cubic centimetres = 28 316.846 592 ml = 28.316 846 592 l = 0.028 316 846 592 cubic metres.So 1 litre of sand = [math]\frac {1}{28.316846592}\ cubic\ feet[/math]As an imperial gallon is defined as 4.54609 l,an imperial gallon of sand = [math]\frac {4.54609}{28.316846592}\ cubic\ feet \approx 0.1605\ cubic\ feet[/math]Whereas a US Liquid gallon is defined as 231 cubic inches = [math]\frac {231}{1728}\ cubic\ feet \approx 0.1337\ cubic\ feet[/math]And, given sand is not a liquid, the US dry gallon is defined as 268.8025 cubic inches = [math]\frac {268.8025}{1728}\ cubic\ feet \approx 0.1556\ cubic\ feet[/math]There are many websites that list conversion factors; there are also many that will do the full calculation for you.[math]\\[/math]What if your unit of sand is a unit of mass, such as a kilogram or a ton (and to add to the confusion, which ton? short, long or metric). If this is the case, you will need to know the density of the sand.For example, if your unit of sand is 1kg, then, using a density of 1 602 kg per cubic metre (this is one figure for uncompacted dry sand - different types of sand would have different densities), we thus have:1 kg of sand = [math]\frac {1}{1602}\ cubic\ metres[/math]We also know that 1 cubic foot = 0.028316846592 cubic metresSo, 1kg of sand = [math]\frac {1}{1602} \times \frac {1}{0.028316846592}\ cubic\ feet[/math][math]\approx 0.0220\ cubic\ feet[/math]