What Kind Of Doctor Should I Contact To Be Re-prescribed Add Medication

Can a regular medical doctor prescribe anxiety medication? Or does this require a psychiatrist?

Yes, technically any physician (MD, DO, NP, or even PA) with prescribing abilities can prescribe something for anxiety. However, many physicians are not comfortable prescribing psychiatric medications. You say you "might not be able to see a psychiatrist until January" which suggests you've looked into, but not scheduled, an appointment.  Many providers would be more comfortable starting you on something knowing that you have an upcoming appointment with a psychiatrist.  When you do see someone, be sure to let them know about the supplements you have been taking to help with your anxiety.I suggest talking with your Primary Care Physician about this, if you have one. If you don't, I highly suggest getting one. Having an established relationship with a provider makes them more comfortable prescribing for you.  Walking in to your local Urgent Care (or ER, for that matter) & asking someone you've never seen before for psychiatric medications usually doesn't go too well.  If you're wondering why this is, it's because the most commonly prescribed meds for anxiety (SSRI's) take 8-12 weeks to really reach full effect and there is a small risk of increased suicidality when you first start. Drugs like Ativan or Xanax (for short term relief of anxiety symptoms) have a very high street value, and few providers are willing to write these for someone they've just met for the first time.

My doctor prescribed me meth for ADD. Should I take it?

The Desoxyn is Dextromethamphetamine. So it is not what you would find on the street because it is pharmaceutical grade and it only has the dextro isomer, d-methamphetamine. Street drugs would have d and l-methamphetamine.

I would have to assume that you have taken drugs like Adderall (mixed amphetamine salts) and Dexedrine (Dextroamphetamine). Both of these drugs are amphetamines. Methamphetamine is the strongest of the amphetamines but, scientifically, it is not that much stronger. It is slightly more psychoactive then dextroamphetamine. But amphetamines all can cause Meth problems. The Meth pictures are of people abusing the non-pharmaceutical grade drug for long periods of time at doses you will never be prescribed.

It is a safe and effective drug. Your doctor sounds very good by saving this drug for last and by having you slowly increase the dose.

It is highly unlikely you will become an addict or start to look anything like the people in those pictures.

Heroin is a prescription medication in The UK, GHB is a prescription drug for narcolepsy, and Rohypnol is used as a sedative in dozens of nations. Yet for the most part these drug are considered to be bad but most drugs are good and beneficial but only when taken as prescribed for legitimate medical uses.

I would take the drug. Talk to your doctor about any concerns but it sounds like you are getting to you final options and if you have not had any abuse issues with other stimulants then you should be fine. And keep in mind that the difference between Amphetamine and Methamphetamine is not as big as you think.

Good luck- I hope the drug works out for you.

What kind of doctor prescribes Adderall?

Any family MD or a Psychiatrist

Do doctors drug test before prescribing add meds?

Doctors can't legally do that without cause, but it's possible your friend's doctor may have seen more than a few symptoms of him abusing the drug (or having too high of a dose, which would be similar signs) and recommended a weaker drug to see if it would be the appropriate dosage.
Besides that fact, testing for weed would be an expensive test that no doctor will do (regardless of legality) just for the heck of it if they think they're high. After all, would you want to pay $40-50 to verify something you're curious about with someone you probably won't see again for several months? ;-)

It is only smart to tell your doctor what drugs and supplements you're taking whether they be prescription, OTC, or illegal... they can't call the cops due to doctor-patient confidentiality (unless they suspected you would hurt yourself or others), but if you didn't tell them, they might prescribe you something with really bad interactions to any number of those drugs/supplements.
If you want to make sure you get something for your ADD, you need to be properly tested to make sure you get the appropriate dosage and make sure that you tell your doctor if it seems like too little or too much of an effect. Good luck and I hope I helped!

What kind of medication is an endocrinologist allowed to subscribe?

I take it that and Endocrinologist must have an MD not just a Phd to prescribe medicine correct? Can an Endocrinologist also act as an internist. Can and Endocrinologist prescribe medication for anxiety or add, or can they only prescribe medicine related to their field? If somebody wants psychotropic medication can they only get it from a psychiatrist?

Moved states and need a new doctor for prescriptions?

I just moved states and I need to see a new doctor for prescriptions.

My insurance has lists of doctors in my area who accept my insurance but I don't know what kind of doctor to see for simple prescriptions! I don't want to accidentally go to a speciality doctor for something simple.

I need prescriptions for ADD medication and birth control. And my prescriptions in my old state or no longer active so I can't just move my info to a new pharmacy.

What kind of a doctor should I see for my prescriptions?
There are some doctors listed who specialize in Attention Deficit Disorder but I want to get both my prescriptions done at the same time and I doubt they could prescribe me birth control.