What Makes Her Gorgeous But Not Me

Guys- What makes a woman beautiful/gorgeous as opposed to sexy?

beauty is god given.

gorgeous and sexy are personality driven.

Beautiful, gorgeous, hot, pretty, cute...are there differences in meaning?

Beautiful = wholesome and the all around package. Sun dress kind of girl. A girl I'd take home mom.

Gorgeous = something I would say if I was gay.

hot = sexy. This is the girl I'd show off to my friends. Short skirt, legs to kill for, pretty face.

pretty = Her face is good but she's not quite there in other departments.

cute = Has that natural young look. Good face. Could or could not have it going on everywhere else. The key is the youngness look.

What makes a man beautiful?

What a question! Cannot not answer this one! I would jot down when and why I find a man beautiful..A man is the most beautiful when he is very respectful to the women in his life. We women instantly like men who respects us. So, a man who is respectful is beautiful.A man, when he speaks about his dreams, looks beautiful. The passion in his eyes to achieve them and the way his entire face lights up makes him beautiful.A man who knows when to be a kid and when to be mature is beautiful. Sensibility is a trait not everyone possesses.A man when he talks about the one he loves is beautiful. His eyes narrow down and his lips widen. Who says men don't blush, eh?A man who loves his family the most is beautiful. I personally like family-men. They love their family dearly and that makes them beautiful.When his words and his actions are in sync, he's beautiful. No one likes fake people and liars.When after meeting you, he makes sure you reached home safely, he is beautiful.When he doesn't make fake promises to a girl and is a keeper of his words, he's beautiful.When he, inspite of having different opinions, doesn't be stubborn and tries to understand someone else's views, is beautiful.When he says he loves his mother more than his girlfriend, I would find him beautiful.A man who is honest, to his people, his deeams, his work and most importantly, to his own self is beautiful.A man who is loyal, highly understanding, patient and romantic, I find him beautiful.When a man respects my family, he's beautiful.A man who is not judgemental is beautiful.A man who doesn't 't try to bring women down, in any way, even jokingly and treat them as his equals, they are beautiful.When he tries to cheer me up, and doesn't complain about how every problem is mine in this world, his efforts, his love make him beautiful.When a man cries in front of me, not worried about what would I think of him, I find him beautiful. Because men who don't find it un-manly to cry in front of women are men I like. It shows the trust they have in me.Men who love deeply, laugh cheerfully, work passionately and live amazingly are beautiful.So, if you are a man reading this and if any of these is you, you are beautiful. :)

What is better: cute, adorable, pretty, beautiful, gorgeous...?

Cute - 1 drink

Adorable - 1.5 drinks

Pretty - 2 drinks

Beautiful - 3 drinks

Gorgeous - Absolutely Loaded

Seriously, I think it depends on the outlook of the person using those adjectives. I think cute is probably used for someone perky, maybe tomboyish but still has "looks". Adorable...should be saved for puppies, kittens and babies. Pretty, I think is probably used to describe someone who is just that, pretty. Not flawless, probably naturally pretty. Maybe the kind of girl that may not be too pleasing to the eye at first but once you get to know her, she becomes pretty. KWIM?

Beautiful and Gorgeous...I think should be saved for the few women in this world who are truly beautiful and there are so few of them, I can't even think of any off the top of my head.

What *actually makes* Utada Hikaru cute?

I find Utada very cute like most of us do! She's so simple and sweet. She laughs and smiles a lot. To me it's her personality that's attractive. Would you have still liked her if she was not smilie? Cos I think that's what makes her cute, right?! I didn't find her beautiful when I just saw her pic, but when I started watching her interviews and stuff, I started finding her gorgeous!

I love a woman, but she is not beautiful. What should I do?

I'll give a big thumbs up to you actually. I really appreciate people like you...because you know, a male friend once told me in a slightly ashamed tone, that several men, who are into that rating-thing, often say that if she's not 8, I'll not date. Being a girl myself, I frankly don't get that rating scheme, nor do I support it. And I was actually confused when I came to know this-I mean, the guy who is looking for an 8-pointer isn't even distantly considering to check if he himself is at par with such girls. The motive of my writing this is that there is no dearth of shallowness in the world. And looks rarely last. So many factors like age, and make-up( or the lack of it) :D affect someone's appearance.And love is never about being with someone you can show off to the world, like a trophy. If that girl is someone who has a really deep connection with you, then have the key ingredient of lasting love in your relationship. After all, even a trophy is useless if she doesn't satisfy your psychological need for love.I think you should go ahead with your relationship. It's both as per my logic as well as my gut feeling that it would last, provided your love is mutual.You know, love is serendipitous. No matter how clearly and rigidly you define your type and preferences, love will happen when it has to and with whom it has to-lust & attraction can be controlled. But love just can't be.Something similar happened to me once. I am tall, and my type had always been tall, well-built guys. But once I fell for a guy who was the exact opposite of that. To sum up, I'd just say that in true love, looks often take a backseat. One of my female friends had a very funny nose. But she's been in a long and happy relationship, and her boyfriend finds her nose really cute. So go ahead, my friend. Have a happy life full of love ahead :)

Can someone be very beautiful in person, but not very photogenic?

As Greg Scott answered, the main reason some people ruin the shots they're in is that they're self-conscious.  But I recall that when I worked in a Professional lab back in the stone age of photography [also known as the EMULSIAN period] where all I ever saw come through the processing and printing lines was the work of the city's most accomplished photographers, I would occasionally come into contact with models who would bring the day's shoot into our facility on behalf of the photographers. While most of the girls would suffer from comparisons of their "naked" faces with their professionally made-up versions, I remember one girl that I'd seen in hundreds of fashion shots who knocked me out when I first met her in person. She was thoroughly at ease in the photos and expertly made up, and she was extremely attractive in all the shots she was in. Nevertheless, the first time she walked into our lab I was floored.In very good lighting and from a distance of a handful of feet, I could see that she had stripped her face of all the studio paint, yet she was absolutely stunning! There was simply no way that any level of application of cosmetics could make her appear as attractive on film as she was in person in her unadorned form. So yes, some people, even some that photograph very well, can never look as good on film as they do in real life.