What To Do About This Girl Who Is Mean To Me

How do I deal with girls who are mean to me?

So many people here say the best way is to ignore her. Sometimes you can't. Here is some advice if you must keep interacting with her regularly:You can use this as an opportunity to grow your own social skills and confidence. Just be nice, really nice. This sounds like the opposite thing of what you want to do, but bear with me. After an insult, one of the most disarming things you can do is respond with a calm compliment and a smile. It resets the tone of your relationship, it forces you to have self control, and creates that protective coat around you by not letting whatever she said get to you. This is true for relationships with anyone (not just a mean girl). Bullies are filled with self confidence issues. This response not only taps to their unmet need, but also sends a clear signal you will not engage in a verbal fight. I bet you'll see an interesting change in behavior after a couple of times of doing this.  Hope this helps :)

Why do girls mean mug at me a lot?

It's pathetic but unfortunately a way of life these days. I used to get mean-mugged, but it seems now I just get smirked at. Hmm. Anyway. Something about you has obviously made them feel nervous or threatened. It might be your looks or your clothes, or even how you're walking for example--you might be walking a bit too confidently for their taste and they don't want you to feel confident for some reason. Just remember that you aren't doing anything wrong, it's their problem. Smile at them and be on your way, knowing that at least you are secure enough in yourself to not need to go around being nasty to people.

GIRLS: Do you act mean to your crush?

I like this girl and she acts mean to me all the time.

I asked her for a chip and she shouted no and gave on of her other guy friends some and she told him she didn't give me any.

One time she gave me a hard bump randomly

She put her feet on my chair so I couldn't sit and when I sat on em she kept them pressed against my but and refused to take em down.

in the past when id say hi to her shed giv me a big smile and a cute hi back but now she gives me a blank look for 3 seconds then flips me off.

Everyday we catch each others eyes about 7 times

I said bye to her and she gav me an attitude like she was rlly annoyed and told me to shut up then looked for me reaction when she was walkin out the room.

If I ask her friend if I can read her answer the girl I'm tlkin bout says no and covers her answers up

She said my 2 cowlicks are ugly

She always calls me a perv and exagerates situations to do so.

She gav her friend some hand sanitizer and then after while she was getting iit back from her friend she was lookin at me and I asked for some and she said no

When I asked if she wanted to be friends she said no

Why are girls mean to me in 8th grade?

I am 14, in 8th grade, and i am male.

I am usually silent in my school. I don t have much friends compared to maybe like 2 actual friends and maybe like 6 other people i casually know. I am not very fit, I am kind of what you would call a bit overweight, I am 170 pounds, and I am not proud of it, but I try to cut down on it.

Like i said, i am not a very social person compared to my online self, i have more online friends that i hang out everyday with compared to online. When i try to get to know new people, they either ignore me, or just try to get out of talking. Girls in this problem are worse.

I don t really like to insult back or anything, but i don t understand, they look at me funny, they walk away from me if i am standing near, most of the time they insult me by saying "you re a fat ****" or you smell". I can understand the first thing, but i shower every single day and before school, i put deodorant on, i comb my hair, and i brush my teeth. It is really hurtful when you see all these other guys and peers talking to girls and being friends, and i just don t understand why am i the odd one out of the bunch? I don t have many problems wrong with me, I do have an IEP, but nobody really knows about it. What can i do, or can i really do nothing at all and just deal with the issues of public school?

What does it mean when a girl says hit me up?

call, text, email, facebook. any kind of communicaton

Other girls give me mean stares? :/?

Hello. > I don't really get on with people my age. <
Other girls usually always give me mean stares or laugh at me.
Which hurts my feelings alot. Why do girls do this?
Am I the only one? If you're a girl do you give others mean stares?
Any advice? Thank You !

Why do girls give me mean looks?

im just a normal guy in highschool.
im not ugly or anything. im not wierd, im not a nerd, or anything bad like that.
but a lot of girls have told me i'm really cute, but a lot of people have also said that i look mean. so like i was wondering if since i looked mean that that would affect how people treat me.
cuz like it seems like people are usually mean to me for some reason without even knowing who I am.