What Iz Hybridization

What is the hybridization of OH-?

Start by writing the valence shell electronic configuration of O- (since we're considering hydroxide anion, O being more electro-negative than H will accommodate the negative charge of the species on itself):
2s^2 2p^5

The hybridized state can be written as
2s2 2px^2 2py^2 2pz^1

The one electron in 2pz orbital of O- forms a bond with H. So, there are 3 lone pairs of electrons on O, and 1 bond pair (with H)
=> O is sp3 hybridized

[NOTE: Take into account both, the lone pair and the bond pair of electrons for determining the hybridization of any atom.
It's important to consider the negative charge; had the negative charge been absent, the O would have not attained the octet)

What is hybridization in IF7?

Hybridization of I in IF7 is SP3D3.The atomic number of I is 53. so the electronic configuration will be -so the electron of other most shell get in exciting state and form 7 half filled now I has 7 half filled atomic orbitals -one 5s, three 5p, and three 5d. These seven atomic orbital mix together and form equivalent SP3D3 hybrid orbital of same energy.Now these 7 atomic orbital form sigma bond with the 7 fluorine atoms .Since there is formation of 7 bonds so the geometry of IF7 will be pentagonal bipyramidal.And its shape will beThank you.

What is hybridization?

Nice question. Hybridisation usually occurs around and with carbon molecules, so lets look at them.In a methane molecule, there is one carbon and 4 hydrogens. Now, we know that carbon has 4 free electrons in its valence shell. We know that the 1s shell is filled with 2 electrons. We would also expect the 2s shell to be filled with 2 electrons. Now, what normal chemistry classes tell you is that each of these 2p shells are aligned around a certain axis, in three dimensions. Thus, each of them can be named according to their axis alignment as 2px, 2py and 2pz. We would expect to see these shells in their normal dumb-bell shapes. So, one electron is filled into the 2px and 2py shells respectively. Remember, both electrons have the same spin. Also remember that this is just an expected scenario, not what really happens.Instead, the hydrogen knocks off one electron from the 2s shell and transfers it to the 2pz shell, which is empty. We now have one electron in each of the 2nd orbital's shells. Now, each of these shells have the same number of electrons with the same spin on each, making them have the same properties. Thus, they can all be grouped into one category- and we call this category a hybridised (hybrid meaning mixed or combined) shell. Since this new shell is a mixture of one 2s and three 2p shells, we call it a hybridised sp3 shell. The same thing occurs with sp2 and sp hybridised shells, except with a smaller ratio of s to p mixture.Hope this helps.

What is hybridization in O2, N2, and F2?

The hybridization of O2, N2, and F2 are sp2, sp, sp3 respectively.O2As we know between O-O , there are two bonds one is sigma and other is pi bond.So, on the basis of this we can say that O2 has sp2 hybridization..N2We already know that N-N has triple bond in its stable condition.There are one sigma bond and two pi bonds.So, we can say that the N2 has sp hybridization.F2Halogen group form one sigma bond to their atom because they require only one electron to fill its orbit.So, F2 has sp3 hybridization..Theses the basic concept of the hybridization of any molecule. If molecule is complex it would be difficult to find hybridization.IF YOU ARE IIT-JEE / NEET ASPIRANT ,you must refer this website.[1]Thank you ✌✌Footnotes[1] HOW TO FIND HYBRIDIZATION

What is the hybridization of BeF2?

Hybridization can be easily determined by the withdrawing groups (single or double or triple bond[all are taken as one group], lone-pairs, ) around the central atom. Here the central atom is Be. there are two withdrawing groups here. they are the two single bonds between F. [F-----Be----F]. since there are no any lone-pair in Be, these are the only withdrawing groups around it. so Be is Sp Hybridized.

Lets take H2O as another ex.
Here also only two bonds between O and H. But as u know there are two lone pairs around O.( after bond formation). there are four withdrawing groups around it. so the Hybrid.. is Sp3.!

if there are 2 withdrawing groups = SP
if there are 3 withdrawing groups = SP2
if there are 4 withdrawing groups = SP3
if there are 5 withdrawing groups = SP3d
if there are 6 withdrawing groups = SP3d2

Its Easy.

What is hybridization in biology?

In reproductive biology the act or process of mating organisms of different varieties or species to create a hybrid. It's something like cross breeding. Ligers and mules are examples of animal hybrid.In molecular biology process of forming a double stranded nucleic acid from joining two complementary strands of DNA(or RNA) (as in nucleic acid hybridization).

What is hybridization of NO2+?

I give you a simple formula to find out hybridisation of 99% molecules (1% are EXCEPTIONS). (THIS FORMULA IS NOT APPLICABLE FOR COMPLEX AND COORDINATION COMPOUNDS)HYBRIDISATION— 0.5(V+M-C+A)V- Valence electrons in central metal atom.M- Number of Monovalent atoms.C- Total Cationic charge on the molecule.A- Total anionic charge on the molecule.If outcome is:2 — hybridisation: sp3— hybridisation: sp24— hybridisation: sp35— hybridisation:sp3d6— hybridisation :sp3d27—hybridisation :sp3d3.YOUR QUESTION: NO2+V=5(On Nitrogen)M=0C=+1A=0HYBRIDISATION=0.5(5+0–1+0)=2HYBRIDISATION=sp.This formula is for whole molecule only.(Here oxygens are sp2 hybridised.)Hope this answers your questionIf you like the answer don’t forget to upvote.

What is the hybridization of bromine in BrO2-?

So, let's consider the Lewis structure of this molecule. Bromine comes with 7 electrons, and the negative charge we can treat it as if it has 8 electrons. And, it will use two of these electrons per oxygen to form a coordinate covalent bond with oxygen. In other words, bromine will have two single bonds, one to each oxygen, and all atoms will have a full valence shell (i.e. 8 electrons).

Therefore, because there are two lone pairs of electrons and two bonds, it is favorable to bromine to create FOUR hybridized orbitals by combining its valence s orbital and 3 valence p orbitals. Therefore, the hybridization of bromine must be sp^3. There is no reason to be sp^3d hybridized, and if it were sp^2 hybridized, it would have a lone pair in a higher energy p orbital, which is not energetically favorable.

Answer: sp^3

Hope this helps!
