What Muscle Groups Do Deadlifts Work

What muscles do dead-lifts work on?

My back was sore all of yesterday from my Friday workout. It included deadlifts, which I hear were great for your lower-back and legs, but the soreness wasn't just limited to my lower-back. My upper-back was fairly sore as well. Exactly what muscle groups do deadlifts work anyway?

Oh, and before I get reamed for this, it wasn't pain, just regular soreness that I usually get when I workout. I followed proper form, and I didn't feel uncomfortable in the least when I was doing them

Does the deadlift work out every muscle?

no not every muscle, it works your posterior chain (your hamstrings, lower back, glutes) lats and rhomboids and to an extent your quads and your grip as well) you will only get your rhomboids worked if your doing the technique 100%, if it does work your shoulders it would only work the rear shoulders .

What muscles do deadlifts work?

I'm not too big on deadlifts, but I picked it up this week again and my hamstrings have been really sore and so is my lower back. Is the lower back supposed to be sore or am I using bad form?

What muscles do "dead lifts" work?

Deadlifts are one of the best full body exercises that you can do to build muscle and lose fat at the same time.Before we get into what muscles work during a dead lift, let's see the correct way of doing a dead lift:You want to stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.Your knees should be slightly bent and grip the bar just outside of legsand hinge forward from your hips.Keep the bar close to your bodyand exhale as you straighten your legs.When the bar gets past your knees and your arms are straight, rest it against your thighs while keeping a straight back.Keeping a straight back, slowly lean forward at the hips while also bending your knees a little at the same time and lower the bar down to the ground.Here’s a picture that properly displays the muscle groups that are hit by this beast of an exercise:As you can see, aside from your arms, shoulders, and lats, the standard deadlift is pretty much a full body workout.Here’s the break down of the names of the major muscle groups that the standard deadlift works:Gluteus Maximus: (Butt)Quadriceps: (Upper Front legs)Adductor Magnus: (Inner Thigh)Soleus: (the Smaller part of your calf muscle)Hamstrings: (Upper back of legs)Gastrocnemius: (the bigger part of your calf muscle)Erector Spinae: (lower back)Trapezius, upper: (upper neck muscles)Trapezius, middle: (middle neck muscles)Levator Scapulae: (the muscle from your jaw to your shoulder)Rhomboids: (upper inner back muscles right below your neck)Rectus Abdominis: (abs)Obliques: (side abs)So, from the list of muscle groups, it hits and the picture above you can see why this is such a great exercise.Source: What Muscle Groups Do Deadlifts Work? - 5 Tried and True Deadlift Types

What are the major muscles worked in the deadlift?

Deadlifts are actually an exercise that works most of your major muscle groups. For a standard deadlift, it will work your hamstrings, your back (most your lower and mid-back, but it will hit the rhomboids just below your neck and between your shoulder blades), your inner thighs, your quads, your traps, your hip flexors, and your core.

I would suggest working it out on your upper body days. Doing it on your lower body days may cause you to over-train those muscles and not allow for them to be able to recover in time for your next leg workout. Also, since they target so many muscles at once, do them at the beginning of your workout. This will loosen up your muscles and get your testosterone levels up for the rest of your workout. Make sure you warm up first. I have tried to do them without warming up and paid for it in the middle of a set. The pain is not fun.

Do DEADLIFTS just work the back area?

Deadlifts work much more than the glutes and the back. They are arguably the best full body weight lifting exercise out there, stimulating nearly every muscle in the body to a varying extents...

...The deadlifts focus on the back (specifically, the spinal erectors), glutes, hamstrings, adductors (i.e. the inner thighs), quadriceps, and calves. However, they also significantly stimulate the stabilizer muscles, including the abs, obliques, as well as the middle trapezius, upper trapezius, and many minor back muscle groups.

Although the chest, shoulders, biceps, triceps, and the forearms don't directly perform the lifting mechanics, they are in a constant isometric state (constantly flexed) the entire lift. This is a significant workout, especially when your deadlift numbers get high. The forearms get worked receive the hardest out of these isometrically flexed muscles.

Remember, though, that it's crucial to perform deadlifts with proper technique. Otherwise your results will be very limited and your chance for injury will be much higher.

Also, check out deadlift variations, including stiff leg deadlifts and RDLs. These are similar, but they focus on different muscle groups.

What muscles are deadlifts meant to target?

Muscles WorkedDeadlifts work most of the body. It is impossible for an exercise to work every muscle, but this one comes close. Even if the exercise doesn’t work the muscle directly, it uses it as a stabilizer or to hold the weight. For example, your arms hold the weight, and your calves are used as stabilizers.Legs: Your hamstrings and glutus are what straighten your hips. Your hips push inward towards the bar to move the weight up. The hamstrings and glutes work in the deadlift similar to how they would in a squat.Back: Your back muscles protect your spine and your discs. Your lats hold the weight close to your body. The deadlift is a great back builder because the entire back is worked and it’s a heavy exercise.Traps: Your traps are what holds your shoulders in place during the deadlift. Some would recommend not even doing shoulder shrugs if you deadlift because the deadlift works the traps to a great degree.Core: Your core is tight when the bar is being lifted to protect the spine. Think of it like a brace for your spine. If you don’t have a strong core, don’t think about deadlifting.Arms: Even though we’re not curling or pushing the weight, our arms are still worked. This is because they hold the weight in place just like the traps. The weight pulls on these muscles, causing them to grow.>>Click my profile for my Free physique ebook and more goodies!