What Type Of Aquatic Snail Is This

What is the life span of an aquatic snail?

The shell of a snail grows with them. In one tank I had awhile ago the calcium level dropped and the shells of the snails grew deformed because of this. Hermit crabs will use snail shells to live in. Most of the snails that come in with live plants usually live less than a year but have many offspring. The larger snails (mystery, apple) will live for about a year to a year and a half with a water temperature of 80 degrees but three to five years in water that is in the low 70's. My daughter's snail (speedy) died just after 2 years.

Can aquatic snail eat plastic plants?

No, snails cannot eat plastic plants. They may climb around on them, eating the algae, but that's what you want them to do. I recommend silk plants, rather than plastic, however. Snails can't eat silk plants, either. Plastic plants can have sharp points that can scratch fish, poke them in the eye, or snag fins and tails. Not really your best option. Silk also moves and looks more realistic. With good ones, you can't hardly tell they aren't real!

Are aquatic snails hermaphroditic?

Apple, or mystery, snails are not hermaphroditic.

The ones you have probably came in with new plants. Those ones will be all over your tank in no time if you don't get rid of them.

How long can aquatic snails survive in the plastic bag from petco?

Ok here is my answer for you..
1) Are you crazy? Follow what the Petco worker says! Get a large fish bowl and plop them in. They will live in water. Then bring them back to school.
2) If you can't even provide snails with a fish bowl, then yes, you may use a plastic container, even if that's out of the question.
3) Good Luck..

Which type of aquarium snail breeds the fastest?

Bladder, Ramshorn and Trumpet Snails will pretty much breed at around the same rate, so there isn't much of a difference between them. Trumpets do give live birth though, which at least creates the illusion they're faster breeders if for some reason you wanted a placebo.

For the most part though, the need to breed these snails is highly unnecessary. Assassin Snails are very slow hunters, and while they're often advertised as a solution to pest snail problems, their ability to actually hunt and eat snails is closer to a novelty than an actual solution. Unless you begin with almost as many Assassins as pest snails, chances are the Assassins will never actually be able to wipe them all out. Another thing is that Assassin Snails don't actually require live snails as food. In nature, they feed on carrion and other protein sources as much as they would snails. In the aquarium, they'll accept meaty foods like frozen bloodworms, carnivore pellets, etc.