What Type Of Treatment Plans Do Psychologists Use On Psychopaths

Will a psychiatrist ever tell a psychopath what they are?

Most people who do evaluations specifically for psychopathy (as I have on occasion), work in the forensic field (as I was at the time).The reason?In the real world (civilian life), *most* people with psychopathy will not be seeking treatment, you don’t see them often in adulthood in a voluntary outpatient clinical setting - at least I didn’t.But in a clinical setting I would certainly share whatever diagnosis I give people - no matter what it was. In fact, I usually even review the criteria with them, and talk to them about it.For me, the more clients know about their diagnosis, the better. I even give them recent research information if they want it to support what plan we’ll take in their treatment and why.Their diagnosis is not a secret. It’s about them. There’s not a psychiatrist I know who would “hide” a diagnosis from a patient, any diagnosis - you’re an adult for pete’s sake.In forensics, your job is a bit different than a private clinical setting - usually in forensic work, your job is to evaluate “for” something…courts, etc..and the client is usually *never* aware of whatever diagnosis they are given - I’ve had clients with schizophrenia, depression, etc..who I never talked to about their diagnosis because it simply was just about a report I would later write for the legal system and I never had further contact with the client at all.

I think my boyfriend is a psycho psychopath?

Ok, before the bad stuff there's good stuff that must be said. We're totally in love, he does not cheat on me or beat me. But he is a bit obsessed with sex, and he only has two emotions comfortable and angry. He has no facial expressions either. I never suspected anything was wrong with him till I found out how he makes his money. He has a bunch of illegal activities that brings a lot of money and he has minions that do the dirty work and he directs and the whole thing on his phone. And because were really young he uses that as an excuse to be extra harsh and whenever one guy messes up he sends another one to discipline him and it's just awful and the "activities" aren't scams or anything more like violent gambling. I just don't see this as a good enough reason to dump him tho, maybe until he hurts me right?

Can a psychopath become a therapist?

Movies and real life are different, but in this case a good take on real life... take a look at Hannibal Lector (perhaps not completely fictional), yes, definitely a psychopath, but incredibly Intelligent, perhaps a genius, which might go along with psychopaths in general, just missing a key factor in the composition of brain matter which is conscience/guilt. My theory is you have to experience life to know life,
Hannibal was used by this young, intern-like criminal, serial killer investigator, for other serial killer related crimes, Why?, because of knowledge, there is nothing better than experience. When you get screened for government work DEA, CIA they look at all, don't you think someone that has actual experience in dealing, shuffling drugs is going to know how the system works? I would think that would be an advantage...government, not looking for that, clean record, that's what they want...but here's another example; Catch Me If You Can...non-fiction, a true story. Bad guy good at check forgery, eventually the FBI caught on and guess what...happily ever after.
You know you. You know when you need help, honestly I'm an Emergency Room Nurse, we have a Crisis Team available to counsel patients in the ER that are felt by the doctor to need help psychologically, in my opinion most of the staff that is associated with the Crisis Team, is in helps to have been in that situation, if you can't help yourself, maybe you can help someone else.
I won't go on any further, you seem to have accepted your faith and are trying to deal with it appropriately, but there is help, I know you know that.

What treatment plan would best fit Ted Bundy?

Trust me I know Ted Bundy was an awful man. I have been doing research on him since's 12:30am on a Saturday, I know sad. But anyway, let's say they didn't give him the death penalty (which I believe he deserved) but lets say it didn't happen and he had to go see a Psychologist which treatment plan do you think could fit him?

I am so drained with all of the info I've had to take in about him today that I can't seem to feel like any fit at the moment. I can't see thee light right now.

So if you could please do me the favor of giving me your opinions!


P.S by treatment I mean what type of therapy would be used to "fix" him.