What Sign Am I If Im Born January 20th 1983

I was born September 23, 1991, what is my zodiac sign?

According to my ephemeris the sun did not enter Libra until September 24th. This means you're a Virgo sun, (no cusps). You can get your full birth chart done at or cafe astrology its free. Your full birth chart will give you all the information you need. Your time of birth and location is very important in figuring out your chart.

If you were born in January, what is your sign?

it depends on the date:
from Jan. 1 to Jan. 20 is capricorn
from Jan. 21 to Jan. 31 is aquarius

I was born on the 20th of January, 1983. Aquarius or Capricorn?

Go here, give your birth data and you'll know to which sign the sun was at the time you were born.

Still though you get things from both signs. My sister was born on the cusp too, and she's very logical and level-headed like a Capricorn, and also very social and a party animal like an Aquarius. It's kinda cool.

Is April 20th the sign of Aries or Taurus?

Your question is, surprisingly, a more difficult one than most people think.For one thing, there are actually three zodiacs that are used. The constellational zodiac is what is used by scientists, astronomers, and is represented on official star maps published by planetariums for instance. Every few years, some scientist manages to get some type of publicity saying that most people are in the wrong zodiac sign, however, the scientists have a tendency to ignore the other two zodiacs. (A very good discussion of this can be found on the following website: http://www.renaissanceastrology.....)I will assume that you are asking about the tropical zodiac that is used to determine your “Sun sign “ which most people would have an interest in asking this type of question.On April 20th of this year The sun actually moves from Aries to Taurus on that particular day. Thus, you would need to use a computer or check on the Internet for the exact time of day that the sun moves from one sign to the other. Of course, this depends on where in the world you are and what particular time zone you’re in. One of the better sources on this type of astrological information is the website: http://HTTP://

Anime Birthdays?

Is it Rukia Kuchiki???(I love her!!)
I know maybe 10 or 11 from different animes.
Here's the ones I actually remember:
Rukia Kuchiki-Jan 14th
Hikaru & Kaoru Hitachiin(of Ouran High School Host Club)-June 9th (one day before my b-day!!)
Naruto Uzumaki-October 10th

Horoscope for a man born on 23/02/1983?

Pisces - The Sign of the Dolphin
Your personality is a combination of all the zodiac signs . You may be a musically or artisticly gifted person, and creativeness is inherent in you. You are a great empathiser, always knowing how someone else is feeling. That makes a good councellor and a sensitive lover from you. Occasionally you enjoy solitude and like to get away from everyone and stay alone in order to regain your senses.

Pisces find their most lasting friendships with people born in their own period or between Jane 21 and July 20.

As regards health, people born in this period are mostly inclined to suffer from nerves, insomnia, despondency and poor circulation, anemia. They often have intestinal trouble. They should, if possible, live in bright, sunny, dry climates, and take a great amount of fresh air and exercise. They like extremes. Physical, emotional and mental, and benefit profoundly by experiencing them; but if their extremism goes too far beyond social acceptability, then they should expect to be extremely lonely.

The colors most suitable to such people are all shades of mauve, violet, and purple.

The birth stones for this period are agates, sapphires, amethysts, and emeralds.

If i was born in 1984 what year would i have finished High school?


Astrology: I was born on July  21st, am I born in Cancer or in Leo?

Hello,Greetings From iZofy!Cancer-Leo cusp is known as 'The Cusp of Oscillation', The person born from July 19 to July 25 would tend to oscillate, or swing, from one zone to the other quite frequently. Cancer is ruled by the Moon possesses cardinal traits and Leo is ruled by the Sun possesses fixed traits. This person can be many things at once, or we can say, this person can experience many emotions in brief spans of time. Cancer is considered to be quite sensitive and docile, while Leo considered as a powerful and dominant sign, combination of both will results in some contrary elements in one's personality If you can learn to centre yourself and find more balance, your life will be filled with lots of love and lasting relationships. To know more about your sign you can download iZofy App.Thank You

I was born on May 21, 1983, at 8:49 pm in Shillong. What is my spouse’s name, her direction and profession, and when will I meet her?

Dear SirAstrology is not magic that it can answer the questions you are asking, like spouses name and direction etc.Astrology can give you a very good guide of all aspects of your life and remedies so that corrective actions can be taken.It is karma based.